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Shubu Mukherjee, Principal Engineer and Director, SPEARS (Simulation & Pathfinding of Efficient and Reliable Systems): Intel
This book provides a comprehensive description of the architetural techniques to tackle the soft error problem. It covers the new methodologies for quantitative analysis of soft errors as well as novel, cost-effective architectural techniques to mitigate them. To provide readers with a better grasp of the broader problem deffinition and solution space, this book also delves into the physics of soft errors and reviews current circuit and software mitigation techniques. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Device- and Circuit-Level Modeling, Measurement, and Mitigation Chapter 3: Architectural Vulnerability Analysis Chapter 4: Advanced Architectural Vulnerability Analysis Chapter 5: Error Coding Techniques Chapter 6: Fault Detection via Redundant Execution Chapter 7: Hardware Error Recovery Chapter 8: Software Detection and Recovery
Practitioners in semi-conductor industry, researchers & developers in computer architecture, advanced graduate seminar courses on soft errors, and (iv) as a reference book for undergraduate courses in computer architecture. I will describe many basic and advanced techniques to make this book of interest to this broad audience.
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Device- and Circuit-Level Modeling, Measurement, and Mitigation Chapter 3: Architectural Vulnerability Analysis Chapter 4: Advanced Architectural Vulnerability Analysis Chapter 5: Error Coding Techniques Chapter 6: Fault Detection via Redundant Execution Chapter 7: Hardware Error Recovery Chapter 8: Software Detection and Recovery |