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Files included:
- SaltdKG.exe
- MentorKG.exe
- Float.bat
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+-----------+ E.F.A. .T.E.A.M. . +-----------+
EDA FOR ALL Team Presents :
Siemens and Mentor Graphics KeyGens
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▓ CRACKER : TEAM EFA #'s Files : 02 Files ▓
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Siemens - Mentor Graphics KeyGens Release Notes.
To accomodate the use of Siemens Licensing, plain SIGN= was added.
As Mentor now has gone CRO, making a working license has become an
"almost" impossible task. Also all programs are now checksum or
CRC32 checked, so any patch will show up and programs will abort.
These KeyGens have been rewritten from scratch, so it does not have
any more an internal feature list. It will, instead, read and
analyse all mgc.pkginfo for the required features.
Licenses are divided in four main groups:
* Atomic: An atomic license authorizes the use of a single
application or option to an application.
* Extended: these follow the same rules as the atomics, but may not
be present on every package info file.
* Station: A station license usually ends in a "_s" suffix and
authorizes the use of any applications contained in that station.
* Composite: A composite license usually ends in a "_c" suffix and
typically authorizes the use of more than one application under
the same license, although a composite license does not usually
authorize as many applications as a station license.
So initially a list of Composite/Station is setup, then the other
features are analysed to see if they can be checked out by these
or not. If not, they are marked as Required, because, after all,
YOU WANT ALL FEATURES AVIABLE! Evaluation features are listed, but
are discarded, because as they are checked out first, they will
render the software useless, running it in demo mode.
The default mode for licensing is tying the license to a MAC or a
Network adapter, basically known as NodeLocked. It is the fastest
one and does not require any daemons or services running. So, it
is better to install a nodelocked license on each machine, than
mantain a network floating, and packet consuming, license server
(tied on its local nodelock, MAC or Flexkey).
Some notes:
1- The programs must be installed before you use this KeyGen!
You may still run the KeyGens though, but you must provide the
required package and dll, either in the current folder or
specifying their locations with the -dll and/or -pkg options if
they are in different folders.
2- When installing a Siemens/Mentor product, do it skipping
3- The default FlexLM license file is C:\FlexLM\LICENSE.DAT
This is hardcoded, so any program that cannot find its own
license, will try this one, just in case...
FlexLM is installed automatically.
4- Siemens mantains its own license, so do not clutter the default
one. If you have one already installed, the keygen will update
it automatically with all the missing features it may found.
5- On any doubt, regarding the KeyGens, run them with the -? option
and they will display a help (usage) page.
6- As the KeyGens require access to the registry, they will only
run with administrator privileges on UGA enabled OS.
7- If the keygens cannot have access rigths on the License file
you may use the license utility to replace the installed one.
8- Some suites may be marked as Not available, but you may note
that they are checked out by the PCLS_OK utility. This is due
that a program will try to checkout ONLY the suites related to
it! The "unaviable" may be free to checkout by other program.
E.g. sysdesign_c is NOT available for Pads Layout but is to
Pads Logic...
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Install all the products you need, skipping licensing setup.
Stop any program that may be running, e.g. iCDB Server
Run either Mentor or Saltd Keygen to update/generate your license.
You may save the LICENSE.TXT file generated and update your license
with the Licensing Configurator in the event that if it was not done
Some of the KeyGens Options:
* No options
In this case, ONLY IF a Siemens product is installed, it will
generate a LICENSE.TXT with ALL the required features on your
%TEMP% folder and launch it in notepad, so you can save it to
any place you want. At the same time, will try to update the
current license file as defined in the registry, adding any
missing features not found on it. You may also install this
file as your license file, running the licensing setup.
* -patch [patchfolder]
The KeyGen will verify and fix, if needed, all files on the
Mentor install folder or in patchfolder, if given.
Included all executables and libraries in ELF, x86 and x64.
* -pkg path_to_package
The KeyGen will use the given path_to_package\mgc.pkginfo to
get more features.
* -dll path_to_dll
The KeyGen will use the given path_to_dll to aditional patch.
This is usefull for a Linux instalation under win.
* Other options include adding a Serial Number, Notice, Issuer,
cheksum, log file, etc. See the usage (-?) for more options.
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U▓ ░ ▀▀▓UUUUU G R O U P N E W S UUUUU▓▀▀ ░ ▓U
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As we are the ppl who actually work on the stuff that we release, therefore
we try to test it as extensively as we can........
But some time we can miss some feature... let us know and we will solve the
We are a group that have been working under very low profile and we are
targetting EDA stuff..
We are in need of some affils, SUPPLIER, talented CRACKERS and gfxers for
completing our crew....
If you think that you MUST join a nice grp of EDA engineers and keep this
amazing job UP, Just come on EFNET for talk a bit.
Also remember: We supply this kind of stuff just to allow you to use the
costly EDA tools for your personal learning and skill. Any commercial or
professional use is unfair to everybody, resulting only in thighter
security and no real gain in software productivity, as seen over these
past years.
SO, if you realy need this program for your daily work, consider buying it.
Earn money from your work! Use your talents....
Hope to hear about us more.......
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Respects goes to all grps who are trying to make a difference on the
scene like *SOS* and others.....
Thanks to LONG for the clever idea on fixing licensing here....
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▀ ▀▀▓UU▓▄▄▄ EMAIL : TEAM_EFA@YAHOO.COM ▄▄▄▓UU▓▀▀ ▀
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