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发表于 2016-9-8 09:48:47
wushangkeji 发表于 2016-9-7 22:39
/* Copyright 2002-2005 Tiburon Design Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. This software has been provided pursuant to a License Agreement containing restrictions on its use. This software contains valuable trade secrets and proprietary information of Tiburon Design Automation, Inc. and is protected by law. It may not be copied or distributed in any form or medium, disclosed to third parties, reverse engineered or used in any manner not provided for in said License Agreement except with the prior written authorization from Tiburon Design Automation, Inc. Verilog-A definition of SPICE Gummel-Poon $RCSfile: bjt.va,v $ $Revision: 1.11 $ $Date: 2006/07/04 07:02:14 $ */ `include "constants.vams" `include "disciplines.vams" `include "compact.vams" `define INCLUDE_LEAD_INDUCTANCE //`define INCLUDE_DELAY `define USE_EXCESS_PHASE // `define THREE_TERMINALS `define PI_SQ_24 2.43170840742 // = 24 / pi / pi `define PI_SQ_144 14.5902504445 // = 144 / pi / pi `define ZERO_TO_INF(paramValue, varName, infinity) \ if (paramValue == 0.0) \ varName = infinity;\ else \ varName = paramValue `ifdef THREE_TERMINALS module bjt_va(c,b,e); `else module bjt_va(c,b,e,s); `endif // %%DEVICE_CLASS=BJT4(NPN,PNP)%% `ifdef THREE_TERMINALS inout c,b,e; `else inout c,b,e,s; `endif electrical c,b,e,s; electrical ci,bi,ei; `define max_arg 80 analog function real exp_soft; input x; real x; begin if (x < `max_arg) exp_soft = exp(x); else exp_soft = (x + 1 - `max_arg) * exp(`max_arg); end endfunction //Ordering of parameters is basically the same as SPICE parameter real Area = 1 from (0.0:inf]; // Area scaling factor parameter real Temp = `NOT_GIVEN; // Device temperature override [C] parameter real Is = 1e-16 from (0.0:inf]; // Transport saturation current [A] parameter real Bf = 100 from (0.0:inf]; // Ideal max fwd beta parameter real Nf = 1.0 from (0.0:inf]; // Forward current emission coeff parameter real Vaf = 1e9 from [0.0:inf]; // Forward early voltage [v] parameter real Ikf = 1e9 from (0.0:inf]; // Forward beta high-current roll-off [A] parameter real Ise = 0 from [0.0:inf]; // B-E leakage current [A] parameter real Ne = 1.5 from (0.0:inf]; // B-E p-n leakage emission coeff parameter real Br = 1.0 from (0.0:inf]; // Ideal max rev beta parameter real Nr = 1.0 from (0.0:inf]; // Reverse current emission coeff parameter real Var = 1e9 from [0.0:inf]; // Forward Early voltage [v] parameter real Ikr = 1e9 from (0.0:inf]; // Reverse beta high-current roll-off [A] parameter real Isc = 0 from [0.0:inf]; // B-C leakage current [A] parameter real Nc = 2.0 from (0.0:inf]; // B-C p-n leakage emission coeff parameter real Rb = 0.0 from [0.0:inf]; // Zero-bias maximum base resistance [Ohm] parameter real Irb = 1e9 from [0.0:inf]; // Current where Rb falls halfway [A] parameter real Rbm = Rb from [0.0:inf]; // Zero-bias minimum base res (def=Rb) [Ohm] parameter real Re = 0.0 from [0.0:inf]; // Emitter ohmic resistance [Ohm] parameter real Rc = 0.0 from [0.0:inf]; // Collector ohmic resistance [Ohm] parameter real Cje = 0.0 from [0.0:inf]; // B-E zero-bias p-n cap [F] parameter real Vje = 0.75 from [0.0:inf]; // B-E built-in potential [v] parameter real Mje = 0.33 from (0.0:inf]; // B-E p-n grading factor parameter real Cjc = 0.0 from [0.0:inf]; // B-C zero-bias p-n cap [F] parameter real Vjc = 0.75 from [0.0:inf]; // B-C built-in potential [v] parameter real Mjc = 0.33 from (0.0:inf]; // B-C p-n grading factor parameter real Xcjc = 1.0 from [0.0:inf]; // Fraction of Cjc connected to Rb parameter real Cjs = 0.0 from [0.0:inf]; // C-S zero-bias p-n cap [F] parameter real Vjs = 0.75 from [0.0:1e9]; // Substrate built-in potential [v] parameter real Mjs = 0.0 from [0.0:inf]; // Substrate p-n grading factor parameter real Fc = 0.5 from (0.0:inf]; // Forward bias depletion cap coeff. parameter real Xtf = 0.0 from [0.0:inf]; // Transit time bias coeff parameter real Tf = 0.0 from [0.0:inf]; // Ideal forward transit time parameter real Vtf = 1e9 from [0.0:inf]; // Transit time dependency on Vbe [v] parameter real Itf = 0 from [0.0:inf]; // Transit time dependence on Ic [A] parameter real Ptf = 0.0 from [0.0:inf]; // Excess phase at 1/(2*pi*TF), degrees parameter real Tr = 0.0 from [0.0:inf]; // Ideal reverse transit time parameter real Kf = 0 from [0.0:inf]; // Flicker noise coeff parameter real Af = 1 from (0.0:inf]; // Flicker noise exponent parameter real Iss = 0 from [0.0:inf]; // Unused: Substrate P-N staturation current [A] parameter real Ns = 1.0 from (0.0:inf]; // Unused: Substrate p-n emission coeff parameter real Nk = 0.5 from (0.0:inf]; // High current roll-off coeff parameter real Tnom = `DEFAULT_TNOM from (-`P_CELSIUS0:inf); // Param meas temp [C] parameter real Eg = 1.11 from [0.0:inf]; // Bandgap voltage [eV] parameter real Xtb = 0.0 from [0.0:inf]; // Fwd and rev beta temp coeff parameter real Xti = 3.0 from [0.0:inf]; // IS temperature effect exponent parameter integer RbModel= 1 from [0:1]; // MDS=0 SPICE/LIBRA=1 // The following parameters are ignored but are used to allow easy // use in some simulators. parameter real Imax= 1e3; // Ignored! parameter real Ab= 0; // Ignored! parameter real Fb= 0; // Ignored! parameter real Ffe= 0; // Ignored! parameter integer Lateral= 0; // Ignored! parameter integer Approxqb= 0; // Ignored! parameter integer Mode= 0; // Ignored! parameter integer Noise= 0; // Ignored! `ifdef INCLUDE_DELAY parameter real Delay = 0 from [0.0:inf]; // delay of Ice(Vbe) `endif parameter integer NPN = 1 from [0:1]; parameter integer PNP = 0 from [0:1]; `ifdef INCLUDE_LEAD_INDUCTANCE parameter real Lb = 0 from [0:inf]; // Base inductance [H] parameter real Lc = 0 from [0:inf]; // Collector inductance [H] parameter real Le = 0 from [0:inf]; // Emitter inductance [H] `endif real Vbe, Vbi, Vt, Vbcx, Vbci, Vcs; real Ib, Ibe1, Ibe2, Ibc1, Ibc2, i_rb, Ic, rb; real vaf, var, vtf, Vtn; real Kq1, Kq2, Kqb; real Qje, Qbe, Qbc, Qjcx, Qjs; real x, tanx, Type; real tff, t0, t1, t2, t3; real T, EG_T, IS_T, ISE_T, ISC_T, BF_T, BR_T; real T_NOM; real Cjc_1, Cjc_2, Cjc0, Qjc0, Qjc, fcpe, fcpc; real Cje_1, Cje_2, Cje0, Qje0, vdiff; real Cjs_1, Cjs0, Qjs0; real T0, T1, Jrb, Ib_Jrb; real ratioT; `ifdef USE_EXCESS_PHASE real Delay; `endif analog function real IS_of_T; input IS, ratioT, EG, Vth, XTI; real IS, ratioT, EG, Vth, XTI; begin IS_of_T = IS * exp((ratioT - 1) * EG / Vth) * pow(ratioT, XTI); end endfunction // IS_T analog function real I_of_T; input IS, ratioT, EG, N, Vth, XTI, XTB; real IS, ratioT, EG, N, Vth, XTI, XTB; begin I_of_T = IS / pow(ratioT, XTB) * exp( ( ratioT - 1) * EG / (N * Vth)) * pow(ratioT, XTI/N); end endfunction // I_of_T analog function real B_of_T; input B, ratioT, XTB; real B, ratioT, XTB; begin B_of_T = B * pow(ratioT, XTB); end endfunction // B_of_T analog function real EG_of_T; input T; real T; begin EG_of_T = 1.16- 0.000702 * T * T / (T + 1108); end endfunction // EG_of_T analog begin if (Temp == `NOT_GIVEN) T = $temperature; else T = Temp + `P_CELSIUS0; Vt = $vt(T); // Some simulators use allow variables to 0 to mean inf `ZERO_TO_INF(Vaf, vaf, 1.0e9); `ZERO_TO_INF(Var, var, 1.0e9); `ZERO_TO_INF(Vtf, vtf, 1.0e9); T_NOM = Tnom + `P_CELSIUS0; ratioT = T / T_NOM; EG_T = EG_of_T(T); IS_T = IS_of_T(Is, ratioT, EG_T, Vt, Xti); ISE_T = I_of_T(Ise, ratioT, EG_T, Ne, Vt, Xti, Xtb); ISC_T = I_of_T(Isc, ratioT, EG_T, Nc, Vt, Xti, Xtb); BF_T = B_of_T(Bf, ratioT, Xtb); BR_T = B_of_T(Br, ratioT, Xtb); `SET_TYPE(NPN,PNP,Type); if (Type == 0) Type = 1; Vbe = Type * V(bi, ei); Vbci = Type * V(bi, ci); Vbcx = Type * V(b, ci); Vcs = Type * V(ci, s); Vbi = Type * V(b, bi); Vtn = Vt * Nf; if (Vbe > -5 * Vtn) begin Ibe1 = IS_T * (exp_soft(Vbe / (Nf * Vt)) - 1); Ibe2 = ISE_T * (exp_soft(Vbe / (Ne * Vt)) - 1); end else begin Ibe1 = - IS_T + `SPICE_GMIN * Vbe; Ibe2 = - ISE_T; end Vtn = Vt * Nc; if (Vbci > -5 * Vtn) begin Ibc1 = IS_T * (exp_soft(Vbci / (Nr * Vt)) - 1); Ibc2 = ISC_T * (exp_soft(Vbci / (Nc * Vt)) - 1); end else begin Ibc1 = - IS_T + `SPICE_GMIN * Vbci; Ibc2 = - ISC_T; end Kq1 = 1 / (1 - Vbci / vaf - Vbe / var); Kq2 = Ibe1 / Ikf + Ibc1 / Ikr; Kqb = Kq1 * (1 + pow(1 + 4 * Kq2, Nk)) / 2; if (Irb == 1e9 || Irb == 0) begin rb = (Rbm + (Rb - Rbm) / Kqb) / Area; end else begin Ib = Area * (Ibe1/BF_T + Ibe2 + Ibc1/BR_T + Ibc2); if (Ib >= 0) begin Jrb = Area * Irb; Ib_Jrb = Ib / Jrb; Ib_Jrb = max(Ib_Jrb, 1e-9); if (RbModel == 0) begin T0 = pow(Ib_Jrb, 0.852); T1 = 1.0+3.0*T0; rb = Rbm + (Rb - Rbm)/sqrt(T1); end else begin T0 = sqrt(1.0 + `PI_SQ_144 * Ib_Jrb); T1 = `PI_SQ_24 * sqrt(Ib_Jrb); x = (-1.0 + T0) / T1; tanx = tan(x); rb = (Rbm + 3.0 * (Rb - Rbm) * (tanx - x) / (x * tanx * tanx)) / Area; end end else rb = Rb / Area; end if (rb) i_rb = Vbi / rb; // Base-emitter diffusion if (Ibe1 + Itf != 0.0) begin t0 = Ibe1 / (Ibe1 + Itf); tff = Tf * (1 + Xtf * t0 * t0 * exp_soft(Vbci / (1.44 * vtf))); end else tff = 0.0; t3 = 1 - Fc; // Calc base-emitter junction capacitance Cje0 = Cje; if (Mje == 1.0) begin Cje_1 = Cje0 / t3; Cje_2 = 1.0 / (Vje * t3); Qje0 = Cje0 * Vje* (0.5 + ln(Vje * t3)); end else begin Cje_1 = Cje0/pow(t3, Mje); Cje_2 = Mje / (Vje * t3); Qje0 = Cje_1 / (2.0 * Cje_2) * (1.0 + Mje) / (1.0 - Mje); end fcpe = Fc * Vje; if (Vbe <= fcpe) begin vdiff = Vje - Vbe; if (Mje == 1.0) Qje = -Cje0 * Vje * ln(vdiff); else if (Mje == 0.5) Qje = -2.0 * vdiff * Cje0 / sqrt(vdiff / Vje); else Qje = -Cje0 * pow(vdiff / Vje, -Mje) * vdiff / (1.0 - Mje); Qje = Qje + Qje0; end else begin t1 = 1.0 + Cje_2 * (Vbe - fcpe); Qje = Cje_1 * t1 * t1 / (2.0 * Cje_2); end Qbe = tff * Ibe1 / Kqb + Qje; // Intrinsic base-collector junction capacitance Cjc0 = Cjc; if (Mjc == 1.0) begin Cjc_1 = Cjc0 / t3; Cjc_2 = 1.0 / (Vjc * t3); Qjc0 = Cjc0 * Vjc * (0.5 + ln(Vjc * t3)); end else begin Cjc_1 = Cjc0 / pow(t3, Mjc); Cjc_2 = Mjc / (Vjc * t3); Qjc0 = Cjc_1 / (2.0 * Cjc_2) * (1.0 + Mjc) / (1.0 - Mjc); end fcpc = Fc * Vjc; if (Vbci <= fcpc) begin vdiff = Vjc - Vbci; if (Mjc == 1.0) Qjc = -ln(vdiff) * Cjc0 * Vjc; else if (Mjc == 0.5) Qjc = -2.0 * vdiff * Cjc0 / sqrt(vdiff / Vjc); else Qjc = -Cjc0 * pow(vdiff / Vjc, -Mjc) * vdiff / (1.0 - Mjc); Qjc = Qjc + Qjc0; end else begin t1 = 1.0 + Cjc_2 * (Vbci - fcpc); Qjc = Cjc_1 * t1 * t1 / (2.0 * Cjc_2); end Qjc = Qjc * Xcjc; // Calc external base-collector junction capacitance if (Vbcx <= fcpc) begin vdiff = Vjc - Vbcx; if (Mjc == 1.0) Qjcx = -Cjc0 * Vjc *ln(vdiff); else if (Mjc == 0.5) Qjcx = -2.0 * vdiff * Cjc0 / sqrt(vdiff / Vjc); else Qjcx = -Cjc0 * pow(vdiff / Vjc, -Mjc) * vdiff / (1.0 - Mjc); Qjcx = Qjcx + Qjc0; end else begin t1 = 1.0 + Cjc_2 * (Vbcx - fcpc); Qjcx = Cjc_1 * t1 * t1 / (2.0 * Cjc_2); end Qjcx = Qjcx * (1.0 - Xcjc) * Area; Qbc = Tr * Ibc1 + Qjc; // Calc substrate junction capacitance Cjs0 = Cjs; Cjs_1 = 0.0; Qjs0 = 0.0; if (Mjs == 1.0) begin Cjs_1 = 1.0 / Vjs; Qjs0 = -Cjs0 * Vjs * (0.5 + ln(Vjs)); end else if (Mjs != 0.0) begin Cjs_1 = Mjs / Vjs; Qjs0 = -Cjs0 / (2.0 * Cjs_1) * (1.0 + Mjs) / (1.0 - Mjs); end if ( Mjs == 0.0) Qjs = Cjs0 * Vcs; else if (Vcs >= 0.0) begin // (Rev bias) t1 = Vjs + Vcs; if (Mjs == 1.0) begin t2 = Cjs0 * Vjs; Qjs = t2 * ln(t1); end else if (Mjs == 0.5) Qjs = 2.0 * t1 * Cjs0 / sqrt(t1 / Vjs); else Qjs = Cjs0 * pow(t1 / Vjs, -Mjs) * t1 / (1.0 - Mjs); Qjs = Qjs + Qjs0; end else begin // (Fwd bias) t1 = 1.0 - Cjs_1 * Vcs; Qjs = -Cjs0 * t1 * t1 / (2.0 * Cjs_1); end Qjs = Qjs * Area; // Branch contributions I(bi, ei) <+ Type * Area * (Ibe1/BF_T + ddt(Qbe) + Ibe2); I(bi, ci) <+ Type * Area * (Ibc1/BR_T + ddt(Qbc) + Ibc2); I(b, ci) <+ Type * ddt(Qjcx); I(ci, s) <+ Type * ddt(Qjs); `ifdef THREE_TERMINALS V(s) <+ 0.0; `endif `ifdef INCLUDE_DELAY I(ci, ei) <+ Type * Area * ((absdelay(Ibe1, Delay) - Ibc1) / Kqb); `else `ifdef USE_EXCESS_PHASE Delay = Ptf * Tf * `M_PI / 180; I(ci, ei) <+ Type * Area * ((absdelay(Ibe1, Delay) - Ibc1) / Kqb); `else I(ci, ei) <+ Type * Area * ((Ibe1 - Ibc1) / Kqb); `endif `endif `ifdef INCLUDE_LEAD_INDUCTANCE V(b, bi) <+ I(b, bi) * rb + Lb * ddt(I(b,bi)); V(c, ci) <+ I(c, ci) * (Rc / Area) + Lc * ddt(I(c, ci)); V(e, ei) <+ white_noise(4 * `P_K * T * (Re / Area), "Re"); V(c, ci) <+ white_noise(4 * `P_K * T * (Rc / Area), "Rc"); V(e, ei) <+ I(e, ei) * (Re / Area) + Le * ddt(I(e, ei)); `else V(b, bi) <+ I(b, bi) * rb; // Formulating parasitics in this manner allows for // automatic branch reduction if R=0: if (Rc > 0.0) begin I(c, ci) <+ V(c, ci) / (Rc / Area); I(c, ci) <+ white_noise(4 * `P_K * T / (Rc / Area), "Rc"); end else V(c, ci) <+ 0.0; if (Re > 0.0) begin I(e, ei) <+ V(e, ei) / (Re / Area); I(e, ei) <+ white_noise(4 * `P_K * T / (Re / Area), "Re"); end else V(e, ei) <+ 0.0; `endif // base noise V(b, bi) <+ white_noise(4 * `P_K * T * rb, "Rb"); // Shot and flicker noise if (Af > 0 && Kf > 0) I(bi, ei) <+ flicker_noise(Kf * pow(Area * abs(i_rb), Af), 1.0, "flicker"); I(bi,ei) <+ white_noise(2 * `P_Q * abs(i_rb), "shot"); Ic = Ibe1 / Kqb - Ibc1 / Kqb - Ibc1 / Br - Ibc2; I(ci, ei) <+ white_noise(2 * `P_Q * Area * abs(Ic), "shot"); end endmodule but , how to use it ?? |