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光通信 今日: 0|主题: 421|排名: 174 

版主: fwbnick
悬赏 [资料] 求一本关于光模块以及各个参数标准的书 - [悬赏 20 信元资产] Stevies 2017-3-1 55439 lockheed123 2020-9-23 09:19
[原创] 有没有会用VPI的,VPI来接一个私活,足不出户,赚外快 chenwen3678 2017-2-9 44157 asdalaah 2020-9-20 03:12
[资料] 求书Digital Signal Processing for Cancellation of Fiber Optic Impairments preben 2017-1-16 22041 jiangpeng86 2017-3-6 19:07
[原创] 有没有用VPI或者optisystem的同学!有个私活的机会! chenwen3678 2017-1-9 02132 chenwen3678 2017-1-9 15:56
[调查] 小弟菜鸟想知道有没有推荐的光学设计软件 purediea 2017-1-5 01576 purediea 2017-1-5 16:27
[资料] 可见光通信资料汇总【史上最全】 attachment  ...2 391349683 2016-12-22 118161 轩辕志瑜 2020-11-11 16:36
[资料] 哪位有Mathematical Theory of Dispersion-Manage? zxlcn 2016-11-14 01539 zxlcn 2016-11-14 14:35
[资料] origin 学习教程 attachment 叶子110叶 2016-9-17 12647 xiaowenrun 2020-6-9 21:31
[资料] OptiBPM光学仿真软件 attachment  ...2 叶子110叶 2016-9-17 156966 303920957 2020-2-27 22:19
[资料] Rsoft破解软件 attachment 叶子110叶 2016-9-17 65201 eastlau 2018-5-12 09:27
[原创] 光子学 , 现代通信光电子学(第六版) attach_img agree  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-9-6 2828805 eisbergeisberg 2022-10-8 09:43
[原创] CIOE 2016 9.6-9.9 飞宇集团诚邀您的光临 attach_img flyinbarry 2016-8-23 11559 flyinbarry 2016-8-23 09:55
[原创] Principles of Photonics attachment  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-8-21 246298 RSTZYP 2024-3-24 09:22
[讨论] 2016 CIOE 深圳光博展 飞宇光电诚邀业界同仁前来参观 flyinbarry 2016-8-16 02098 flyinbarry 2016-8-16 15:45
[资料] 华为-现代光网络技术 attachment  ...234 lijie0305 2016-7-26 3512195 LiuBrian_2024 2024-4-2 09:06
[原创] Essentials of Modern Optical Fiber Communication, 2nd edition attach_img  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-7-21 2811817 haizaolan 2020-11-4 10:20
[资料] Silicon Photonics Design: From Devices to Systems attachment  ...2345 narashimaraja 2016-7-13 4866266 qwqwasas1234 3 天前
[资料] Silicon Photonics Design: From Devices to Systems attachment  ...23456..8 narashimaraja 2016-7-13 7189223 cdg234 2022-6-22 14:06
[调查] 寻找光纤传感朋友 Bill.Tao 2016-6-17 01689 Bill.Tao 2016-6-17 14:50
[原创] BBU与RRU传输CWDM组网解决方案 steven-dong 2016-5-25 02745 steven-dong 2016-5-25 10:31
[讨论] 有偿求大神帮我做一个基于labview的光学单缝衍射 繁华煞 2016-5-8 02064 繁华煞 2016-5-8 19:25
[讨论] 找PAPER 基于28纳米工的光通信芯片低功耗物理设计硕士学位论 attachment andy2000a 2016-5-4 53163 cmmjava 2023-9-26 11:50
[资料] OFC2016 attachment siriusy 2016-3-29 72513 wd963852 2019-3-20 09:24
[资料] Nanophotonics attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-29 62155 dbdavid 2018-5-3 08:30
[资料] Introduction of High Fiber Laser attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-29 62413 zwang9022 2018-5-10 17:48
[资料] Introduction to Nanotechnology attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-29 31855 dbdavid 2018-4-26 20:59
[资料] Holographic Optical Data Storage attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-29 22025 tu_yjq123 2017-6-11 23:45
[资料] Fundamentals of light haoyinlei 2016-3-29 01819 haoyinlei 2016-3-29 19:09
[资料] FiberOpticCommunicationLink2 attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-29 42189 kharthik 2017-8-18 00:32
[资料] fiber attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-29 42108 jack_20150410 2023-11-9 09:45
[资料] Fiber Optics Related Manufacturing Machine Design attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-29 01694 haoyinlei 2016-3-29 18:53
[资料] Fiber Gratings and Their Applications for Optical Signal Conditioning attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-29 42291 haoxchao828 2020-3-20 18:43
[资料] DWDM Tutorial attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-29 21861 dbdavid 2018-4-26 21:26
[资料] Diffractive and micro-optics theory and practice attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-29 01756 haoyinlei 2016-3-29 18:50
[资料] Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)0 attachment haoyinlei 2016-3-29 01434 haoyinlei 2016-3-29 18:49
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