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MATLAB 资料 今日: 0|主题: 3150|排名: 21 

版主: jswon, eecsseudl
Matlab2009_simulink+modelsim6.5 联合仿真 attachment  ...23456..8 211lili 2010-5-20 7323329 wxl_123 2021-8-26 09:25
MATLAB 2009b 从入门到精通 attachment  ...23456..20 minjiang 2009-10-4 19024188 wxl_123 2021-8-26 09:19
Matlab编程基础及应用 视频教程 attachment  ...2 tuohang 2009-10-1 194740 wxl_123 2021-8-25 21:55
matlab遗传算法工具箱函数及实例讲解 attachment  ...23 fingjjjjjj 2009-12-4 285842 wxl_123 2021-8-25 21:34
Signals and Systems with MATLAB 2009 attachment  ...23456..7 yimingxn 2009-6-20 6113777 wxl_123 2021-8-25 20:39
DELTA-SIGMA MATLAB 模型 attachment  ...23456..13 taoly_ic 2008-9-29 12123534 wxl_123 2021-8-25 20:17
《Matlab数字信号处理与应用》源代码 attachment  ...234 pandora 2009-11-13 317182 wxl_123 2021-8-25 18:01
OFDM的信道估计程序(MATLAB),用了三种信道估计的方法做出比较 attachment  ...23456..7 champoint 2009-5-17 6316343 AlexKe 2021-8-25 17:36
matlab入门经典教程--百看不厌1 attachment  ...23456..9 brant0518 2010-3-29 8715234 wxl_123 2021-8-25 17:35
Introduction to MATLAB 7 for Engineers(掃描版~~非喜勿下!!) attachment  ...2345 s2618017 2008-10-7 4911781 wxl_123 2021-8-25 17:03
digital image processing using matlab (gonzalez) attachment  ...23456..11 zhjjg 2008-4-1 10619787 wxl_123 2021-8-25 15:47
王正林《Matlab Simulink与控制系统仿真》.pdf attachment  ...234 tjlipeng 2011-4-2 347943 wxl_123 2021-8-25 15:00
自己读研期间所有的用于语音端点检测、语音特征提取和语音识别的matlab程序 attachment  ...23456..20 lijinbao2004 2007-11-10 19940864 wxl_123 2021-8-25 14:45
matlab R2010b for linux attachment  ...234 zhuhy520 2011-3-30 3012567 wxl_123 2021-8-25 14:41
<matlab及在电子信息类课程中的应用>课件 attachment  ...2 houting 2008-7-20 146703 wxl_123 2021-8-25 14:33
MATLAB教程与电路仿真--PDF参考书 attachment  ...23456..8 fanyan861110 2011-1-23 7519192 wxl_123 2021-8-25 14:24
余向阳博士Matlab教程 attachment  ...23456..11 tangerui 2007-3-24 10827275 wxl_123 2021-8-25 11:32
Mathworks.Matlab.R2008b.DVD.ISO bt种子 attachment  ...2 lae129 2008-11-9 149713 wxl_123 2021-8-25 11:12
薛定宇《基于MATLAB、Simulink的系统仿真技术与应用》 attachment  ...23456..8 lxnlc 2010-1-4 7016134 wxl_123 2021-8-25 11:11
FFT的Matlab仿真分析 attachment  ...23456..19 ydz 2008-4-22 18632604 wxl_123 2021-8-25 11:08
MATLAB 7.0在数字信号处理中的应用 attachment  ...23456..26 xiaojj2005 2007-10-11 25940226 wxl_123 2021-8-25 10:56
新书--matlab高级编程与DSP产品级源码生成  ...23 minjiang 2009-6-22 205554 wxl_123 2021-8-25 09:52
Matlab数学手册 attachment  ...2 prague 2007-10-25 113690 wxl_123 2021-8-25 08:45
Applied Numerical Methods Using MATLAB attachment  ...2 rickbai117 2008-10-8 175658 wxl_123 2021-8-24 19:34
!!Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave——2006 attachment  ...2 wodeccbp 2009-7-9 143881 wxl_123 2021-8-24 19:16
数字通信原理-基于Matlab仿真计算 attachment  ...2 YZ_CYCLONE 2008-11-3 143590 wxl_123 2021-8-24 16:51
Matlab Primer 第七版 经典著作 attachment  ...23 yuelengyueming 2009-12-30 295734 wxl_123 2021-8-24 15:54
All MATLAB Books Collection  ...2 lxandlj 2008-3-20 175748 wxl_123 2021-8-24 15:50
MATLAB与Spice连接技术 attachment  ...2345 ydz 2008-3-27 4010670 wxl_123 2021-8-24 15:32
数字通信原理_基于matlab仿真计算 attachment  ...2 damlaoqi 2008-12-22 175580 wxl_123 2021-8-24 15:30
通信系统与 MATLAB (Proakis) attachment  ...234 fangguihai 2008-12-21 348225 wxl_123 2021-8-24 14:26
QPSK系统Matlab仿真程序 attachment  ...23 zweishi 2009-2-1 266396 wxl_123 2021-8-24 14:26
Matlab通信仿真实例+Matlab图像处理函数总汇 attachment  ...2 bt1234560 2011-5-21 134475 wxl_123 2021-8-24 14:19
超级好书《精通MATLAB》,让你从菜鸟到牛人 attachment  ...23456..28 lonerinuestc 2007-8-28 27548488 wxl_123 2021-8-24 11:19
数字图像处理(冈萨雷斯matlab版)及其工具包 attachment  ...23456..13 bjpu 2009-3-17 12923278 wxl_123 2021-8-24 11:17
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