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1》 关于布线长度标准上是这么描述的:
Trace Length Limits
Trace lengths from the top of the add-in card’s edge connector to the PCI device are as
• The maximum trace lengths for all 32-bit interface signals are limited to 1.5 inches
for 32-bit and 64-bit add-in cards. This includes all signal groups (refer to Section
2.2.) except those listed as “System Pins,” “Interrupt Pins,” “SMBus,” and “JTAG
• The trace lengths of the additional signals used in the 64-bit extension are limited to
2 inches on all 64-bit add-in cards.
• The trace length for the PCI CLK signal is 2.5 inches ± 0.1 inches for 32-bit and
64-bit add-in cards and must be routed to only one load.
请教“top of the add-in card’s edge connector”到底指哪个位置?很多资料说是接触点,可是接触点有一定范围,这个范围已经大于CLK +-0.1 inch的精度要求了。应该从金手指的最底端开始算?
2》 33M和66M 主频下上述要求没有变化吗?
3》 如果使用匹配电阻是否应该尽量与金手指距离近一点?不太明白这个匹配的原理,是起阻尼电阻的作用吗?如果起匹配负载阻抗的作用,是否放在最终负载边上会更好一些?还是因为总线上是多负载的所以要尽量与金手指距离近一点以减小负载对总线的影响?
4》 不太理解既靠反射提高电平又要阻抗匹配的做法。
5》 高频信号回路用地层和电源层哪个好?我以为应该用地的,这里似乎是第二选择?
暂时想起这些,多谢指教。 |