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Cambridge- A first Course in Digital Communications - 2009

发表于 2009-10-7 11:48:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 xiajing 于 2009-10-7 12:01 编辑

A first Course in Digital Communications

Ha H. Nguyen University of Saskatchewan, CanadaEd Shwedyk University of Manitoba, Canada
# Hardcover: 562 pages
# Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (June 22, 2009)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0521876133
# ISBN-13: 978-0521876131
# Product Dimensions: 9.8 x 7.6 x 1.2 inches

                                        Communication technologyhas become pervasive in the modern world, and ever more complex.Focusing on the most basic ideas, this carefully paced, logicallystructured textbook is packed with insights and illustrative examples,making this an ideal introduction to modern digital communication.Examples with step-by-step solutions help with the assimilation oftheoretical ideas, and MATLAB exercises develop confidence in applyingmathematical concepts to real-world problems. Right from the start theauthors use the signal space approach to give students an intuitivefeel for the modulation/demodulation process. After a review of signalsand random processes, they describe core topics and techniques such assource coding, baseband transmission, modulation, and synchronization.The book closes with coverage of advanced topics such astrellis-coding, CMDA, and space-time codes to stimulate further study.This is an ideal textbook for anyone who wants to learn about moderndigital communication.
• Covers the fundamentals in sufficient detail to allow students to master the basics without being overwhelmed• Step-by-step examples and well-directed MATLAB exercises allow hands-on use of the key concepts to reinforce learning• Mathematical derivations are complete, but kept clear and simple to ensure a thorough understanding
ContentsPreface;Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Deterministic signalcharacterization and analysis; 3. Probability theory, random variablesand random processes; 4. Sampling and quantization; 5. Optimum receiverfor binary data transmission; 6. Baseband data transmission; 7. Basicdigital passband modulation; 8. M-ary signaling techniques; 9.Signaling over bandlimited channels; 10. Signaling over fadingchannels; 11. Advanced modulation techniques; 12. Synchronization;Index.
Reviews‘The use of a step-by-step approach to thedesign of signal transmission and reception techniques with the aid ofexamples, illustrations, and problem solving linked to practicalsystems is very useful.’Falah Ali, Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, University ofSussex, UK
‘What makes this book different from the existing books are elaboration of simple concepts and more examples.’Hsuan-Jung Su, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
‘The examples and problems constitute a very strong point in their text - they help to better understand the concepts.’Mónica Bugallo, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stony Brook University, New York

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