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Suppose the in-phase signal current sources, I i n l and Iin2, are
pushed into the class-AB output stage. As a result, the current
of the P-channel class-AB transistor, M20, increases while the
current in the N-channel class-AB transistors, M19, decreases
by the same amount. Consequently, the gate-voltages of both
the output transistors move up. Thus the output stage pulls
a current from the output node. This action continues until
the current through the P-channel class-AB transistor is equal
to 1t,7. Now, the current of the P-channel output transistor
is kept at a minimum value, which can be set by W over L
ratios of the class-AB control transistors. Note that the current
through the N-channel output transistor is still able to increase.
这是“A Compact Power-Efficient 3 V CMOS
Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Operational
Amplifier for VLSI Cell Libraries”
里的一段话,描述了Class AB的工作原理,我不明白的是他说这个两个电流是“in-phase”的,那么电流lin1 lin2他们不符合基尔霍夫定律啊。。。
其次他说这个电流push into the class-AB transistor会导致PMOS管里的电流增大,这是为什么,为什么不是NMOS管里的电流增加?
求各位高人解答 |