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电路设计资料 今日: 1 |主题: 14732|排名: 19 

[资料] Bible: Digital Design 4th Edition Morris Mano OCR  ...23456..19 hi_china59 2009-10-5 18524224 ax44 2012-9-6 07:35
[资料] 模拟集成电路的分析与设计 Paul.R Gray 翻译版 第四版[分八卷] attachment  ...23456..19 dongjunrui01 2011-5-2 18442826 xiaofuss_ 2021-2-7 08:44
[资料] Microelectronic Circuits 6th_Edition - Sedra Smith - attachment agree  ...23456..19 兔兔兔兔8796 2011-2-19 18330497 BrianLyx 2023-9-22 11:59
[资料] 音频标准完整文档: IEC 60958, IEC 61737,SPDIF,DSD,IEC 60958-4 attachment  ...23456..19 legola126 2011-2-26 18350568 clslhy 3 天前
[资料] 最权威的运放设计手册, 英文版895页,中文版同时发送 Op Amp Applications Handbook attachment  ...23456..17 fusionispower 2011-7-15 16940801 hclin 2024-4-9 01:39
[资料] Digital Integrated Circuits by Jan M. Rabaey 参考资料 attachment  ...23456..17 wlzrxxc 2010-4-18 16733642 igolaps 2024-3-10 18:49
[资料] 最经典的PCB书, 1633页- Printed Circuits Handbook, 2008第6版, attachment  ...23456..17 fusionispower 2011-7-14 16742442 商周 2024-2-4 10:03
[资料] ANALOG-DIGITAL CONVERSION--ADI 经典著作,从头到脚了解ADC,从原理到应用,共1138页 attachment  ...23456..17 davey 2013-10-17 16723606 zzabc 2024-3-24 20:35
[资料] 新年大献礼:《开关电源:SPICE仿真与实用设计》随书光盘 ORCAD部分 attachment  ...23456..17 黄炳佳 2010-1-2 16639803 eebruce 2024-1-19 10:40
[资料] 电源完整性(PI)的详细说明及相应应Cadence软件PI的使用教程 attachment  ...23456..17 alex_1202 2009-12-16 16124895 opqfeixue122 2018-8-18 15:16
[资料] 日本电子电路精选 attachment  ...23456..17 nmgcwj 2011-4-17 16123677 dannymu 2022-2-26 09:53
[资料] 中文版_CMOS超大规模集成电路设计第4版 attach_img  ...23456..17 evlvu 2014-7-31 16128132 maiyaolang 2024-3-3 17:06
[资料] PSPice经典教程 - 五本全集 Paul Tobin attachment  ...23456..17 eswno 2012-6-16 16031892 lhyi 2022-2-21 18:45
[资料] 滤波器设计软件FilterLab2.0使用教程 attachment  ...23456..16 bruce8949 2010-6-11 15835762 i0977454522 2020-9-22 15:33
[资料] PSIM 6.0 下载 attachment  ...23456..16 zw359 2008-6-2 15539126 iver61 2018-12-15 12:37
[资料] 数字锁相环路原理与应用-中文-书籍 attachment  ...23456..16 A1985 2010-5-20 15537262 kuan 2022-11-7 19:28
[资料] Cadence SPB 17.2 的补丁安装破解步骤 ---- 雨花石 attach_img  ...23456..16 lbmone 2017-3-15 15232570 staric 2024-4-23 08:33
[资料] Digital Systems Engineering_William Dally(英文版) attach_img  ...23456..16 sensorsky 2013-1-11 15039230 fairyli 2023-7-29 20:30
[资料] 数字集成电路:电路、系统与设计(第二版) 中&英 attachment  ...23456..16 sunhaoflash 2015-5-28 15039058 电子大侠客 2024-4-10 11:49
[资料] 【Newnes2011新书】模拟大师遗作Analog Circuit Design A Tutorial Guide to App... attachment  ...23456..15 lihongbo1979 2011-12-24 14937153 jimcmwang 2021-6-25 00:22
[资料] 不错PCB布局布线的参考书 attachment  ...23456..15 stm32fan 2012-12-22 14926278 qingtiansym 2018-8-15 11:19
[资料] 数字电子技术基础(第六版)清华阎石编著 attach_img  ...23456..15 qitianhua 2019-9-19 14630858 蒋蒋xy 2024-4-19 15:18
[资料] 电子电路大全(1135页)极力推荐,绝对超值 attachment  ...23456..15 feiniao114 2011-9-4 14426443 chinamanxr 2023-9-10 15:56
[资料] 柯明道教授ESD讲义 attachment  ...23456..15 mumu0017 2010-11-21 14237666 sokiphon 2024-2-4 11:05
[资料] 半导体物理与器件(第三版)-PDF版本&大附件压缩下载 attachment  ...23456..15 allex_xy 2012-4-24 14143536 rainlym09 2023-8-9 15:27
[资料] 清晰扫描影印版 Rabaey Digital Integrated Circuits A Design Perspective  ...23456..14 bsh3 2010-4-5 13918957 qianyuji 2014-7-24 14:47
[资料] TSMC0.18的lib,有人需要吗 attachment  ...23456..14 vfancy 2011-5-29 13634714 kostser2002 2021-4-6 05:35
[资料] 电子设计手册Electronic Packaging Handbook包含封装功耗芯片设计PCB设计等诸多方面 attachment agree  ...23456..14 netshell 2011-5-9 13525751 缺口的八月 2022-11-15 14:47
[资料] 个人收集的关于Delta-Sigma ADC中的数字滤波器资料 attachment  ...23456..14 yyff530 2011-8-25 13533880 ysyanda 2022-4-8 13:50
[资料] 中文经典数模资料:ADC_DAC应用设计宝典 attachment  ...23456..14 vikingg 2010-5-11 13426268 linhongwen1963 2021-7-29 11:14
[资料] 【论坛首发】inside NAND flash memories attachment  ...23456..14 analogmind 2011-10-4 13440183 gf128 2023-8-16 16:37
[资料] 清华大学 数字电路设计 本科 研究生教材 求加精 求反馈 attachment  ...23456..14 Ms19862009 2013-7-10 13425564 奇怪的猴子 昨天 10:25
[资料] EMI Troubleshooting Cookbook for Product Designers, 2014 attachment  ...23456..14 zsh2626 2014-12-14 13332825 zzabc 2024-3-24 20:32
[资料] iphone 6plus / iphone6 原理图(新鲜出炉)! attachment  ...23456..14 netshell 2015-3-6 13225560 no814987 2023-3-6 21:15
[资料] Wiley - Grounds for Grounding: A Circuit to System Handbook Jan 2010 attachment  ...23456..14 oxoxox 2010-7-7 13122832 Evgen 2023-6-14 02:06
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