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1. 美术功底扎实,有原画或3D方面特长,3DMAX,PS,FLASH等软件使用熟练。
2. 学习能力出众,熟练掌握Photoshop、Illustrator、Flash等相关软件和数位板的使用。
3. 对于人员管理及协调资源分配有丰富经验,善于沟通和独立解决工作中问题。
4. 对游戏行业有深厚热情,深深喜爱游戏美术工作。
5. 对于页游有兴趣,能长期发展于此。
1. 专科以上学历,三-四年管理经验。
2. 熟悉游戏整体制作流程,擅长与他人沟通,敢于提出自己意见,敢于承认自己不足。
3. 良好的职业和个人素养,追求卓越,热爱自己本职工作,有集体荣誉感。
4. 善于沟通,善于思考,成熟稳重,富有团队精神,有敬业精神。
KT Human Resources Consulting Company (Shanghai) was established in 2001 in response to a need for a recruitment consultancy to be an active, contributing member of the semiconductor community, as opposed to simply a supplier to it.We provide professional search and talent acquisition in the Integrated Circuit、Electronic、Telecommunications industry of international corporations in Greater China. Our client list contains numerous international companies, many of them are long-term customers.
If you interested in the job, pls sent your cv to: hr@kthr.com, thanks! |