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EMC资料区 今日: 0|主题: 347|排名: 131 

公告 公告: 大附件建议上传在云盘,然后分享链接(可以自行设定下载积分) jackzhang 2025-1-14    
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 免费试用!高性能便携式示波器和电机驱动分析仪 attach_img 论坛管理员-1 2025-3-19 4878 jackzhang 昨天 12:53
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 ISSCC 2025 全集(论坛帖子链接汇总)  ...23 leonhao 2025-2-27 256805 kayjep 昨天 09:23
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 电子行业在线换算器  ...234 jackzhang 2024-6-3 3217753 Langrange 前天 08:55
本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 EMC各种产品标准 attachment  ...2345 zj1028121713 2013-10-26 4611771 sutaotao2001 2024-1-14 10:57
Yuki_IC2024-12-141239Yuki_IC2024-12-2 17:14
Principles and Techniques of Electromagnetic Compatibility, 3Ed, 2023 attachment  ...234 zsh2626 2022-9-11 353976 zhb9103 前天 06:45
什么是emi、ems、emc? wswnihao 2011-11-7 84449 sheep_of_shape 3 天前
[资料] 春節好好用功讀書的書單喔! 电磁兼容工程 OTT著;邹澎译 清华大学出版社 eisbergeisberg 2022-1-21 31287 head_wp 3 天前
Grounds for Grounding A Circuit System Handbook attachment  ...23456..13 biblade 2013-2-23 12228281 asod 2025-3-20 09:49
EMC for Product Designers, 5ed, 2017 attachment  ...23456..11 zsh2626 2016-12-12 10123487 asod 2025-3-20 09:44
电磁兼容(EMC)标准解析与产品整改实用手册 attachment  ...2345 flydragon611 2020-4-26 479659 asod 2025-3-20 09:43
吕仁清 蒋全兴《电磁兼容性结构设计》 attachment  ...234 jack_20150410 2018-7-24 316640 asod 2025-3-20 09:40
EMC 名著 attachment  ...2345 huyoda 2018-4-8 458976 asod 2025-3-20 09:39
EMC培训资料(297页) attachment  ...23456..26 ebottom 2011-6-25 25952348 asod 2025-3-20 09:38
EMC设计认证高级班培训教材 attachment  ...23456 利利 2015-1-13 5712255 asod 2025-3-20 09:37
intel高级工程师-信号完整性 attachment  ...23456..13 hero1383 2010-10-27 12129162 asod 2025-3-20 09:30
Grounding and Shielding - Circuits and Interference, 6ed, 2016 attachment  ...2345 zsh2626 2016-12-13 488657 tu_yjq123 2025-3-15 18:09
寻书:Inductance Calculations - Working Formulas and Tables attachment zsh2626 2014-12-31 42955 tu_yjq123 2025-3-15 18:06
【2017书】Modeling and Design of Electromagnetic Compatibility for High-Speed attach_img  ...23456..7 hsh22 2018-10-1 6611272 Jeff1010 2025-3-13 10:19
Design for Electromagnetic Compatibility–In a Nutshell @2022 attach_img  ...234 2046 2022-12-1 343268 yhwxiasha 2025-3-11 16:05
Advanced Materials for Electromagnetic Shielding Fundamentals, Properties, and Applications attach_img  ...23 yhwxiasha 2019-5-5 266099 opqfeixue122 2025-3-10 13:37
Electromagnetic Compatibility Methods, Analysis, Circuits, and Measurement, 3rd attachment  ...23456..8 sunxm 2017-9-17 7318818 opqfeixue122 2025-3-10 13:33
Test for EMC Compliance:Approaches and Techniques attachment  ...234 sunhengyi1123 2015-5-11 316537 opqfeixue122 2025-3-10 13:32
寻书:Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility, 3rd Ed, 2023 attachment  ...2 zsh2626 2025-2-19 111011 zhsh94 2025-3-6 07:49
电磁兼容标准与认证 attachment  ...2 forestxsl 2011-12-15 124586 erickent 2025-3-5 23:32
EMI/EMC设计经典问题集 wswnihao 2013-1-15 63347 erickent 2025-3-5 23:30
ESD 原理及防护 attachment Billmtk 2022-12-29 51101 erickent 2025-3-5 23:29
完整版!Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering, 2009 attachment  ...234 zsh2626 2015-1-13 367048 erickent 2025-3-5 23:21
【资料】EMC/EMI设计相关资料打包 attachment  ...2 wangchenglong 2023-12-27 121323 erickent 2025-3-5 23:03
电磁兼容整改步骤 attachment  ...23 zj1028121713 2013-10-24 286677 erickent 2025-3-5 23:02
【2017 书】Electromagnetic Time Reversal:Application to EMC and Power Systems attach_img  ...23 hsh22 2018-10-1 224591 csuzz 2025-2-18 13:44
EMC经典国外著作———电磁兼容的印制电路板设计(原书第二版) attachment  ...23456..17 2012-4-22 16132689 yyxl 2025-2-9 16:03
软件可靠性手册 attachment 夜未央 2023-3-14 91333 yyxl 2025-2-9 15:56
美军标MIL-STD系列标准43个合集 attachment  ...23 sunhengyi1123 2012-5-16 236556 post 2025-1-12 11:00
李明洋HFSS视频培训教程(完整版) attachment  ...23456..9 穷学生 2013-6-14 8030701 sutaotao2001 2025-1-12 10:27
必看!美容仪显示屏静电放电致重启问题的超实用解决方法与优化 attach_img 深圳比创达EMC 2025-1-10 0355 深圳比创达EMC 2025-1-10 15:39
Cable Shielding for Electromagnetic Compatibility, 1995 attachment  ...234 zsh2626 2015-10-29 346618 dldlxkq 2025-1-10 09:29
论坛管理员-12024-11-1816520450lhs9206272025-3-1 12:26
Dr. Archambeault 经典之作PCB Design for Real -world EMI control attachment  ...23456..10 kuer09 2012-3-28 9725882 yxy7968 2025-1-10 04:08
PCB Currents: How They Flow, How They React attachment  ...23456..10 nasaspace 2013-7-11 9433710 chillys 2025-1-9 09:56
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