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EMC资料区 今日: 0|主题: 345|排名: 127 

全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 下载奖励300信元!片上网络 (NoC) 互连和末级缓存 IP 如何优化 SoC 设计 attach_img  ...23456..10 论坛管理员-1 2024-11-18 956179 ponderboy 昨天 23:29
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 下载奖励300信元!忆阻器/类脑芯片/自旋电子学-技术PDF+视频 attach_img  ...23456..8 论坛管理员-1 2024-9-26 779313 Yudai_Ken 前天 15:31
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 关注奖励200信元!“半导体创芯网” 微信公众号 attach_img  ...23456..11 创芯讲堂运营 2024-10-14 1068891 朽木枝桠 3 天前
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 百万元器件搜索大全  ...2 jackzhang 2024-6-3 1911604 hmz704271750 2024-11-27 18:05
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 EMC各种产品标准 attachment  ...2345 zj1028121713 2013-10-26 4611112 sutaotao2001 2024-1-14 10:57
EMC 名著 attachment  ...2345 huyoda 2018-4-8 438365 sczyfy 7 天前
重发两周学会HFSS视频教程(完整版) attachment  ...23456..11 穷学生 2013-6-13 10334469 sczyfy 7 天前
Foundations of Electromagnetic Compatibility - with Practical Applications, 2017 attachment  ...23456 zsh2626 2017-5-1 5810861 soldierwuhan 2024-12-6 08:40
Handbook of Antennas for EMC, 2Ed, 2018 attachment  ...2 zsh2626 2020-7-18 163734 mavelous 2024-12-6 08:37
Design for Electromagnetic Compatibility–In a Nutshell @2022 attach_img  ...234 2046 2022-12-1 312723 soldierwuhan 2024-12-6 08:37
Circuit techniques to minimize EMI attachment  ...2 edison0217 2019-8-28 185439 soldierwuhan 2024-12-6 08:36
吕仁清 蒋全兴《电磁兼容性结构设计》 attachment  ...23 jack_20150410 2018-7-24 285921 mavelous 2024-12-6 08:35
EMC经典国外著作———电磁兼容的印制电路板设计(原书第二版) attachment  ...23456..17 2012-4-22 16031493 mavelous 2024-12-6 08:34
Advanced Materials for Electromagnetic Shielding Fundamentals, Properties, and Applications attach_img  ...23 yhwxiasha 2019-5-5 245475 313949724 2024-12-6 08:31
Cable Shielding for Electromagnetic Compatibility, 1995 attachment  ...234 zsh2626 2015-10-29 336112 mavelous 2024-12-6 08:30
软件可靠性手册 attachment 夜未央 2023-3-14 71131 313949724 2024-12-6 08:30
Grounds for Grounding A Circuit System Handbook attachment  ...23456..12 biblade 2013-2-23 11926926 mavelous 2024-12-6 08:29
【资料】EMC/EMI设计相关资料打包 attachment  ...2 wangchenglong 2023-12-27 111069 mavelous 2024-12-6 08:28
Principles and Techniques of Electromagnetic Compatibility, 3Ed, 2023 attachment  ...23 zsh2626 2022-9-11 282947 mavelous 2024-12-6 08:27
【书】Electromagnetic Compatibility in Medical Equipment:a Guide for Designers attach_img  ...23 hsh22 2018-10-1 205132 mavelous 2024-12-6 08:19
【2017 书】Electromagnetic Time Reversal:Application to EMC and Power Systems attach_img  ...23 hsh22 2018-10-1 204162 mavelous 2024-12-6 08:13
笑谈热设计(美)科迪班 中文版 2014 attachment  ...2345 紫姬 2020-10-2 417530 mavelous 2024-12-6 08:13
EMC电磁兼容设计与测试案例分析(第2版) 郑军奇 attachment  ...23456..22 buliaoqq 2012-9-6 21043725 mavelous 2024-12-6 08:05
电磁兼容整改步骤 attachment  ...23 zj1028121713 2013-10-24 276331 mavelous 2024-12-6 08:04
网络变压器作用、原理及主要参数 attachment  ...23456 betergan 2013-6-26 5614318 amin2008 2024-11-9 22:22
关于PCB外接cable情况下的共模电流计算模型 attachment Hitachilijia 2021-10-3 31766 xiaochou1981 2024-10-29 10:29
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Design and Test Case Analysis, 2019 zsh2626 2019-4-29 42507 xiaochou1981 2024-10-29 10:24
EMC设计与测试案例分析 xshyhq 2013-1-21 83042 涯之角 2024-10-26 14:57
杜佐兵 - 开关电源电磁兼容分析与设计 attachment  ...2 csuzz 2023-10-27 183038 rnysun 2024-10-19 18:17
Electromagnetic Compatibility Methods, Analysis, Circuits, and Measurement, 3rd attachment  ...23456..8 sunxm 2017-9-17 7117858 rnysun 2024-10-19 18:15
【2017书】Modeling and Design of Electromagnetic Compatibility for High-Speed attach_img  ...23456..7 hsh22 2018-10-1 6410597 rnysun 2024-10-19 18:14
电子滤波器设计-英文版奉上 attachment  ...2 woniu1122 2014-8-18 184696 zhangming325 2024-10-8 14:07
EMC Tests adn PCB Guidelines for Automotice Linear Regulators attachment  ...2 dharma 2016-8-10 102493 yhgwork 2024-9-21 01:52
ELECTROMAGNETIC METAMATERIALS attachment  ...23 sunhengyi1123 2015-5-11 245102 yhgwork 2024-9-21 01:51
Designing for Board Level Electromagnetic Compatibility attachment  ...23 jack_20150410 2018-7-24 297052 yhgwork 2024-9-21 01:46
Book: Right The First Time:... Handbook High-Speed PCB ... attach_img  ...234 ohms377 2013-10-26 307765 yhgwork 2024-9-21 01:45
ST-AN4694-EMC design guides for motor control applications 新人帖 attachment csuzz 2023-10-27 4682 yhgwork 2024-9-21 01:38
(Springer,2014)Controlling Radiated Emissions by Design(3E) attachment  ...23 caltech_usa 2018-8-21 2715566 yhgwork 2024-9-21 01:37
完整版!Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering, 2009 attachment  ...234 zsh2626 2015-1-13 356629 yhgwork 2024-9-21 01:19
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