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DSP资料区 今日: 1 |主题: 4676|排名: 53 

版主: cjsb37, thyears
[原创] 《DSP集成开发环境CCS开发指南》PDF版本 attachment  ...23456..7 luxiaojie 2009-8-22 698485 NANHU_BRUCE 2011-3-20 19:21
[资料] The DSP Handbook 2nd Edition Wireless, 2010 attachment  ...23456..7 yimingxn 2010-3-14 6914593 lsjhon# 2024-2-18 16:16
[原创] Blackfin系列DSP原理与系统设计 attachment  ...23456..7 greenband 2006-8-23 6812007 CITEE 2009-8-4 16:16
[原创] [免费]DSP外部电路设计的经典著作 attachment  ...23456..7 finalwsl 2006-9-27 6810870 samnush 2009-12-14 21:12
[原创] 合众达实验示例 attachment  ...23456..7 sjtian408 2007-5-17 687956 liuhaiyingsh 2010-2-28 23:49
[原创] Digital Signal Processing-A Computer Science Perspective attachment  ...23456..7 markkknd 2008-7-4 6811800 sky2city 2020-5-8 12:27
[原创] 共享:C6000DSP原理及其C编程开发技术 源码 attachment  ...23456..7 vivi_ran 2008-7-11 6870302 hchen0730 2021-8-26 19:21
[原创] DSP交大培训材料 attachment  ...23456..7 lqq86 2009-10-31 689671 jack_20150410 2015-12-10 10:47
[原创] CADENCE Orcad 16.3  ...23456..7 elephant20009 2010-4-27 6810991 Andy126 2018-12-12 20:05
[资料] 2013 Adaptive Filtering: Algorithms and Practical Implementation, 4th attach_img  ...23456..7 hi_china59 2013-1-14 6817768 dldlxkq 2024-3-23 09:35
[资料] 数字信号处理教程-第五版程佩青(高清版) attach_img  ...23456..7 Starspark 2021-5-21 6810129 redowl 2024-5-10 22:40
DSP十天速成 attachment  ...23456..7 xiaofangyuan 2006-11-12 678366 shizixin 2010-8-5 11:25
[原创] 2812开发套件详细资料 attachment  ...23456..7 lylylyly 2006-11-16 6710431 modoucao 2011-5-19 16:19
[原创] Wavelets Filter Banks Time-Frequency Transforms and Applications(Alfred Mertins) attachment  ...23456..7 fluxischarge 2007-2-26 6712730 xiaofuss_ 2020-1-30 22:42
[原创] 共享<数字信号处理教程:MATLAB释义与实现> attachment  ...23456..7 lae129 2008-11-16 6716223 陳春 2023-5-22 09:11
[原创] 精典好书:Audio Signal Processing and Coding attachment  ...23456..7 wyz165099 2009-11-5 6715369 tellingstory 2023-11-13 17:12
[原创] 《信号处理滤波器设计》George S Moschytz attachment  ...23456..7 pandora 2009-11-17 6716859 落雪听禅 2023-4-22 17:02
[原创] Adaptive Filter Theory (中文版) Simon Haykin attachment  ...23456..7 johnhsu 2012-11-17 6715838 i_test 前天 17:15
2407最小系统电路图 attachment  ...23456..7 Leo_bin 2006-10-28 667873 liuhaiyingsh 2010-6-15 23:25
数字信号处理C语言集(请看各章介绍,看是否有用,每章都有实例和源代码) attachment  ...23456..7 西士多 2007-4-28 6650903 zhuzhizhan 2024-5-14 09:05
[原创] DSP原理及其C编程开发技术--经典国外电子与通信教材系列 attachment  ...23456..7 yexinghua 2007-12-10 669120 yyxl 2010-12-14 22:22
[原创] 经典张贤达现代信号处理教材 attachment  ...23456..7 yexinghua 2007-12-20 6613000 hlbht2000 2022-1-13 13:34
[原创] 【走过路过不要错过】To make your Source Insight software support MATLAB attachment  ...23456..7 huhaohoo 2008-11-4 6614581 xxqmcu 2013-2-17 10:10
[原创] DSP经典书籍之《TMS320LF240x DSP C语言开发应用 》(PDF版) attachment  ...23456..7 kejinkun 2008-12-5 6610360 bidezhi7777 2012-10-16 13:30
[原创] 软件无线电原理与应用-杨小牛 attachment  ...23456..7 zghway 2009-3-16 6618240 apooo 2021-11-24 21:15
[资料] Essentials of Digital Signal Processing 2014 by Lathi attach_img  ...23456..7 hi_china59 2014-5-9 6616371 xdrxdr 2024-2-6 16:16
[原创] CCS编程入门资料 attachment  ...23456..7 wu5551 2006-10-4 6511224 jocylin 2008-5-5 15:19
真正能用的2812开发板原理图 attachment  ...23456..7 leelhoo 2006-10-25 6511570 gaofeng8619 2010-7-28 21:39
[原创] 哈工大DSP实验教材 attachment  ...23456..7 bb1344567 2007-5-4 659519 liuhaiyingsh 2010-4-5 23:39
[资料] Kalman Filter for Beginners with MATLAB Examples attachment  ...23456..7 jasonlhb 2018-11-19 6513801 wangggg1 2023-3-1 12:08
[原创] 《DSP集成开发环境CCS开发指南》 attachment  ...23456..7 zzg_ljl 2007-1-10 6410821 starliux 2010-8-18 10:50
[原创] TMS320C6000 CCS 学习指南 attachment  ...23456..7 xuefeihua 2007-4-25 6410132 dulei0201 2010-11-10 20:05
[原创] eBook —— LabVIEW based Advanced Instrumentation Systems attachment  ...23456..7 lotusky 2007-12-21 6411201 mmic1978 2011-3-2 18:15
[原创] 最新DSP-数字信号处理c语言程序集4 attachment  ...23456..7 hefanghzm 2008-8-17 6412054 tellingstory 2019-9-10 11:06
[原创] 数字信号处理—基于计算机的方法(第2版)+答案+程序及勘误 attachment  ...23456..7 vivi_ran 2008-11-7 649002 zzr1974418 2011-5-30 08:31
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