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射频微波资料 今日: 2 |主题: 8626|排名: 10 

版主: jinlilijin
Artech - Design of RF and Microwave Amplifiers and Oscillators attachment  ...23456..11 ntthlman 2007-5-25 10118009 macopeng 2022-7-7 17:05
Foundations.for.Microwave.Engineering-IEEE.Press attachment  ...234 ntthlman 2007-5-25 357052 liyuxiang1988 2017-10-20 13:21
求助:寻求一功放芯片! huataizi 2007-5-24 310561 huataizi 2007-6-12 10:55
HFSS 中文教程 attachment liyanming 2007-5-23 93529 girle 2010-10-29 11:08
Wiley - RFand MW Communication Circuits - Analysis and Design attachment  ...2345 ntthlman 2007-5-23 407443 dannymu 2019-12-19 22:39
ADS_training attachment  ...2 ntthlman 2007-5-23 133466 qmp880927 2012-3-23 15:02
Artech.House.Publishers.Smart.Antenna.Engineering.Jul.2005.eBook-LinG attachment  ...2345 ntthlman 2007-5-23 498764 szdgsz 2022-6-16 20:02
Microwave_engineering_using_microstrip_circuits_ attachment  ...23456..8 ntthlman 2007-5-23 7612632 szdgsz 2022-6-8 12:05
政府公布UHF频率 attachment snbc 2007-5-22 32502 frank12345 2008-6-13 16:26
Springer - Modeling and Simulation for RF System Design attachment  ...23456..10 ntthlman 2007-5-21 9818263 dannymu 2020-12-9 13:24
运算放大器的速度带宽优化设计 yazai113 2007-5-19 12520 LEEDEHONG 2007-12-16 19:59
射频/微波电路设计实训 blackbird 2007-5-18 12120 huang8482 2008-11-19 02:01
[名师经典之作][高清晰]微波固态电路设计 Microwave Solid State Circuit Design attachment  ...23456..25 ZHLGS1980 2007-5-17 24938628 zzabc 2023-11-29 23:57
求Filter Wiz pro 3.2 extraID 2007-5-16 03132 extraID 2007-5-16 11:14
[ebook]频谱和网络测量 attachment  ...23456 ZHLGS1980 2007-5-15 5911009 dannymu 2023-2-7 16:32
宽带低噪声放大器设计 attachment  ...23456..13 guoruir14 2007-5-15 12315194 核桃树 2013-1-11 00:18
微带线HFSS分析题例.pdf attachment  ...234 bird_zz 2007-5-15 397073 hhh730316 2016-2-25 17:11
发现一个新建的微波射频网站.ADS,HFSS,CST,天线 资料不少.  ...23456 bird_zz 2007-5-15 5417269 zampple 2021-8-2 15:07
一篇关于PLL的博士论文 attachment  ...234 lxc531 2007-5-14 338116 tangsongyuan699 2020-7-1 20:55
Amplifier Design (Microwave) attachment  ...2 visitor 2007-5-14 123263 shrikant00786 2017-2-17 21:22
no money no pay attachment ntthlman 2007-5-13 32632 小勺 2010-9-24 00:40
高频电路课件 attachment  ...2345 huangruihua 2007-5-13 497546 cici520 2015-9-4 19:02
Agilent公司射频设计视频教程(SWF格式)_上传完毕,敬请下载 attachment  ...23456..31 suiwinder 2007-5-11 30840175 oven8080 2017-9-7 14:15
给空调洗个澡,长沙小区居民深有感触 vgmpvc 2007-5-9 02862 vgmpvc 2007-5-9 13:06
绝对经典——Microwave and RF Product Applications attachment  ...2345 redevil 2007-5-9 437854 twofishes 2014-12-11 08:21
涓滆帪甯傞粍姹熷嚡婧愯溅琛岄暱鏈熼攢鍞?繘鍙f苯杞 cjpnsz 2007-5-9 03418 cjpnsz 2007-5-9 02:01
天线尺寸设计方法6 attachment  ...2 bailaker 2007-5-9 195013 ho_bo 2022-1-4 13:44
解ADS之ZAP档案方法 attachment  ...2 bailaker 2007-5-9 184351 正宗冒牌货 2014-4-7 21:13
good book share: RF components and circuits attachment  ...234 songchunfang123 2007-5-8 376769 ahshima 2010-8-20 15:19
AD功放 attachment  ...23 twjtd 2007-5-8 245871 mildtiger 2009-5-23 08:11
电容资料 attachment  ...2 twjtd 2007-5-7 153424 busu1314 2016-8-24 15:39
发现一个新建的微波射频网站.ADS,HFSS,CST,天线 资料不少  ...2 prnc 2007-5-7 127573 fzswz 2010-11-5 02:49
microwave office 中文教程 attachment  ...23456..31 mybee 2007-5-3 30543367 martian618 2020-1-5 17:10
mmic基础 attachment  ...23 zhucehappy 2007-5-2 205396 WoW_Lee 2019-8-27 17:26
请问谁有算传输线的那个软件叫winline dearjoey 2007-4-29 32371 Arvinliu 2013-3-2 09:40
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