Opening the PSF file ../psf/dc.dc ...
Important parameter values:
reltol = 1e-03
abstol(V) = 1 uV
abstol(I) = 1 pA
temp = 25 C
tnom = 27 C
tempeffects = all
gmindc = 1 pS
Notice from spectre at VDDA = 0 during DC analysis `dc'.
GminDC = 1 pS is large enough to noticeably affect the DC solution.
dV(AMP.M18:int_d) = -1.84716 V
Use the `gmin_check' option to eliminate or expand this report.
Bad pivoting is found during DC analysis. Option dc_pivot_check=yes is recommended for possible improvement of convergence.
Notice from spectre at VDDA = 36e-03 during DC analysis `dc'.
GminDC = 1 pS is large enough to noticeably affect the DC solution.
dV(AMP.M18:int_d) = -2.33759 V
Use the `gmin_check' option to eliminate or expand this report.
Bad pivoting is found during DC analysis. Option dc_pivot_check=yes is recommended for possible improvement of convergence.
Notice from spectre at VDDA = 72e-03 during DC analysis `dc'.
GminDC = 1 pS is large enough to noticeably affect the DC solution.
dV(AMP.M18:int_d) = -1.9965 V
Use the `gmin_check' option to eliminate or expand this report.
Bad pivoting is found during DC analysis. Option dc_pivot_check=yes is recommended for possible improvement of convergence.
Warning from spectre during hierarchy flattening.
WARNING (SFE-884): "/home/work/MacroLee/smic018bcd_OA/018UM/SPDK018V3EBCD_18506090120160200240300350400_OA_CDS_CalxRC_V1.0_REV1_0/smic18v3ebcd_1P4M_TM2_HRP1k_MIM2_TYP1_oa_cds_calxrc_v1.0_rev1_0/./models/spe/d18_v3e_bcd_v1p0_rev1_spe.lib" 42: The option 'gmin' is deleted because it is redefined at 'input.scs':line '126'.
WARNING (SFE-884): "/home/work/MacroLee/smic018bcd_OA/018UM/SPDK018V3EBCD_18506090120160200240300350400_OA_CDS_CalxRC_V1.0_REV1_0/smic18v3ebcd_1P4M_TM2_HRP1k_MIM2_TYP1_oa_cds_calxrc_v1.0_rev1_0/./models/spe/d18_v3e_bcd_v1p0_rev1_spe.lib" 4952: The option 'gmin' is deleted because it is redefined at 'input.scs':line '126'.
WARNING (SFE-884): "/home/work/MacroLee/smic018bcd_OA/018UM/SPDK018V3EBCD_18506090120160200240300350400_OA_CDS_CalxRC_V1.0_REV1_0/smic18v3ebcd_1P4M_TM2_HRP1k_MIM2_TYP1_oa_cds_calxrc_v1.0_rev1_0/./models/spe/d18_v3e_bcd_v1p0_rev1_spe.lib" 8850: The option 'gmin' is deleted because it is redefined at 'input.scs':line '126'.
WARNING (SFE-884): "/home/work/MacroLee/smic018bcd_OA/018UM/SPDK018V3EBCD_18506090120160200240300350400_OA_CDS_CalxRC_V1.0_REV1_0/smic18v3ebcd_1P4M_TM2_HRP1k_MIM2_TYP1_oa_cds_calxrc_v1.0_rev1_0/./models/spe/d18_v3e_bcd_v1p0_rev1_spe.lib" 10002: The option 'gmin' is deleted because it is redefined at 'input.scs':line '126'.
WARNING (SFE-884): "/home/work/MacroLee/smic018bcd_OA/018UM/SPDK018V3EBCD_18506090120160200240300350400_OA_CDS_CalxRC_V1.0_REV1_0/smic18v3ebcd_1P4M_TM2_HRP1k_MIM2_TYP1_oa_cds_calxrc_v1.0_rev1_0/./models/spe/d18_v3e_bcd_v1p0_rev1_spe.lib" 10129: The option 'gmin' is deleted because it is redefined at 'input.scs':line '126'.
Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed.