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[视频经典ebook] Introduction to Digital Video | Video Codec Design|...

发表于 2008-7-24 15:36:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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An Introduction to Digital Video
Second Edition
John Watkinson

Preface xi
Chapter 1 Introducing digital video 1
1.1 Video as data 1
1.2 What is a video signal? 3
1.3 Why binary? 5
1.4 Colour 10
1.5 Why digital? 11
1.6 Some digital video processes outlined 12
1.7 Time compression and expansion 14
1.8 Error correction and concealment 16
1.9 Product codes 17
1.10 Shuffling 20
1.11 Channel coding 20
1.12 Video compression and MPEG 22
1.13 Disk-based recording 22
1.14 Rotary-head digital recorders 24
1.15 DVD and DVHS 26
1.16 Digital television broadcasting 26
1.17 Networks 26
References 27
Chapter 2 Video principles 28
2.1 The eye 28
2.2 Gamma 31
2.3 Scanning 33
2.4 Synchronizing 35
2.5 Bandwidth and definition 41
2.6 Aperture effect 42
2.7 Colour 43
2.8 Colour displays 51
2.9 Colour difference signals 53
2.10 Motion portrayal and dynamic resolution 57
2.11 Progressive or interlaced scan? 58
2.12 Binary codes 60
2.13 Introduction to digital logic 67
2.14 The computer 74
2.15 The processor 76
2.16 Timebase correction 77
2.17 Multiplexing 83
2.18 Statistical multiplexing 84
2.19 Filters and transforms 84
2.20 FIR filters 88
2.21 Sampling-rate conversion 95
2.22 Transforms and duality 100
2.23 The Fourier transform 103
2.24 The discrete cosine transform (DCT) 104
2.25 Modulo-n arithmetic 107
2.26 The Galois field 109
2.27 The phase-locked loop 111
References 113
Chapter 3 Conversion 114

Video  Codec  Design
Developing  Image  and  Video  Compression  Systems
lain E. G. Richardson
The Robert  Gordon  University,  Aberdeen,  UK

1  Introduction  ..............................................  1
1.1  Image and  Video  Compression  ................................  1
1.2  Video  CODEC  Design  .....................................  2
1.3  Structure of  this Book  ......................................  2
2  Digitalvideo  ..............................................  5
2.1  Introduction  .............................................  5
2.2  Concepts. Capture and  Display  ...............................  5
2.2.1  The Video Image  ....................................  5
2.2.2  Digital Video .......................................  5
2.2.3  Video  Capture  ......................................  7
2.2.4  Sampling  ..........................................  7
2.2.5  Display ...........................................  9
2.3  Colour Spaces  ..........................................  10
2.3.1  RGB  ............................................  11
2.3.2  YCrCb  ..........................................  12
2.4  The Human  Visual  System  .................................  16
2.5  Video  Quality  ...........................................  16
2.5.1  Subjective Quality Measurement  ........................  17
2.5.2  Objective Quality Measurement .........................  19
2.6  Standards for Representing Digital Video  .......................  23
2.7  Applications  ............................................  24
2.7.1  Platforms  .........................................  25
2.8  Summary  ..............................................  25

H.264 and MPEG-4 Video Compression
Video Coding for Next-generation Multimedia
Iain E. G. Richardson
The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK

About the Author xiii
Foreword xv
Preface xix
Glossary xxi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Scene 1
1.2 Video Compression 3
1.3 MPEG-4 and H.264 5
1.4 This Book 6
1.5 References 7
2 Video Formats and Quality 9
2.1 Introduction 9
2.2 Natural Video Scenes 9
2.3 Capture 10
2.3.1 Spatial Sampling 11
2.3.2 Temporal Sampling 11
2.3.3 Frames and Fields 13
2.4 Colour Spaces 13
2.4.1 RGB 14
2.4.2 YCbCr 15
2.4.3 YCbCr Sampling Formats 17
2.5 Video Formats 19
2.6 Quality 20
2.6.1 Subjective Quality Measurement 21
2.6.2 Objective Quality Measurement 22
2.7 Conclusions 24
2.8 References 24


   H264 and MPEG4 Video Compression 2003.part1.rar (1.34 MB, 下载次数: 287 )   

[ 本帖最后由 jrzhang 于 2008-7-28 09:58 编辑 ]

H264 and MPEG4 Video Compression 2003.part2.rar

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H264 and MPEG4 Video Compression 2003.part3.rar

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第一本 part1,

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[ 本帖最后由 jrzhang 于 2008-7-28 09:57 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-24 15:40:29 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 jrzhang 于 2008-7-25 13:26 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-24 15:57:27 | 显示全部楼层
part 7

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part 8

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-24 16:16:03 | 显示全部楼层
第二本  part1

   Video Codec Design.part1.rar (3.81 MB, 下载次数: 243 )   

[ 本帖最后由 jrzhang 于 2008-7-29 09:58 编辑 ]
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