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[原创] Pulsewidth Modulated DC-to-DC Power Conversion, By Byungcho Choi, Second Edition

发表于 2024-2-5 22:32:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Pulsewidth Modulated DC-to-DC Power Conversion:
Circuits, Dynamics, Control, and DC Power Distribution Systems,
Second Edition

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By Byungcho Choi, IEEE Press (Wiley), October 2021, ISBN: 9781119454458 (hardcover), 720 pages, ISBN: 9781119454441 (adobe pdf), ISBN: 9781119454472 (epub)
DC grids are believed to be an important contributing technology for energy sustainability. DC grids can increase the penetration of renewable energy resources in electrical networks and enhance the coordinated use of distributed energy storage while improving the efficiency of energy supply as most loads are now dc. For dc grids including photovoltaic energy, constant power loads, and battery storage, dc–dc converters are the key technology for the establishment of a stable dc grid, conveying dc power throughout the grid.
Given the complex structure of dc power distribution grids using cascaded/paralleled converters; lines; input and output filter stages; and converter-driven loads, new approaches are needed to devise stable and high-performance control algorithms. The second edition of the book Pulsewidth Modulated DC-to-DC Power Conversion: Circuits, Dynamics, Control, and DC Power Distribution Systems presents control design procedures for standalone dc–dc converters and then extends the proposed control design to dc power distribution systems. The book is divided in four parts and 12 chapters.
Hundreds of two-color high-quality great figures are also provided to clearly illustrate key concepts and design.
Chapter 1, “PWM DC-to-DC Power Conversion,” is an introduction to pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) dc-to-dc power conversion. Next, the first part, “DC-to-DC Power Converter Circuits,” includes two chapters dealing with dc-to-dc converters, ranging from nonisolated single-switch converters to transformer-isolated multiple-switch converters. Chapter 2, “Buck Converter,” considers the step-down dc-to-dc (buck) converter, including steady-state and transient analysis in open-loop and closed-loop using computer-based circuit simulators. Chapter 3, “DC-to-DC Power Converter Circuits,” uses the methods introduced in the previous chapter to study boost and buck/boost converters and isolated PWM flyback and forward converters together with bridge-type converters.
Part II, “Modeling and Dynamics of PWM Converters,” includes three chapters on modeling, transfer functions, and dynamic performance, respectively. Chapter 4, “Modeling PWM DC-to-DC Converters,” starts with switched state-space models, averaged state-space models, and circuit averaging techniques and then introduces the frequency domain modeling of PWM converters. This includes small-signal models for the power stage; the zero-dynamics PWM block; continuous conduction mode (CCM); discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) modeling; and the feedback circuit of the three basic PWM converters. Chapter 5, “Power Stage Transfer Functions,” presents the Bode plot analysis of the transfer functions of the buck converter’s power stage to establish the basis for the control design and performance evaluation of closed-loop behavior in CCM and in DCM, using transfer function simplifications. Chapter 5 also includes converters with right-hand plane zero (nonminimum phase converters). Chapter 6, “Dynamic Performance of PWM DC-to-DC Converters,” covers the stability and dynamic performance of PWM converters, based on strongly reviewed linear control foundations.
Part III, “Control Schemes and Converter Performance,” includes two chapters. Chapter 7, “Feedback Compensation and Closed-Loop Performance–Voltage Mode Control,” presents voltage mode control, studying converter control design using analog three-pole two-zero feedback compensation, as well as alternative three-pole two-zero feedback compensation for high-voltage applications, together with performance analysis. Then, Chapter 8, “Current Mode Control,” deals with current mode control starting from the analysis of the sampling effects of current mode control to developing control design procedures for the current mode control of converters by using ramp compensation.
Part IV, “DC Power Distribution Systems,” includes four chapters on uncoupled converters and extra element theorem; load-coupled and loading effects; source-coupled and input filter interaction; and the design of dc power distribution systems. Chapter 9, “Uncoupled Converter and Extra Element Theory,” presents a systematic design technique for PWM converters without prior knowledge about the converter source or load impedances (constant current source load). Chapter 10, “Load-Coupled Converters and Loading Effects,” and Chapter 11, “Source-Coupled Converters and Input Filter Interaction,” investigate the dynamics and performance of dc-to-dc converters in multistage power distribution systems coupled by their load impedances and source impedances, respectively. Chapter 12, “Design of DC Power Distribution Systems,” designs multistage parallel-module dc power distribution systems, including line filter planning using the negative resistance equivalent of downstream converters, while providing the system design procedures for robust stability and programmable performance metrics.
Every chapter uses a project-oriented design approach; includes several numerical examples to support the validity of approximations and control design procedures; and lists references. Hundreds of two-color high-quality great figures are also provided to clearly illustrate key concepts and design. End-of-chapter collections of problems are also in all chapters (with solutions in Appendix A at the end of the book). A preface, author short biography, table of contents, and index are also included.
Byungcho Choi, Ph.D., has been a professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, since 1996. He received his Ph.D. degree in 1992 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA. Over the past 20 years, Dr. Choi has been teaching and doing research in the area of the modeling and design optimization of high-frequency power converters; PWM dc-to-dc power conversion; and dc power distribution systems.
Pulsewidth Modulated DC-to-DC Power Conversion: Circuits, Dynamics, Control, and DC Power Distribution Systems offers modern students a comprehensive way to effortlessly learn industry-proven feedback design for dc–dc power converters and dc power distribution systems. The book provides fundamental methods, hands-on examples, and end-of-chapter problems so that readers can become familiar with modeling methods and closed-loop control design. The book is also perfect for graduate students, teachers, advanced researchers, and professional engineers willing to work further on constant power loads; nonlinear control like sliding mode, backstepping, fuzzy, and neuro-fuzzy; and predictive or fast predictive control of power converters, especially for nonminimum phase converters.
Fernando A. Silva
Instituto Superior Técnico, INESC-ID, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Byungcho Choi - Pulsewidth Modulated DC-to-DC Power Conversion_ Circuits, Dynami.pdf (28.8 MB, 下载次数: 308 )

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