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[电子书]2008-Wireless Sensor Networks And Applications

发表于 2009-9-16 14:13:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Wireless Sensor Networks And Applications - Signals And Communication Technology
SECTION I Network Design and Network Modelling
Chapter 1
A Taxonomy-based Approach to Design of Large-scale Sensor Networks 3
Aravind Iyer, Sunil SKulkarni, Vivek Mhatre
and Catherine PRosenberg
1. Introduction 3
2. Classification of Sensor Network Applications 7
3. Salient Features of Sensor Networks 8
4. Common Design Problems in Sensor Networks 11
5. Class-specific Problems in Sensor Networks 13
6. Sensor Network Implementations 21
7. Conclusions and Future Directions 28
References 30
Chapter 2
Algorithms for Robotic Deployment of WSN in Adaptive Sampling Applications 35
Dan OPopa and Frank LLewis
1. Introduction 35
2. Problem Formulation 37
3. Communication Models 39
4. Sampling of Parametrized Fields Based on Closed-Form Information Measures 40
5. Adaptive Sampling Using the Extended Kalman Filter 50
6. Potential Fields53
7. Conclusions and Future Work 59
References 61
Chapter 3
A Scalable Graph Model and Coordination Algorithms for Mobile Sensor Networks65
Jindong Tan
1. Introduction 65
2. Distributed Graph Model 67
3. Self-deployment Algorithm70
4. Simulation Results75
5. Conclusion 81
References 81
SECTION II Network Management
Chapter 4
Ali Abu-el Humos, Mihaela Cardei, Bassem Alhalabi and Sam Hsu
1. Introduction 87
2. Characteristics of MAC Protocols in WSNs 89
3. Scheduled-based MAC Protocols 92
4. Contention-based Protocols 93
5. Short Note on the Energy Model in NS2 Network Simulator 106
6. Conclusion 108
References 109
Chapter 5
Topology Control for Wireless Sensor Networks 113
Yu Wang
1. Introduction 113
2. Geometrical Spanners 116
3. Geometrical Low-Weight Structures 128
4. Virtual Backbones 133
5. Others 138
6. Conclusion 139
References 140
Chapter 6
Boundary Detection for Sensor Networks 149
Ren-Shiou Liu, Lifeng Sang and Prasun Sinha
1. Introduction 149
2. Localized Edge Detection 151
3. Centralized edge determination 162
4. Distributed Edge Detection 165
5. Hierarchical edge estimation 169
6. Conclusion and future work172
References 174
Chapter 7
TPSS: A Time-based Positioning Scheme for Sensor Networks with Short Range Beacons175
Fang Liu, Xiuzhen Cheng, Dong Hua and Dechang Chen
1. Introduction 175
2. An Overview on Current Location Discovery Schemes for Sensor
3. Network Model 181
5. Performance Evaluation 186
6. Conclusion 189
References 191
Chapter 8
Wakeup Strategies in Wireless Sensor Networks 195
Curt Schurgers
1. Introduction: The Wakeup Principle195
2. Classification 200
3. On-demand Paging 203
4. Synchronous Wakeup 205
5. Asynchronous Wakeup209
6. Conclusions 214
References 215
Chapter 9
Time-Synchronization Challenges and Techniques 219
Weilian Su
1. Introduction 219
2. Sensor Network Nodes 220
3. Influencing Factors 220
4. Design Challenges 222
5. Time Synchronization Fundamentals223
6. State-of-the-Art Time Synchronization Protocols226
7. Conclusions 231
References 232
Chapter 10
Location Service, Information Dissemination and Object Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks by Using Quorum Methods 235
Dan-Dan Liu and Xiao-Hua Jia
1. Introduction 235
2. Location Service 238
3. Information Dissemination243
4. Object Tracking 249
5. Conclusion 254
References 255
Chapter 11
Maximizing the Lifetime of an Always-On Wireless Sensor Network Application: A Case Study 259
Santosh Kumar, Anish Arora and Ten H. Lai
1. Introduction 259
2. Fine-grained Power Management Schemes 262
3. The ExScal Application and the XSM Platform266
4. Lifetime Analysis of ExScal 270
5. Conclusion 281
References 282
SECTION III Data Management
Chapter 12
Data Management in Sensor Networks 287
Jinbao Li, Zhipeng Cai and Jianzhong Li
1. Difference between Data Management Systems In Sensor Networks
and In Distributed Database Systems 287
2. Architecture of Data Management System in Sensor Networks 290
3. Data Model and Query Language in Sensor Networks 292
4. Storage and Index Techniques in Sensor Networks 297
5. Query Processing in Sensor Networks 310
6. Sensor Network Data Management System322
References 329
Chapter 13
Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks 331
Kai-Wei Fan, Sha Liu and Prasun Sinha
1. Introduction 331
2. Directed Diffusion 332
3. Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy 335
4. Tiny Aggregation337
5. Greedy Aggregation on Directed Diffusion 338
6. DCTC341
7. Gateway Placement. 344
8. Summary346
References 347
Chapter 14
Performance Comparison of Clustering Schemes in Sensor Networks 349
Yadi Ma and Maggie Cheng
1. Introduction349
2. Related Work
3. Overview of Algorithms
4. Performance Comparison
5. Conclusion
hapter 15
Reliable and Efficient Information Forwarding and Traffic Engineering in Wireless Sensor Networks
Fernand S. Cohen, Joshua Goldberg and Jaudelice C. de Oliveira
1. Introduction
2. Routing in Ad Hoc Networks
3. Routing in Sensor Networks
4. TE-Routing
5. Conclusions and Research Directions
Chapter 16
Modeling Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks
Bhaskar Krishnamachari
1. Introduction
2. Active Querying with Look-Ahead
3. Cluster-Based Joint Routing and Compression
4. Joint Search and Replication
5. Conclusions
Chapter 17
A Survey on Sensor Network Security
Xiaojiang Du and Yang Xiao
1. Introduction
2. Attacks on Sensor Networks
3. Security Objectives for Sensor Networks
4. Key Management in Sensor Networks
5. Secure Routing in Sensor Networks
6. Conclusions
Chapter 18
A Passive Approach to Unauthorized Sensor Node Identification
Cherita Corbett, John Copeland and Raheem Beyah
1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Organization of a Radio Interface
4. Opportunities for Distinction
5. Using Rate Switching to Detect Unauthorized Nodes
6. Empirical Analysis of Rate Switching
7. An Approach to Sensor Node Identification
8. Experimental Evaluation
9. Conclusion

[ 本帖最后由 ofive 于 2009-9-16 14:46 编辑 ]


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Springer 2008 Wireless Sensor Networks And Applications - Signals And Communication Technology.part1

 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-16 14:18:34 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 ofive 于 2009-9-16 14:47 编辑 ]


2 MB, 下载次数: 195 , 下载积分: 资产 -2 信元, 下载支出 2 信元

Springer 2008 Wireless Sensor Networks And Applications - Signals And Communication Technology.part2

发表于 2009-9-16 22:38:48 | 显示全部楼层
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heng xie de
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