# Synopsys DesignWare Products Self-Extracting Download
# This script extracts and installs into the given directory
# files for the products included in:
# DesignWare IIP axi 2014.10a
# For help type:
# ./dw_iip_axi_2014.10a.run --help
Install to '/usr/synopsys/cclib'. Continue [y/n]? y
In addition to the encrypted product, this image contains the following
2 optional source features:
1) DWC-AMBA-Fabric-Source
Please enter a comma-separated list of numbers for each of the source
features that you purchased. If you purchased all of them, you may
enter 'all'. If you purchased none of them, simply press the Enter key.
Enter numbers here: all
You selected the following source features to install:
1) DWC-AMBA-Fabric-Source
Please enter your project ID for the source you purchased: 33333
This installation includes source. You are contractually required
to install this product in a project-specific location.
Is /usr/synopsys/cclib a project-specific location [y/n]? y
INFO: Extracting selected source and encrypted product.
Verifying archive integrity, this may take a few seconds ...
Checksums OK.
Unbundling image:
Extracting: iip_DW_axi_4.01a
Error: No such feature: DWC-AMBA-Fabric-Source. (SEC-1)
Error: This site is not licensed for 'DWC-AMBA-Fabric-Source'. (SEC-51)
ERROR: Unable to extract iip_DW_axi_4.01a source file from ./dw_iip_axi_2014.10a.run
Continue with installation [y/n]? y
Extracting: iip_DW_axi_a2x_2.01a
Error: No such feature: DWC-AMBA-Fabric-Source. (SEC-1)
Error: This site is not licensed for 'DWC-AMBA-Fabric-Source'. (SEC-51)
ERROR: Unable to extract iip_DW_axi_a2x_2.01a source file from ./dw_iip_axi_2014.10a.run