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电路设计资料 今日: 1 |主题: 14738|排名: 44 

高速数字信号完整性全波分析工具SIwave全部实例 attachment  ...23456..19 myshuixiang 2008-8-25 18124796 edison0217 2022-2-23 16:47
【数字IC经典书籍】Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits 3rd Edtion attachment  ...23456..38 walker 2008-11-22 37455687 Andy126 2022-7-22 21:15
[资料] 西电-博士-高性能sigma-delta+ADC的设计与研究 attachment  ...23456..12 idaidayou 2011-7-15 11321786 wangwei8027 2020-3-14 02:25
Cadence Spectre最完整的user guide attachment  ...23456..25 sunnyqgs 2009-4-9 24743938 吴国耀 2024-5-17 11:13
[资料] ANALOG-DIGITAL CONVERSION--ADI 经典著作,从头到脚了解ADC,从原理到应用,共1138页 attachment  ...23456..17 davey 2013-10-17 16723879 zzabc 2024-3-24 20:35
[资料] 微电子类书籍汇总 attach_img  ...23456..34 莫莘辛宇 2020-3-16 33252066 XSY0506 6 天前
[原创] 【PTR 2010新书】Power Integrity for I/O Interfaces: With SI / PI Co-Design - [阅读权限 5]attachment agree  ...23456..15 benemale 2010-11-1 1461150 infortrans 2024-5-16 08:25
[原创] candence SPB Orcad16.3破解整合版,多次安装成功 attachment  ...23456..19 wangpaiking 2010-6-11 18941825 sdc 2016-10-31 19:35
[资料] Microelectronic Circuits 6th_Edition - Sedra Smith - attachment agree  ...23456..19 兔兔兔兔8796 2011-2-19 18330753 BrianLyx 2023-9-22 11:59
[资料] 电源回流路径的详细剖析(结合图例分析) attachment  ...23456..23 alex_1202 2009-12-15 22935925 no814987 2023-3-5 21:38
[资料] 【Newnes2011新书】模拟大师遗作Analog Circuit Design A Tutorial Guide to App... attachment  ...23456..15 lihongbo1979 2011-12-24 14937387 jimcmwang 2021-6-25 00:22
ADS使用教程--非常详细 attachment  ...23456..42 wanderwall 2008-12-14 41855098 lvaibo1989 2024-4-10 09:41
[资料] 音频标准完整文档: IEC 60958, IEC 61737,SPDIF,DSD,IEC 60958-4 attachment  ...23456..19 legola126 2011-2-26 18351002 clslhy 2024-5-9 17:15
ibis模型的下载地址 attachment  ...23456..17 yaner1830 2008-4-21 16541081 xin2950 2023-10-11 15:14
三天入门hspice教程 attachment  ...23456..67 entertest 2006-5-19 66478447 chen1q 2019-9-2 14:55
网上N多人要的宝贝:于博士CADENCE视频教程的工程文件 attachment  ...23456..22 AroundSky 2009-10-21 21141811 menghuihandan 2021-4-14 14:49
[资料] 【论坛首发】inside NAND flash memories attachment  ...23456..14 analogmind 2011-10-4 13440457 gf128 2023-8-16 16:37
[资料] hyperlynx官方培训slides,只有mentor VIP 客户才有,《hyperlynx_SI_slides_8.0upd1》 - [阅读权限 10]attach_img agree  ...23456..14 neunzhu 2011-8-30 1311315 yihongq 2020-9-13 08:25
[资料] ncverilog for windows 带破解license(不限网卡MAC) attachment  ...23456..66 blizzard0 2010-1-18 65558858 唐源 2022-11-25 13:09
黑魔书 High-Speed Digital Design A Handbook Of Black Magic PDF版 attachment  ...23456..36 lishyg 2009-3-25 35349885 hitsdklz 2022-1-21 16:16
常用模块电路设计分析集锦 attachment  ...23456..66 qyf9804 2009-5-21 65461132 dannymu 2022-4-20 14:16
[资料] 集成电路版图设计PPT课件,分6章讲解,很详细的~~ attach_img agree  ...23456..12 wangxp0505 2010-10-7 11916812 lewispoiuy 2019-8-20 15:23
[资料] 个人收集的关于Delta-Sigma ADC中的数字滤波器资料 attachment  ...23456..14 yyff530 2011-8-25 13534129 ysyanda 2022-4-8 13:50
[资料] 中文版_CMOS超大规模集成电路设计第4版 attach_img  ...23456..17 evlvu 2014-7-31 16128453 maiyaolang 2024-3-3 17:06
【国外电子与通信经典教材】《电磁兼容导论》中文高清晰绝版 attachment agree  ...23456..74 luntan12 2008-11-14 73088497 coxswainy 2023-1-17 20:18
[原创] 滤波器设计资料大全 attachment digest  ...23456..21 splive231 2013-12-25 20247646 JingKe 2024-4-9 15:57
skill语言手册 attachment  ...23456..18 tanrty 2007-8-23 17733258 sundaysorrow 2018-10-30 17:11
国半的经典书籍 模拟的艺术-第4 5 6 部分 开关电源 dcdc attachment  ...23456..20 apple_apple2 2009-1-8 19225276 skylinexl 2019-9-18 10:22
[资料] 柯明道-ESD基础教程 attachment  ...23456..27 scuay 2009-12-19 26650014 yueqianglxiaxia 2024-4-7 22:32
自举电路(很全面的原理及应用) attachment  ...23456..45 584243817 2008-12-30 44246950 Rainrun 2016-11-2 21:40
[资料] Electric Circuits (9th Edition) + solutions manual Nilsson 2010 attach_img  ...23456..12 hi_china59 2012-1-30 11034427 wonringking 2023-8-18 00:07
[资料] 【经典】[哈佛大学教材]《电子学(第二版)》.霍罗威茨.高清版 attachment  ...23456..26 ywk03 2010-4-24 25949945 ysyanda 2022-5-1 13:52
高速数字设计(中文清晰版) attachment  ...23456..25 sindy2008 2009-3-30 24847280 shirley1123 2024-3-26 10:48
[资料] [大附件上传]An Engineer's Guide to Automated Testing of High-Speed Interfaces attachment agree  ...23456..13 lihongbo1979 2011-6-8 12936327 Evgen 2021-10-30 01:35
[资料] 高清PDF版本spb16.0《Cadence高速电路板设计与仿真》 attachment  ...23456..13 weision888 2011-4-23 12126291 opqfeixue122 2022-5-14 15:42
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