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EDA资源使用讨论 今日: 60 |主题: 24003|排名: 2 

Agilient Genesys 2015.08安装教程 attach_img  ...23456 Frederick8 2017-7-11 5313276 qq116389228 2019-8-14 09:52
ASIC/SoC Functional Design Verification attachment  ...23456..18 ab3028 2017-7-1 17437476 zigbee2005 4 天前
Smith Chart V4.0和谐版 attachment  ...234 filtermo 2017-6-26 3511771 我心奔驰 2023-11-26 22:45
Sentaurus TCAD 2013 用户手册-内含各种例子 attachment jieshunzhu 2017-6-23 43574 luohaowen 2019-7-18 10:37
【TCAD新书】TCAD: fundamentals, simulations and applications  ...23456..51 junliang0701 2017-6-13 50251798 igolaps 2024-2-16 18:51
Mentor Graphics Tanner L-Edit 2016.2 software attachment  ...234 liangxuerui 2017-6-12 339707 fucka03 2019-7-22 23:47
coretools-2015 attachment  ...23 小权 2017-6-10 217890 ardong 2023-3-9 09:31
Conformal lec 10.1软件与安装,试验安装过的。  ...2 似水如烟 2017-6-6 165637 xiaopet 2023-11-6 15:19
Basic Solid State Electronic Circuit Analysis Through Experimentation attachment  ...23 ab3028 2017-6-5 284843 abc_def_ghi 2019-2-20 13:03
Practical Circuit Analysis of Amplifiers attachment  ...234 ab3028 2017-6-5 304679 mavelous 2024-1-23 08:25
windows7与centOS7引导启动 attachment xydsj 2017-6-5 21600 834007249 2018-1-26 10:37
Systemvue好资料-相控阵雷达仿真 attachment  ...234 cas2006 2017-6-2 358428 chillys 2023-10-16 10:46
Practical Analysis of Advanced Electronic Circuits Through Experimentation attachment  ...23 ab3028 2017-6-1 254245 caltech_usa 2018-11-14 11:57
Basic Circuit Analysis For Electronics Through Experimentation attachment  ...23 ab3028 2017-6-1 275181 zhangyingui8 2024-3-14 10:27
How to Diagnose and Fix Everything Electronic, 2nd Ed (2016) attachment  ...2 ab3028 2017-6-1 163108 Ryggeor 2018-11-16 19:47
modelsim 10.5 适用vivado 2017.1 attachment  ...23456..30 laokai 2017-5-29 29273493 唐源 2023-6-7 10:11
tanner201602 attach_img  ...2 tkschip 2017-5-28 174600 saralolo5515 2019-5-23 20:05
Silvaco TCAD license file for all tool attachment  ...234 talldragon612 2017-5-25 329756 Desingman 2020-7-24 18:29
Debussy-5.4 Windows版,破解及使用说明  ...2 jia1546 2017-5-23 145302 vladdy 2021-7-28 14:30
Electronics Cookbook: Practical Electronic Recipes with Arduino and Raspberry Pi attachment  ...2 ab3028 2017-5-18 174297 ysrevol 2019-9-17 06:41
ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite 18.0 linux attachment  ...23 guozhangbin 2017-5-18 269250 smrecnik 2020-5-7 15:23
Grounding and Shielding: Circuits and Interference, 6th Edition attachment  ...23456..7 ab3028 2017-5-17 6815166 dldlxkq 2023-4-7 12:01
ESD: Circuits and Devices, 2nd edition  ...2 ab3028 2017-5-16 104340 ni2121 2018-8-29 16:52
Cadence IC617_hotfix attachment  ...23456 lgysyer 2017-5-14 5316380 zhumingzhu 2022-3-16 19:03
]Ansys.Electronics.18.1最新 BT attachment  ...2345 zhhp-1980 2017-5-13 469752 IammArsGu 2019-6-9 15:55
使用VCS运行code coverage的方法 attachment CKlover 2017-5-12 82044 潛龍勿用 前天 09:40
[重要更新][Quartus Prime][17.0正式版][下载链接和破解器] attachment  ...23456..16 suns 2017-5-9 15336586 sutaotao2001 2023-8-4 16:34
Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with VHDL (2017) attachment  ...2345 ab3028 2017-4-30 476932 yuanpin318 2020-5-8 11:35
最新版Vivado 2017.1完整安装包(21GB) - 百度盘下载 attachment  ...23456..54 drksh 2017-4-26 53772852 T15625296325 2024-5-8 00:00
awrde_analyst_v13_01_8345_1_64bit attachment  ...2345 lmb607 2017-4-26 4311170 fatalkiller 2020-5-20 14:34
Radio Frequency System Architecture and Design - Rogers and Plett attachment  ...23456 ab3028 2017-4-24 5010288 tracy6969 2023-10-18 13:27
编辑 attachment  ...2345 designstart 2017-4-21 4012901 rhk451 2021-1-11 11:27
ADS2015 help文件【PDF压缩】 attach_img hovem2011 2017-4-20 53176 Stilnox 2023-8-25 20:06
Introduction to Logic Circuits and Logic Design with Verilog attachment  ...23456 ab3028 2017-4-19 529673 abeey 2020-7-14 12:47
Vendor_local_13.0 for AWRDE 13.0+ attachment  ...23 lmb607 2017-4-19 205113 flymanllm 2018-6-12 23:33
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