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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 159 |主题: 39762|排名: 1 

[其它] IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers tcas1 2012 attachment  ...23 mabas.masood 2012-12-30 274182 loong8811 2018-4-10 17:34
悬赏 [其它] x-ray DS - [悬赏 1000 信元资产] abab1394 2018-3-27 02051 abab1394 2018-3-27 16:10
[其它] [book request]Silicon Photonics Design: From Devices to Systems amir98 2015-11-10 42980 sanbanjji 2018-2-14 14:34
[其它] hspice_vH-2013.03 for windows update attachment  ...2345 kubelat100 2013-5-29 419866 lou45566 2018-2-1 11:35
[其它] VLSIC 2013 ? nfhfymrf 2013-10-31 31820 hpeda 2018-1-18 14:58
[其它] Cadence IC 6.15.011 Linux (link) attachment  ...23456..8 zarand 2011-7-18 7119280 zxcvbnm1234174 2017-11-14 14:41
[其它] 热电偶工作原理图 attach_img 坏猫阿汤哥 2017-10-25 21281 坏猫阿汤哥 2017-11-3 16:09
[其它] Fall 2010: 6.376 Ultra Low Power Bioelectronics (High level)的project attachment vlsi1217 2012-5-25 82858 liuzm0301 2017-8-3 03:08
[其它] 现在做ldo的多么?研究这个有前途么? 江公补过 2017-7-8 31839 destinychuld 2017-7-13 11:11
[其它] [req] sonnet 14.52  ...2 mabas.masood 2013-5-1 143331 monster24 2017-4-11 18:01
[其它] TI信号链精品博文集锦——看一个TI老工程师如何驯服精密放大器 attachment  ...2 lzbasd1000 2014-6-30 135023 sgdyjsl 2017-2-22 13:53
[其它] IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 2004 attachment mabas.masood 2012-11-10 32108 ans.pora 2016-9-29 03:46
[其它] IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 2006 attachment mabas.masood 2012-11-11 81625 ans.pora 2016-9-29 03:19
[其它] IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 2007 attachment  ...2 mabas.masood 2012-12-22 102213 ans.pora 2016-9-29 02:52
[其它] IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 2008 attachment mabas.masood 2012-11-19 41729 ans.pora 2016-9-29 02:41
[其它] share EMC books  ...2 EMC090 2010-9-27 166343 alhoceima111 2016-8-18 12:24
[其它] A 6-bit Fully Segmented Current Mode DAC in RIT 2m Process attachment studentclass78 2014-12-18 71986 efong 2016-6-12 15:45
[其它] 求可用的60V/2A肖特基二极管spectre模型!多谢各位大侠! hiwzy 2016-5-9 01503 hiwzy 2016-5-9 22:24
[其它] Interview schematics attachment  ...2 gggould 2010-8-2 124325 edgargong2010 2016-4-24 01:26
[其它] FDBFVBFBF LINFENG11111000 2016-4-13 01415 LINFENG11111000 2016-4-13 20:17
[其它] survey meixinxf 2016-1-8 12132 markhorrow 2016-1-10 17:21
[其它] 与君共勉-Return to innocence wxwttf 2015-12-30 41963 wangjin0215 2015-12-31 23:28
[其它] 代91年的漂亮表妹征一个技术男 attach_img  ...2345 yaomeng 2015-4-6 4015187 limaoze39520 2015-11-30 21:10
[其它] agilent ads 2011.10 patch attachment  ...234 shitdog 2012-1-30 339478 jeffej 2015-3-18 10:41
[其它] IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers tcas1 2005 attachment  ...2 mabas.masood 2012-11-12 112962 ralphtw 2015-1-6 10:49
[其它] Gray,Hurst - Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits 4e - SOLUTIONS attachment studentclass78 2014-12-6 55770 lipinshengxp 2014-12-19 22:28
[其它] antenna design leeeccc 2014-12-11 11341 jamesccp 2014-12-12 16:58
[其它] CMOS VLSI Design A Circuits and Systems Perspective attachment studentclass78 2014-12-6 21413 apteye 2014-12-7 16:04
投票 [其它] 請問各位工作上使用的DC目前是那個版本? ericsonpfc 2014-11-8 01900 ericsonpfc 2014-11-8 17:30
[其它] 模拟电路名著 windwithgone 2014-7-29 31853 windwithgone 2014-9-30 08:26
[其它] RFIC2014只含文件文本-不含PDF软件 tunable_ads 2014-9-16 01901 tunable_ads 2014-9-16 21:34
[其它] sachitang solid electronics devices csc57 2014-7-13 61839 luhaifeng006 2014-7-26 22:07
[其它] ISPSD 2013 ? paranoicxaxa 2013-10-24 22151 suk.qi 2014-7-12 11:13
[其它] 此贴留作纪念吧 673429464 2014-7-1 22140 673429464 2014-7-2 06:48
[其它] 求Delta-delta数据转换器电子版 科学出版社 author:Schreier R.&Temes G.C nano_2008 2013-1-22 22220 yaoqing88 2014-5-17 08:01
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