我按照你的说明在win7下安装,为什么总是报错license不对? ****** HSPICE -- J-2014.09-SP2-2 64-BIT (Apr 17 2015) win64 ******
Copyright (C) 2014 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Unpublished-rights reserved under US copyright laws.
This program is protected by law and is subject to the
terms and conditions of the license agreement from Synopsys.
Use of this program is your acceptance to be bound by the
license agreement. HSPICE is the trademark of Synopsys, Inc.
Input File: test.sp
Command line options: -i test.sp -o test.lis
lic: FLEXlm: v10.9.8
lic: USER: daif0002 HOSTNAME: MTC-PC-wangjw0036
lic: HOSTID: 30b49e978803 PID: 4404
lic: Invalid (inconsistent) license key. The license key and data for the fea
lic: Using FLEXlm license files:
lic: C:\flexlm\Synopsys.dat;27000@MTC-PC-wangjw0036
lic: Unable to checkout (hspice)
lic: Invalid (inconsistent) license key. The license key and data for the fea
lic: Using FLEXlm license files:
lic: C:\flexlm\Synopsys.dat;27000@MTC-PC-wangjw0036
lic: Unable to checkout (hspicewin)
lic: total license checkout elapse time: 0.71(s)