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电路设计资料 今日: 0|主题: 14732|排名: 18 

华润上华0.5um工艺库 attachment  ...23456..16 christon 2007-11-17 15330908 Mr_x 2022-1-27 12:38
[下载]模拟和数字不错的教程~~~ attachment  ...23456..16 ysl142 2005-4-17 15221090 wangning140322 2011-12-25 19:59
版图设计必看书CMOS IC Layout (英文版)-Dan_Clein 附书中彩色原图 attachment  ...23456..16 leonv123 2008-6-2 15223875 qccqcc 2019-1-13 13:26
1大名鼎鼎的floemc的EMC培训教程! attachment  ...23456..16 ironmanhu 2008-6-19 15222671 AnalogHu 2022-2-24 14:47
[资料] Cadence SPB 17.2 的补丁安装破解步骤 ---- 雨花石 attach_img  ...23456..16 lbmone 2017-3-15 15232674 staric 2024-4-23 08:33
高频电子线路 第三版 attachment  ...23456..16 verifone 2006-10-17 15117262 motorman 2009-10-24 01:24
开关稳压电源的设计与应用 attachment agree  ...23456..16 wr706 2009-4-16 15119751 mynona 2020-6-5 06:44
比较器设计最经典的文章 attachment  ...23456..16 amazion 2009-5-10 15123061 罗啸 2020-12-16 19:57
[建议][分享][原创]放大器设计必看的一篇论文-作者:格雷 attachment  ...23456..16 liuhongflyfl 2006-5-20 15019786 buzengzeng 2012-7-21 21:59
运算放大器的稳定性——TI经典运放教程 attachment  ...23456..16 fycat 2008-3-3 15018647 九龙城 2016-7-16 09:03
晶振工作原理--ppt attachment  ...23456..16 titansh 2008-6-27 15023987 xiajp1980 2021-7-20 10:03
有关PCB方面十分有用的资料 attachment  ...23456..16 kkdou029 2008-7-26 15018334 accel30 2011-3-2 15:18
什么是模拟电路,一小时看透 attachment  ...23456..16 lingdianjcc 2008-10-25 15015492 s72002004 2016-2-27 11:38
原版国外模拟电路经典教程(Analog_Circuits_World_Class_Designs) attachment  ...23456..16 youngnight 2008-12-8 15027082 zrq4545 2020-6-18 11:08
CMOS集成D触发器的原理与应用 attachment  ...23456..16 bobxx 2009-3-23 15033020 krr 2024-3-18 15:26
一个很好用的低通滤波器设计软件 attach_img  ...23456..16 mashal2009 2009-4-23 15032370 小小苏666 2021-6-5 14:45
芯片及系统的电源完整性建模与设计 attachment agree  ...23456..16 Jason.tschen 2009-10-16 15022948 自由一笑 2021-4-30 09:13
[资料] Digital Systems Engineering_William Dally(英文版) attach_img  ...23456..16 sensorsky 2013-1-11 15039325 fairyli 2023-7-29 20:30
[资料] 数字集成电路:电路、系统与设计(第二版) 中&英 attachment  ...23456..16 sunhaoflash 2015-5-28 15039188 电子大侠客 2024-4-10 11:49
最精辟的EMC电磁兼容解说和处理 attachment  ...23456..15 danny83 2006-12-20 14918595 baotong 2018-1-4 23:33
最经典的比较器论文 attachment  ...23456..15 neoguo 2007-4-12 14923033 Kamon 2022-11-22 20:04
半导体物理与器件 by Neamen 第三版 PDF attachment  ...23456..15 305531666 2009-4-30 14933614 品博锦取_2021 2024-4-12 11:58
[资料] 【Newnes2011新书】模拟大师遗作Analog Circuit Design A Tutorial Guide to App... attachment  ...23456..15 lihongbo1979 2011-12-24 14937248 jimcmwang 2021-6-25 00:22
[资料] 不错PCB布局布线的参考书 attachment  ...23456..15 stm32fan 2012-12-22 14926356 qingtiansym 2018-8-15 11:19
一个台湾的工艺库-hspice attachment  ...23456..15 jilinhai2002 2006-12-13 14725297 丁丁跑卡车 2022-5-11 14:31
美国大学模拟电路研究生教材 attachment  ...23456..15 bhl3302 2008-2-18 14717455 hfwxgl 2017-4-26 08:59
Allen的CMOS模拟集成电路设计 课后答案 attachment  ...23456..15 skiptoo 2008-8-25 14724492 LW2023888 2023-8-13 14:34
[音频测量手册].Audio.Measurement.Handbook attachment  ...23456..15 andrei 2008-12-29 14719962 jimcmwang 2016-8-21 11:45
Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook, Third Edition attachment  ...23456..15 teradyne 2006-7-10 14622288 haizaolan 2023-5-14 10:27
模拟电子技术基础-教师用书 attachment  ...23456..15 半神 2006-7-27 14625145 sdc1976 2016-11-27 23:19
C语言编程实例(PDF格式) attachment  ...23456..15 xfc_1975 2008-2-29 14622398 airaing 2012-7-4 21:17
两本牛人的书:LC-VCO attachment  ...23456..15 xaut 2009-9-24 14616165 gb788 2019-6-19 13:53
[其它] OrCAD Capture16.2绿色版 attachment  ...23456..15 swxu 2010-1-25 14644085 jason_vip1 2023-6-29 13:50
[原创] 【PTR 2010新书】Power Integrity for I/O Interfaces: With SI / PI Co-Design - [阅读权限 5]attachment agree  ...23456..15 benemale 2010-11-1 1461149 infortrans 3 天前
[资料] 数字电子技术基础(第六版)清华阎石编著 attach_img  ...23456..15 qitianhua 2019-9-19 14631062 蒋蒋xy 2024-4-19 15:18
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