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电源设计资料 今日: 4 |主题: 3219|排名: 48 

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[原创] 开关电源设计指南-pdf-大图片 attach_img  ...2345 A1985 2010-5-16 45792505 zhongcan 2023-10-12 11:15
[原创] 【开关电源设计(第3版)】Abraham I.Pressman 著【中文清晰版】 attachment  ...23456..76 benemale 2011-3-27 75193216 wc_buaa 2023-12-24 17:49
[原创] pwm完整設計 attachment  ...23456..16 st912458 2011-1-14 15539606 wangzhen_8811 2024-4-2 17:24
[原创] Switching Power Supplies A–Z Second Edition attachment  ...23456..12 donghuagao 2013-11-15 11431416 海上飞鱼 2023-8-14 17:51
[原创] Pulse-width Modulated DC-DC Power Converters, 2nd edition attach_img  ...23456..13 Jason.tschen 2016-1-25 12727600 dldlxkq 2024-3-21 22:10
[原创] 现代高频开关电源技术及应用-中文版 attachment  ...23456..18 A1985 2010-5-27 17426843 assurance 2020-11-1 22:01
[原创] Switching Power Supply Design & Optimization 2nd Edition Sanjay Maniktala attachment  ...23456..15 bryanwizard 2015-3-24 14226772 王昀麒 2024-3-28 13:23
[原创] 一本论坛找不到的书PID控制的 attachment  ...2345 icp 2012-5-18 4923273 peiyingjie 2023-9-3 18:52
[原创] 电源界很经典的一本书啊 attachment  ...23456..15 hmmq 2011-3-18 14722989 scwj 2018-3-23 09:48
[原创] 如何用NCP1377B来设计电源? shenlh002 2010-7-30 621009 shenlh002 2010-8-24 10:58
[原创] PWM電路設計技術 attachment  ...23456..9 zywxustren 2010-2-10 8418964 xushicaisc 2020-7-30 12:11
[原创] Power Transformers Principles and Application 英文原版 attachment  ...23456..9 flywing 2009-12-20 8118836 就一小白523 2022-10-31 15:28
[原创] 关于光伏发电的大量硕士,博士论文 attachment agree  ...23456..7 crazyrobot 2010-1-7 6317266 gchen03311 2020-12-29 04:01
[原创] 原边反馈的专利,实现输出恒流的方式 attachment  ...23456..8 nightyil11 2010-4-10 7416197 与众不同 2020-10-9 14:31
[原创] 电源制作高手经验总结 attachment  ...23456..9 660011 2010-1-12 8715582 小甲鱼游啊游 2019-10-8 19:17
[原创] Ansoft PExprt V6 SP4&SP9 attachment  ...2345 lineliu 2010-12-16 4213077 m1ck3y 2018-7-15 15:30
[原创] Power supply design....LDO,Buck attachment  ...23456..7 malli_1729 2014-7-27 6012600 abc_def_ghi 2020-1-19 09:30
[原创] 美國伊利諾大學 power converter教學資料 attachment  ...23456 alexenun 2010-5-21 5112537 就一小白523 2022-10-28 11:06
[原创] isscc2011 LED Driver attachment  ...234 princesunny 2011-12-1 3811434 axel 2023-1-11 20:26
[原创] 《脉冲变压器设计》PDF书籍 下载 attachment  ...234 shenlh002 2010-7-30 3511114 阿木云 2020-11-30 16:33
[原创] 开关电源功率因数校正电路设计与应用(现代电力电子应用技术丛书) attachment  ...23456 A1985 2010-5-16 5811041 supercar 2013-11-5 17:27
[原创] 《电磁场与电磁波理论基础》书籍 下载 attachment  ...23 shenlh002 2010-7-30 2310581 jack_20150410 2017-11-13 12:27
[原创] 原边反馈的专利,实现输出恒流的方式 attachment  ...234 nightyil11 2010-4-10 3910503 chenxiaoming 2013-10-6 12:01
[原创] 功率MOSFET的驱动经典文章 attachment  ...2345 0wenming0 2010-1-28 4910087 BrianLyx 2024-1-11 09:31
[原创] 详细讲解电感的工作原理 attachment  ...2345 小卓 2012-8-29 429628 us2393 2023-1-17 15:06
[原创] 2020版电力电子圣经,超经典教材:FUNDAMENTALS OF POWER ELECTRONICS,3rd edition attach_img  ...2345 allenwalkersun 2021-2-24 439369 soldierwuhan 2023-5-14 13:48
[原创] Power_Electronics_Hart_2010 attach_img  ...234 h11ws6mc0oo 2013-9-11 339070 就一小白523 2022-10-31 16:59
[原创] dc-dc swithi线路高频负载分析(beat frequency) attachment  ...2 lenchol_jia 2009-12-15 188930 caoweidong 2016-7-13 13:22
[原创] 资源分享:TI大牛Barsukov写的书,Battery Power Management for Portable Devices attach_img  ...23456 allenwalkersun 2021-2-20 558581 riven60797 2024-4-10 14:28
[原创] Sulpak v3.0 1CD(填料塔流体力学计算软件 cax2008 2011-12-18 68344 masum 2023-5-28 02:56
[原创] PI Expert Suite 8.6 attachment zuesyeh 2013-2-20 27883 andrew_xiao 2013-12-8 17:12
[原创] 奉献给大家一个开关电源的设计软件 attachment  ...23 guogongshao 2010-3-23 237861 josephri 2015-8-31 22:32
[原创] DC-DC电源常用的电路形式 attachment  ...23 ekoyosta 2011-7-22 217895 yueer99 2020-12-31 09:36
[原创] Ansoft Simplorer 8&8.1 Carck attachment  ...23 lineliu 2010-12-16 257639 5141314 2015-1-13 00:25
[原创] Slides of ISSCC2013 Power Converter attachment  ...23 princesunny 2013-2-22 277287 周创吉 2019-10-16 15:36
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