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DSP资料区 今日: 1 |主题: 4676|排名: 53 

版主: cjsb37, thyears
[资料] 离散时间信号处理中文版 第3版 奥本海姆 attachment  ...23456..7 土豆烧牛肉WOW 2020-7-1 6310485 etopjp 2024-3-16 22:27
[资料] TI全系列sch元件库(包括5402) attachment  ...23 zhiyong20080197 2010-3-13 268867 suiyingy 2013-10-29 16:33
[资料] Understanding Digital Signal Processing _3rd_RICHARD attach_img  ...234 anygo 2022-7-2 393353 i_test 2024-5-11 16:55
[资料] Software Defined Radio _ Origins Drivers and International Perspectives attachment  ...2 shubh_ic 2013-8-22 123698 im.leo 2024-1-19 10:34
[资料] MIT 奥本海默 DSP课件 attachment  ...2 DarkRoy 2015-6-4 123905 zgy_chenxin 2019-11-30 22:31
[资料] Acoustic MIMO Signal attachment  ...2 melquisedec 2016-11-21 123463 zhuzhizhan 2024-5-13 15:47
[资料] 求mitra 的 数字信号处理 基于计算机的方法 中文第4版,多谢!  ...2 hevendai 2013-9-8 125252 hchen0730 2023-4-2 15:44
[资料] Matlab_R2012a官方教程-Fixed-PointToolboxUser'sGuide attachment icebergprince 2014-8-28 82466 iNostory 2018-5-10 23:07
[资料] dsp原理及其c编程开发技术 attachment Manto 2016-2-24 72058 yesterdaymore 2018-6-25 11:54
[资料] Pearson Digital Fundamentals 11th Global Edition EBOOK PDF xiso 2015-12-13 95090 dannymu 2020-9-28 11:40
[资料] 《数字信号处理的FPGA实现》第四版中译版 attachment  ...2345 pwang7 2022-3-8 404466 skahill 2024-4-3 14:57
[资料] NEXT GENERATION WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS USING RADIO OVER FIBER attachment preben 2013-8-28 82642 LUCK168168 2019-11-27 09:59
[资料] Transformer Design Principles_ With Applications to Core  ...2 melquisedec 2016-11-21 164255 zpc930 2021-1-22 10:30
[资料] 多採樣 聖經本 第2版 attachment  ...23 eisbergeisberg 2023-8-1 231582 zhuzhizhan 2024-5-13 14:12
[资料] TI难得的官方中文手册 attachment  ...23 tjpu_wenyanbin 2010-4-10 216314 hlbht2000 2022-1-6 10:39
[资料] 2011 Signals and Systems: A Fresh Look by Chi-Tsong Chen attachment hi_china59 2018-11-23 82574 dannymu 2021-3-12 22:49
[资料] DSP介绍 attachment 11111qqqqq 2013-8-31 62248 鲤鱼 2018-6-21 20:46
[资料] siganl and systems using matlab attachment bellinwater 2014-9-10 62895 Aaronjiang 2017-7-27 00:18
[资料] DSP算法大全C语言版本 attachment  ...23 Miraitowa 2023-3-30 241987 菜鸟要飞 2024-1-18 09:43
[资料] Adaptive Filter Theory-5e Edition by Simon Haykin 及习题解答高清版 attachment  ...23 guo@hust 2023-11-8 281180 lzzeng 2024-5-12 12:48
[资料] Practical Applications in Digital Signal Processing frankcui 2013-5-13 83090 omnik 2022-1-9 13:25
[资料] 【省钱版】 全美经典 信号与系统 Hwei.P.Hsu attachment tao0314000 2014-12-16 93311 dannymu 2022-7-4 15:35
[资料] Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Science Perspective整本PDF attachment  ...23 土豆烧牛肉WOW 2020-7-1 294079 csfan007 2024-2-29 22:22
[资料] 信号与系统 封面恋人 2013-9-17 51857 zhou_charles 2014-8-27 14:54
[资料] 定点资料 attachment sailor1 2016-7-19 82515 PKU_ZH 2018-5-21 17:27
[资料] Embedded+Software+Design+and+Programming+of+Multiprocessor+System-on-Chip+ attachment  ...2 unlogical 2017-11-9 113914 xdrxdr 2024-2-6 16:23
[资料] DSP System Design attachment  ...2 craybird 2022-1-29 182645 liyaqat1220 2024-2-6 21:24
[资料] An Introduction to Digital Signal Processing A Focus on Implementation attachment  ...2 amir98 2022-1-31 183136 i_test 2024-5-11 16:51
[资料] Introduction to Digital Filters attach_img  ...23 zzzzf 2021-2-19 203771 im.leo 2024-1-19 10:35
[资料] The Fourier Transform and Its Applications 新人帖 attachment  ...23 zzzzf 2021-2-19 213229 wendy235711 2022-12-10 17:27
[资料] 高西全数字信号处理第三版程序完全版 attachment  ...2 jingxin_xd 2022-8-8 192291 yuanpin318 2024-1-26 07:12
[资料] Digital Signal Processing: Illustration Using Python attach_img  ...2 hi_china59 2024-1-26 16834 i_test 前天 15:58
[资料] Computational Photonics-Salah Obayya attachment preben 2013-7-3 42642 jeffej 2018-1-31 12:36
[资料] Digital Signal Processing Handbook attachment  ...2 craybird 2022-1-29 131962 lutherliu 2024-5-13 12:53
[资料] introduction of C programming for DSP Applications attachment wchang 2015-6-10 72391 haoxchao828 2020-1-6 12:13
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