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Preface xv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Historical Perspective ...................... 1
1.2 Fiber Characteristics ...................... 3
1.2.1 Material and Fabrication ................ 4
1.2.2 Fiber Losses ...................... 5
1.2.3 Chromatic Dispersion ................. 7
1.2.4 Polarization-Mode Dispersion . ............ 13
1.3 Fiber Nonlinearities ....................... 17
1.3.1 Nonlinear Refraction .................. 17
1.3.2 Stimulated Inelastic Scattering . ............ 19
1.3.3 Importance of Nonlinear Effects ............ 20
1.4 Overview ............................ 22
Problems . . ............................. 25
References . . ............................. 25
2 Pulse Propagation in Fibers 31
2.1 Maxwell’s Equations ...................... 31
2.2 Fiber Modes ........................... 34
2.2.1 Eigenvalue Equation .................. 34
2.2.2 Single-Mode Condition ................. 36
2.2.3 Characteristics of the Fundamental Mode ....... 37
2.3 Pulse-Propagation Equation . .................. 39
2.3.1 Nonlinear Pulse Propagation . . ............ 39
2.3.2 Higher-Order Nonlinear Effects ............ 45
2.4 Numerical Methods ....................... 51
viiviii Contents
2.4.1 Split-Step Fourier Method . . . ............ 51
2.4.2 Finite-Difference Methods . . . ............ 55
Problems . . ............................. 57
References . . ............................. 58
3 Group-Velocity Dispersion 63
3.1 Different Propagation Regimes ................. 63
3.2 Dispersion-Induced Pulse Broadening . ............ 66
3.2.1 Gaussian Pulses . . . .................. 67
3.2.2 Chirped Gaussian Pulses ................ 69
3.2.3 Hyperbolic-Secant Pulses . . . ............ 71
3.2.4 Super-Gaussian Pulses ................. 72
3.2.5 Experimental Results .................. 75
3.3 Third-Order Dispersion . . . .................. 76
3.3.1 Changes in Pulse Shape ................ 77
3.3.2 Broadening Factor . .................. 79
3.3.3 Arbitrary-Shape Pulses ................. 82
3.3.4 Ultrashort-Pulse Measurements ............ 85
3.4 Dispersion Management . . .................. 86
3.4.1 GVD-Induced Limitations . . . ............ 86
3.4.2 Dispersion Compensation . . . ............ 88
3.4.3 Compensation of Third-Order Dispersion ....... 90
Problems . . ............................. 93
References . . ............................. 94
4 Self-Phase Modulation |