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[招聘] CPU Technical Leader 深圳/上海/台湾 100万+

发表于 2020-5-19 17:11:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Job requirements
Essential Skills and Experience
Significant experience of RTL design forcomplex ASIC products
Strong hardware development experience,spanning specification, design, verification, implementation, and delivery.
Ability to make trade-offs between power,performance and area appropriately to meet the requirements of the product
Experience in all stages of the designcycle: initial concept, specification, implementation and testing,documentation and support
Experience producing specifications anddocumentation describing complex designs
Ability to work under time-scale pressureand meet aggressive targets without compromising on quality
Understanding of the fundamentals ofcomputer architecture
Experience in leading a team of highlyskilled engineers
Excellent communication skills attechnical, senior management, and customer levels
Highly proactive, with strong multi-taskingskills
Strong planning skills
Proficiency in problem solving
Practical, organised, and analyticalapproach to work
Excellent communication and networkingskills
Enthusiasm, drive and the ability toschedule own workload and plan tasks
Significant technical team leadershipexperience, including planning, managing tasks and driving delivery tospecification and schedule
Experience of mentoring and coaching
Experience of technical interaction withcustomers
Highly proficient in spoken and writtenEnglish
Desirable Skills and Experience
·      Practical experience ofworking on microprocessor designs
·      Proficiency in scriptinglanguages, e.g. Perl/TCL/Python
·      Knowledge of assemblylanguage (preferably Arm), C/C++ and/or hardware verification languages e.g.SystemVerilog, Specman ‘e’
·      Line managementexperience
Experience working and communicating withcross-site teams
Understanding of functional safetyprinciples and experience of designer functional safety features

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