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英文原版书籍:Guide to RISC Processors For Programmers and Engineers
Popular processor designs can be broadly divided into two categories: Complex Instruction
Set Computers (CISC) and Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC). The dominant
processor in the PC market, Pentium, belongs to the CISC category. However, the recent
trend is to use the RISC designs. Even Intel has moved from CISC to RISC design for
their 64-bit processor. The main objective of this book is to provide a guide to the architecture
and assembly language of the popular RISC processors. In all, we cover five RISC
designs in a comprehensive manner.
To explore RISC assembly language, we selected the MIPS processor, which is pedagogically
appealing as it closely adheres to the RISC principles. Furthermore, the availability
of the SPIM simulator allows us to use a PC to learn the MIPS assembly language.
Intended Use
This book is intended for computer professionals and university students. Anyone who is
interested in learning about RISC processors will benefit from this book, which has been
structured so that it can be used for self-study. The reader is assumed to have had some
experience in a structured, high-level language such as C. However, the book does not
assume extensive knowledge of any high-level language—only the basics are needed.
Assembly language programming is part of several undergraduate curricula in computer
science, computer engineering, and electrical engineering departments. This book
can be used as a companion text in those courses that teach assembly language.
viii Preface
Here is a summary of the special features that set this book apart.
• This probably is the only book on the market to cover five popular RISC architectures:
MIPS, SPARC, PowerPC, Itanium, and ARM.
• There is a methodical organization of chapters for a step-by-step introduction to the
MIPS assembly language.
• This book does not use fragments of code in examples. All examples are complete
in the sense that they can be assembled and run giving a better feeling as to how
these programs work.
• Source code for the MIPS assembly language program examples is available from
the book’s Web site (www.scs.carleton.ca/˜sivarama/risc_book).
• The book is self-contained and does not assume a background in computer organization.
All necessary background material is presented in the book.
• Interchapter dependencies are kept to a minimum to offer maximum flexibility to
instructors in organizing the material. Each chapter provides an overview at the
beginning and a summary at the end.
• An extensive set of programming exercises is provided to reinforce the MIPS assembly
language concepts discussed in Part III of the book.
Overview and Organization
We divide the book into four parts. Part I presents introductory topics and consists of the
first three chapters. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to CISC and RISC architectures. In
addition, it introduces assembly language and gives reasons for programming in assembly
language. The next chapter discusses processor design issues including the number of
addresses used in processor instructions, how flow control is altered by branches and
procedure calls, and other instruction set design issues. Chapter 3 presents the RISC
design principles.
The second part describes several RISC architectures. In all, we cover five architectures:
MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC, Itanium, and ARM. For each architecture, we provide
many details on its instruction set. Our discussion of MIPS in this part is rather brief
because we devote the entire Part III to its assembly language.
The third part, which consists of nine chapters, covers the MIPS assembly language.
This part allows you to get hands-on experience in writing the MIPS assembly language
programs. You don’t need a MIPS-based system to do this! You can run these programs
on your PC using the SPIMsimulator. Our thanks go to Professor James Larus for writing
the simulator, for which we provide details on installation and use.
The last part consists of several appendices. These appendices give reference information
on various number systems, character representation, and the MIPS instruction set.
In addition, we also give several programming exercises so that you can practice writing
MIPS assembly language programs.
Preface ix
Several people have contributed, either directly or indirectly, to the writing of this book.
First and foremost, I would like to thank Sobha and Veda for their understanding and
I want to thank Ann Kostant, Executive Editor and Wayne Wheeler, Associate Editor,
both at Springer, for their enthusiastic support for the project. I would also like to express
my appreciation to the staff at the Springer production department for converting my
camera-ready copy into the book in front of you.
I also express my appreciation to the School of Computer Science, Carleton University
for providing a great atmosphere to complete this book. |