发表于 2010-9-15 13:53:02
The following product packages are available:
Standard edition
The standard edition has all features implemented.
Limited edition
The limited edition is a version of IAR Embedded Workbench without a debugger. Limitations:
The IAR C-SPY debugger is not available.
MISRA C is not available.
BaseLine edition information
The BaseLine edition is a special low-priced version of IAR Embedded Workbench. It has limitations both in performance and in the service and support that is provided. Limitations:
The code size limit of the MSP430 IAR Baseline C/C++ Compiler is set to 16 Kbytes.
The IAR Assembler delivered is the full version without any restrictions.
The IAR XLINK Linker will link a maximum of 16 Kbytes originating from C souce code, but an unlimited amount of code originating from assembly code.
The IAR BaseLine C-SPY Simulator will read a maximum of 16 Kbytes originating from C souce code, but an unlimited amount of code originating from assembly code.
MISRA C is not available.
KickStart edition
The KickStart edition is a special starter-kit/evaluation version of IAR Embedded Workbench with limitations both in code size and in the service and support that is provided. Limitations:
The code size limit of the MSP430 IAR KickStart C/C++ Compiler is set to 4 Kbytes for traditional MSP430 devices and 8 Kbytes for MSP430X devices.
The IAR Assembler delivered is the full version without any restrictions.
The IAR XLINK Linker will link a maximum of 4 Kbytes originating from C souce code for traditional MSP430 devices and 8 Kbytes for MSP430X devices, but an unlimited amount of code originating from assembly code.
The IAR KickStart C-SPY Simulator will read a maximum of 4 Kbytes originating from C code for traditional MSP430 devices and 8 Kbytes for MSP430X devices but is unlimited in the amount of assembly code read.
MISRA C is not available.
The runtime library source code is not included.
Evaluation edition
The Evaluation edition is a time-limited evaluation version that you will be able to run for 30 days. Limitations:
Will expire 30 days after generation of the evaluation key.
MISRA C is not available.
The runtime library source code is not available. |