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最新的职位出来了,有兴趣的可以发邮件到我公司邮箱咨询,或者直接把中英文简历发给我。 我的公司邮箱是libo.zhu@intel.com 老牌大公司,现在公司状态挺好,没感觉到严冬,整体福利,前景都很好,有班车,各种俱乐部,工作强度不大,竟然还有健身房.目前公司有些大组比如服务器相关的大量招人,机会不容错过,公司求贤若渴.基本要求211大学毕业---重点大学更好,最好研究生,有工作经验的,不成功就当交个朋友...应届生可以绕行. 欢迎女生来投,因为公司男生太多了需要点补充 有人问内推有啥好处,相比网上投?其实区别在于:就算简历写得不乍的,面试的机会还是挺大的,它不会直接被一下子过滤的. 列出组内急招职位(因为本人现在作虚拟化方向,所以就只列出小组的职位),其它所有的职位具体请查看如下网站(也可以内推的), www.intel.com/jobs,然后搜索location为china的职位。 Software Engineer on Graphic Virtualization – 773243 Description Different usage models of Virtualization on client andserver systems are rising. For example, to provide end user the same desktopexperience in virtualization environment, to support graphic virtualization oncloud. XenGT (Graphic Virtualization on Xen) and KVMGT (GraphicVirtualization on KVM) project are software solutions that enable Intel GenGraphics Processing Unit to be shared among several virtual machines. Thetechnology is based on mediated passthrough GPU resources to VMs. The candidate will be working on developing cutting-edgesoftware for Intel Graphics Virtualization solutions. He/she will beresponsible for: Design graphics virtualization solutions for Intel GenGraphics; Implementations in VMM/OS to provide support for graphicsspecific requirements; Collaborate with graphics driver team to ensure validity ofthe total solution. Qualifications 1. In depth knowledge of Linuxkernel or driver hands-on development experience, system level knowledge of OS; 2. Good knowledge in virtualizationtechnology, such as Xen, KVM, etc 3. GPU architecture, graphic driver,X86 architecture skills set would be preferred. 4. Experienced in the C programminglanguage; 5. Upstream experience will be aplus 6. English skills, including oraland written English P.S. Either Linux kernel, or virtualization, or graphicdriver, or Linux driver, or upstream domain expert and willing to expand yourexpertise to other areas are welcome to apply! Location:
Shanghai or Beijing |