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Multi-armed bandits have now been studied for nearly a century. While research
in the beginning was quite meandering, there is now a large community publishing
hundreds of articles every year. Bandit algorithms are also finding their way into
practical applications in industry, especially in on-line platforms where data is
readily available and automation is the only way to scale.
We had hoped to write a comprehensive book, but the literature is now so vast
that many topics have been excluded. In the end we settled on the more modest
goal of equipping our readers with enough expertise to explore the specialized
literature by themselves, and to adapt existing algorithms to their applications.
This latter point is important. Problems in theory are all alike; every application is
different. A practitioner seeking to apply a bandit algorithm needs to understand
which assumptions in the theory are important and how to modify the algorithm
when the assumptions change. We hope this book can provide that understanding.