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版主: fwbnick
[资料] 相干光数字调制解调技术算法电路实现书籍,珍藏奉献 attachment  ...234 totuwei 2018-10-18 3737749 xiaoyong369 2022-9-15 11:36
Ethernet Passive Optical Networks attachment  ...234 libaokang_81 2008-10-10 369379 pravy12321 2018-1-6 13:20
[资料] 最新版(4th)Thin Film Optical Filters attachment  ...234 avein 2011-7-3 3511206 jack_20150410 2023-11-22 17:48
[资料] 好书来啦, Optica Fiber Communications (3rd Edition)by John.M.Senior - [阅读权限 10]attachment  ...234 fwbnick 2013-2-26 35877 zhangyingui8 2023-4-4 14:11
[资料] 华为-现代光网络技术 attachment  ...234 lijie0305 2016-7-26 3512426 LiuBrian_2024 2024-4-2 09:06
[资料] Handbook of Optics (光学手册) attach_img  ...234 fwbnick 2014-5-16 3425745 warewise6836 2024-2-4 15:18
[原创] Optical Networks A Practical Perspective, 3rd Edition attachment  ...234 qhl0222_cn 2010-9-3 3219295 AlexKe 2020-12-11 17:51
[原创] Optical Electronics in Modern Communications_6th Ed attachment  ...234 gtb105 2011-6-29 319995 yyqygdx 2022-1-18 08:58
Lightwave Technology Telecommunication Systems attachment  ...234 rfjungle 2008-1-10 308122 dbdavid 2018-4-26 20:53
[资料] 光纤通信新书Optical Fiber Telecommunications_Volume VIB 的epub版本! attachment  ...234 cougarlz 2013-11-27 3017075 AlexKe 2021-2-17 20:44
Optical Fiber Telecommunications V: vol. B Systems and Networks attachment  ...23 mesmerism 2008-7-25 288906 you6237 2019-12-11 11:32
[原创] SFP+_光模块测试指导 attachment  ...23 wocccccc 2015-12-10 2830912 XYxiemo 2022-7-29 18:11
[资料] 超高速光器件 attach_img  ...23 haoyinlei 2016-3-23 287499 zzq81 2019-3-2 21:54
[原创] Essentials of Modern Optical Fiber Communication, 2nd edition attach_img  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-7-21 2811911 haizaolan 2020-11-4 10:20
[原创] 光子学 , 现代通信光电子学(第六版) attach_img agree  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-9-6 2828895 eisbergeisberg 2022-10-8 09:43
[资料] 相干光通信技术的研究 attachment  ...23 totuwei 2018-10-18 2620778 lyx1982 2024-4-2 16:12
[原创] The ComSoc Guide to Next Generation Optical Transport-SDH-SONET-OTN attachment  ...23 qhl0222_cn 2010-8-30 2516199 qptom 2021-7-28 19:23
[资料] 光纤通信系统(修订版) 顾畹仪 李国瑞 编著 attachment  ...23 ym2012 2014-12-9 256513 lewispoiuy 2019-4-30 17:51
[资料] 现代通信光电子学:第5版-雅里夫 attachment  ...23 haoyinlei 2016-3-23 257226 dannymu 2022-10-27 14:13
Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio and the Q-Factor in Fiber attachment  ...23 huhuking 2009-2-19 246583 shengdc 2017-7-14 16:04
[资料] 我也贡献点资料吧 attach_img  ...23 Atpbupt 2014-5-16 247091 tiangongbigao 2020-4-19 21:06
[原创] Principles of Photonics attachment  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-8-21 246494 RSTZYP 2024-3-24 09:22
[资料] 半导体光学Semiconductor Optics attachment  ...23 spline 2014-10-31 236392 zzq81 2019-3-2 21:53
[ebook] Optical Communication Theory and Techniques (2005) attachment  ...23 betajin 2009-7-12 2210060 leonhardola 2020-8-20 14:22
[资料] UCL Photonic Subsystem Lecture Notes (光子系统讲义) attach_img  ...23 fwbnick 2014-5-6 2219857 zhaolun 2021-5-18 13:05
[资料] optisystem 与matlab相结合资料 attachment  ...23 woodpecker007 2014-5-8 2216148 smallmotor 2022-5-21 11:09
[资料] 来说说,光通信中的OFDM attachment  ...23 smilence902 2014-5-11 2215875 zhsh94 2022-7-29 18:45
[资料] Optics (4th Edition) 光学第四版 attach_img  ...23 fwbnick 2014-5-16 227861 warewise6836 2024-2-4 15:23
[资料] 2015 全球光通信大会 (OFC/NFOEC)论文集 attachment  ...23 bodao123456 2015-7-15 226146 sarcophagus 2019-10-21 14:01
[资料] 俺也来凑凑热闹!OFDM attachment  ...23 smilence902 2014-5-8 216240 wonder308 2023-10-7 16:17
[资料] 光学原理 第7版 中文版 attachment  ...23 ym2012 2014-11-14 218090 Michael2023 2024-4-7 22:25
[资料] Optical Design Using Excel: Practical Calculations for Laser Optical Systems attachment  ...23 spline 2015-9-10 217068 omnik 2024-1-30 19:01
悬赏 [原创] 有画光芯片版图的吗? 新人帖 - [悬赏 500 信元资产] attachment  ...2 梅希 2022-7-5 202774 梅希 2023-3-30 15:30
[资料] 非线性光纤光学 最新版 attachment  ...2 huazaifzh 2014-5-8 196285 jack_20150410 2023-11-9 09:42
[资料] 【2019 书】Optical Communications:Advanced Systems and Devices for Next Generation Networks attach_img  ...2 hsh22 2019-12-16 1923048 zlhrsy 2023-8-25 11:49
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