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[求助] 請問Principles of Communications: Systems, Modulation, and Noise第六版 yellow11803 2010-7-11 813488 hi_china59 2013-9-5 09:29
[求助] 求书OFDMA Mobile Broadband Communications: A Systems Approach attach_img fwbnick 2014-4-8 86200 skkang77777 2015-11-9 08:44
[求助] 求一本书 attachment 530985381 2021-10-12 82513 digicomm 2022-7-13 19:50
[求助] 寻书;Digital Transmission liyuanliu 2010-2-2 72833 asdalaah 2017-7-27 11:03
[求助] 无线与蜂窝通信(第3版) luyuan81 2010-3-2 72866 sarah_lwx 2012-3-15 02:05
[求助] [求]软件无线电原理与技术(向新) 瓦片 2010-3-9 73499 qingcaodi588 2012-8-17 15:53
[求助] 通信抗干扰工程与实践[2008] attach_img drjiachen 2010-4-21 73174 edwardk 2018-11-29 14:57
[求助] 寻求:Optimal Combining and Detection sart 2010-11-5 74671 ayiooo 2018-12-25 09:03
[求助] MATLAB 如何仿真对模拟信号进行采样 lincolnlee 2010-11-23 710740 seuzhangle 2012-8-14 08:50
[求助] 求书-Design and Test for Multiple Gbps Communication Devices and Systems attach_img yhwxiasha 2011-5-20 74036 kldeng1344 2019-10-22 16:18
[求助] 外行想学通信从什么开始 guoweiqust 2011-12-31 72508 uubirdloong 2012-7-6 08:39
[求助] 求书Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems lonsword 2012-5-25 73744 czhao56 2017-11-18 12:30
[求助] 求书-Signal Processing in Radar Systems jlqsczw_2007 2014-1-22 71578 jlqsczw_2007 2014-2-7 18:40
悬赏 [求助] 求书digital communication - [悬赏 100 信元资产] attachment lonsword 2014-7-5 72788 dannymu 2020-9-18 23:10
[求助] 88e1111通过千兆以太网接口与PC通讯 topggmq 2014-7-21 73857 Haniel1986 2016-6-15 09:06
[求助] Projection Matrices, Generalized Inverse Matrices attach_img sart 2014-9-16 72027 cao_top 2014-9-19 21:17
[求助] 【求书】Fundamentals of Communication Systems (2nd ) jlqsczw_2007 2015-1-5 73707 hd_hzh 2020-8-13 15:04
[求助] [4G革命:无线新时代].(斯科特·斯奈德.).钱峰.扫描版 attachment zjllh 2015-7-7 71783 ecstasy 2015-9-16 10:07
[求助] Please download Linear Algebra with Applications Keith Nicholson for me. Thanks attachment hi_china59 2017-6-26 72007 daemonstar 2017-7-26 22:58
悬赏 [求助] 求5G New Radio in Bullets - [已解决] 如此妖治 2022-12-22 71155 sart 2023-4-1 16:07
[求助] 求Wireless Networking: Introduction to Bluetooth and WiFi一书电子版 attach_img guo@hust 2023-10-31 7660 guo@hust 2024-4-1 09:24
[求助] 求书 “data networks”(已找到) alexpanrui 2010-8-5 62176 Denver1111 2015-4-21 13:35
[求助] 为何量化噪声功率均匀分布在-fs/ 2 到fs/ 2 之间,fs指采样频率。 cqu2ustc 2011-3-22 65859 hck 2021-9-22 20:05
[求助] LDPC译码算法MATLAB仿真,LLR BP算法的性能比NMS差? attachment xumeng19821029 2011-6-2 64589 mashiying2010 2021-10-23 17:03
[求助] 串并结合的viterbi译码器 摩根对冲 2011-12-13 61984 bbchgd 2012-5-14 11:58
[求助] 谁有通信原理的答案 attachment chenchunhuis 2012-4-3 62052 littleclown 2017-9-18 10:27
[求助] 求书!A Practical Guide to the MIMO Radio Channel’ attach_img fwbnick 2012-8-22 62796 swas 2013-7-29 21:37
[求助] 哪里有IEEE Std P802.11ac D5.0下载 szjiang 2013-2-27 67129 satish_acad 2018-8-10 15:26
[求助] 【求书】Probability and Random Processes, Second Edition by Scott Miller sart 2014-10-2 63478 ycyang0508 2017-2-7 10:45
[求助] 版主或其他大牛能搞到Myilibrary电子书库中的书吗 attach_img poppopsun 2015-3-25 62825 haoxchao828 2020-1-7 01:35
[求助] MIT专家课程,雷达系统工程Radar Systems Engineering attach_img liang_20120830 2018-6-5 62242 dusk 2023-6-12 14:49
[求助] 求书:Digital Signal Processing in Communication Systems attachment aguest 2019-11-5 62445 yc0000 2023-4-5 12:08
[求助] 【求助】TLK1501应用电路或者应用方案,有用过的朋友请进来看看! godstopokey 2010-2-4 52645 godstopokey 2010-2-22 10:58
[求助] 如何看调制解调的星座图,请求帮助 wangdz08 2010-3-28 57907 木子田雨 2014-7-5 14:38
[求助] 关于GPS模块推荐! tntdog 2010-8-9 51952 huatiantian 2014-2-15 21:46
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