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[资料] 爱立信射频学校 Radio School 发射机技术 接收机技术 attach_img  ...23456..47 fourwave 2017-4-2 46655091 binnq 前天 14:23
[资料] 通信系统仿真软件SystemVue(SystemView)2010.7破解版 attachment  ...23456..63 蝉471249982 2011-7-7 62475131 285940684 2020-9-9 10:04
[资料] Understanding Delta Sigma Data Converters attachment  ...23456..23 kanrobert 2011-2-9 22344804 binnq 2024-4-26 14:58
[资料] [EBOOK]MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB attachment  ...23456..26 njbbx 2011-2-4 25354056 lulu670370 2024-1-5 15:47
[资料] 数字通信原理(Digital.Communications)Proakis英文第五版 带目录标签高清扫描OCR版pdf attachment  ...23456..21 lyrens 2011-5-14 20549909 auch0311 2024-3-14 14:21
[资料] Digital Communication Systems Using MATLAB and Simulink attachment  ...23456..20 chnmy 2011-6-12 19945428 badegg9 2023-12-1 15:19
很好的一个FIR滤波器的VERILOG代码 attachment  ...23456..27 侨张 2008-6-20 26844597 badegg9 2023-12-1 10:29
[资料] wily 2014 年新书 - Understanding LTE with MATLAB attachment agree  ...23456..18 ffggg 2014-3-24 17633364 zzabc 2022-12-12 15:55
[资料] 三本很好的关于MIMO的新书 (2014全新) attach_img  ...23456..22 fwbnick 2014-6-23 21648608 joseph77 2023-1-31 14:41
[资料] 《通信原理》樊昌信 第6版 第六版 经典书 attachment  ...23456..19 yingxionga 2011-6-14 18134725 laha 2024-3-27 16:17
信号与系统(第二版)奥本海姆 绝对经典 完整版带目录书签pdf attachment  ...23456..32 xik 2009-4-30 31961557 ZixunWang 2024-3-21 20:57
[资料] 通信领域资深专家Scott Baxter关于无线通信的Matlab各种应用例程,强烈推荐!!! attach_img  ...23456..17 智慧棒 2012-1-3 16332848 amigo.change 2022-8-25 12:01
[资料] 全数字接收机理论与技术——清晰扫描、无水印完整版 attachment  ...23456..22 superpig2b 2011-4-15 21140088 binnq 2024-4-16 11:21
数字通信(中文版_第四版)(大牛Proakis大作)及其习题详解 attachment  ...23456..43 kdb08 2009-9-2 42743969 binnq 2024-4-19 11:45
大家不用找了,GPS的资料这里全了,都看完就是高手! attachment  ...23456..74 creese 2008-7-16 73985770 hyishuai 2022-7-11 09:53
[资料] 经典通信书再版:Principle of Communications 7th Revised Edition attach_img  ...23456..18 fwbnick 2014-9-19 17442451 binnq 2024-4-17 15:17
[资料] Rsoft免安装版,直接使用 attachment  ...23456..19 liang172316 2011-1-5 18641122 jshangshi01 2020-1-2 13:04
[资料] 新书出炉:Transceiver and System Design for Digital Communications 第四版 attach_img  ...23456..17 fwbnick 2014-12-13 16036711 莫言醉 2023-1-31 10:07
[资料] <<Principles of digital communication>> Gallager 数字通信原理中文版 attachment  ...23456..17 stevenchen1979 2012-9-27 16738580 badegg9 2023-12-1 15:17
[资料] Signal Processing for 5G: Algorithms and Implementations attach_img  ...23456..16 spwedasd 2016-8-14 15537324 binnq 2024-4-26 17:11
[资料] 通信原理(第6版) 樊昌信 曹丽娜(真正第六版课件) attachment  ...23456..35 zhengju007 2010-1-25 34760042 binnq 2024-4-26 16:14
[资料] Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing 2nd, 2014 第二版 attachment  ...23456..14 jampter 2014-11-20 13834017 lutherliu 2022-5-26 14:05
《DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS USING SYSTEMVUE》一本好书 attachment  ...23456..19 xik 2009-4-29 18930066 dannymu 2022-5-31 14:46
[原创] 【剑桥出版 2010 新书】Digital Communications, 5th Edition by John Proakis 高清版 attachment  ...23456..21 lotusky 2010-11-24 20735559 zhsh94 2020-7-21 17:24
[资料] Synchronization Techniques for Digital Receivers 共5part attachment  ...23456..19 爱钱的鸽子 2011-3-21 18434545 Ralphjh 2024-4-30 16:10
[资料] 【2015年新书】Fundamentals of 5G Mobile Networks by Jonathan Rodriguez attach_img  ...23456..12 yousee 2015-5-13 11614382 derek_1981 2019-9-10 17:01
[资料] ViewDraw/WorkView Office7.5仅15个压缩包,省时省力! attach_img  ...23456..17 helionz 2011-3-29 16137048 raprin 2023-9-10 21:01
[资料] 【2015年新书】Modeling of Digital Communication Systems Using SIMULINK attach_img  ...23456..13 yousee 2015-5-13 12024159 hw_nkheart 2023-1-4 21:23
[资料] Wiley 2011 新书 《Channel Equalization for Wireless Communications》 attachment  ...23456..12 Lecky 2012-7-31 11426013 binnq 2024-4-16 11:52
[资料] Molisch 经典无线通信2011年最新版本,Wireless Communication.Wiley.2011.Molisch - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...23456..11 raowy2009 2011-4-6 104707 hfwxgl 2017-9-26 08:47
【经典】Detection,Estimation,and Modulation Theory, Part I~IV by H L.Van Trees attachment  ...23456..78 lotusky 2008-3-5 77798397 binnq 2024-4-26 17:22
[原创] 大话无线通信(好东西,适合初学入门级) attachment  ...23456..18 gptc 2010-10-26 17733833 zenglinglian 2023-9-28 15:13
奥本海默 Signals and Systems(Oppenheim) 英文版 attachment  ...23456..42 gidi521 2009-1-4 41554409 rainflow99 2021-10-15 14:11
[资料] [2011 New Book Cambridge] Wireless Communication Systems: From RF to 4G attach_img  ...23456..10 spwedasd 2011-11-16 9517501 AlexKe 2020-9-22 15:21
[资料] 鸿篇巨制 Academic Press Library in Signal Processing Vol.1-Vol.4 attach_img  ...23456..16 fwbnick 2014-12-13 15736037 keenboyee 2023-8-5 10:44
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