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地面数字电视解调芯片的RTL/FPGA 代码研发
职位要求:1. 电子或通信专业的硕士、博士;
2. 具有2年以上的硬件描述语言Verilog 或VHDL使用经验,熟悉芯片开发的 EDA工具,如DC/PT/NC-Verilog;
3. 熟悉lab" class="t_tag">lab" class="t_tag">Matlab
4. 具有数字信号处理或通信背景的优先考虑
Job Description:RTL/FPGA development of the demodulator chips for digital TV.
Job Requirement:1. Master or Ph.D,major in electronics/communication;
2. >2 years experience in Verilog or VHDL, familiar with EDA tools, such as DC/PT/NC-Verilog;
3. Familiar with Matlab
4. Background on DSP/communication is a plus
可以直接联系我13816066181 MSN:stifen414@hotmail.com
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