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本帖最后由 zhaowentao 于 2016-11-23 13:09 编辑
华信通半导体招聘CPU设计团队招聘,目前开放的岗位包括CPU Performance Modeling Engineer 和 CPU Micro-architect Design Engineer。工作地点在北京或者上海。有兴趣的同事请将简历发送至:zhang.ran@hxt-semitech.com。
1. CPU Performance Modeling Engineer
JobOverview We are seeking CPU performance modeling andanalysis engineers to develop the next generation of Huaxintong'sindustry-leading custom ARM-compatible CPUs. Individuals in this team will beinvolved in all phases of product development, from proving-out initialhigh-level concepts down to modeling the bits of individual registers. We needengineers who can help us predict CPU and SOC performance before the silicon isavailable. In this team, individuals will work with CPU micro-architects todefine the major blocks of the Huaxintong's next generation custom CPU. Use C++to develop models of the Instruction Unit, Execution Unit, Storage Unit, Cachesand coherent bus. Employ the C++ model to perform pre-silicon performancestudies/predictions of the CPU using industry standard benchmarks. Analyze theresults of the performance studies and recommend micro-architecture changes toimprove the results.
MinimumQualifications We are looking for individuals that have 3+years experience or equivalent education in the following areas: 1. Processor architecture 2. Processor micro-architecture 3. C++ programming and hardware designlanguage, such as Verilog or VHDL 4. Building processor models at differentlevels of abstraction 5. Processor performance analyses
PreferredQualifications Additional skills in the following areasare a plus: 1. Familiarity with ARMarchitecture 2. Familiarity with systemarchitecture 3. Experience in microarchitectureimplementation. 4. Familiarity with on/off chipcoherence design or Implementation, such as ACE, CHI/CHIE,CCIX. 5. Familiarity with Linux softwaredevelopment 6. Familiarity with industrystandard benchmarks
EducationRequirements Required: Master's, Computer Engineeringand/or Computer Science
Preferred: Doctorate, Computer Engineeringand/or Computer Science or equivalent experience.
2. CPU Micro-architect and Design Engineer
JobOverview We are seeking CPU micro-architectureengineers to develop the next generation of Huaxintong's industry-leadingcustom ARM-compatible CPUs. Individuals in this team will be involved in allphases of product development, from proving-out initial high-level conceptsdown to modeling the bits of individual registers. We need engineers who canhelp us design and implement CPU micro-architecture. In this team, individualswill work with CPU performance modeling team and verification team to designthe major blocks of the Huaxintong's next generation custom CPU. Use HardwareDescription Language to design models of the Instruction Unit, Execution Unit,Storage Unit, Caches and coherence bus system. Employ synthesis, STA and powertools to achieve improve performance with reasonable overhead.
MinimumQualifications We are looking for individuals that have 3+years’ experience or equivalent education in the following areas:
1. Good understanding ofRISC and CPU architecture 2. High performance logic design techniques 3. Familiar with Verilog/VHDL, and behaviormodeling 4. Experience with simulation and synthesistools
Additional skills in the following areasare a plus: 1. Industry experience in a specific highperformance CPU design. 2. Experience withCPU function unit, such as instruction unit, execution unit and O3 relatedlogic. 3. Experience with CPUmemory system unit, such as Load/Storage unit, TLB, MMU. 4. Experience with coherenceprotocol implementation, such as ACE, CHI/CHIE. 5. Knowledge of verification and goodcommunication skill with verification team EducationRequirements Required: Master’s, Electronic Engineering and/orComputer Science
Preferred: Doctorate, Electronic Engineeringand/or Computer Science or equivalent experience.