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侵权通知公告 Notice of Infringement
我们近来发现论坛中部分链接涉及侵权内容,包括但不限于涉及Synopsys软件的破解版本或未经授权的许可。 Recently we’ve noted that some postings on the BBS contain infringing contents, which include but are not limited to crack versions and unauthorized licenses of Synopsys software.
根据相关法律规定,我们已将论坛中包含侵权内容的帖子永久删除,并会继续删除论坛中任何包含侵权内容的帖子。我们在此郑重要求所有用户不得再发布涉及任何侵权内容的帖子,同时应当立即删除并停止使用任何从本站下载的侵权内容。 According to relevant laws and regulations, we’ve permanently deleted and will continue to permanently delete all those infringing links posted on the BBS. We hereby seriously require that all users should not publish any postings that may contain infringing contents and should immediately delete and stop using any infringing contents that were downloaded from this website.
希望大家遵守相关法律规定,并且切实尊重他人知识产权。我们保留对任何侵犯知识产权的行为予以追究的权利。 We all should comply with relevant laws and regulation and should fully respect intellectual property rights of any third parties. We reserve our rights to pursue liabilities against any intellectual property infringements.