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单片机资料 今日: 0|主题: 5416|排名: 22 

AVR 开发工具ICCAVR 6.25 attachment  ...234 nautilusp 2009-9-13 3815437 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 16:35
献给:单片机初学者,开发实例(sch,pcb+源代码)!!! attachment digest  ...23456..17 solonsun 2004-5-16 16941720 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 16:34
基础---实用算法的分析与程序设计 attachment  ...234 gigohalo 2008-1-8 387494 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 16:32
Proteus和Keil51连接的驱动 attachment  ...23 barbara21 2009-6-25 276169 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 15:37
[原创] 新概念51单片机C语言教程:入门、提高、开发、拓展(郭天祥)(要求加精) attachment  ...234 awenchaoju 2010-1-24 358685 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 15:36
《单片机C语言编程与实例》的代码 attachment  ...2 xguhb 2007-12-27 193183 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 15:33
为了减少扣信元 8051系列单片机C程序设计完全手册 分成26卷 attachment  ...23456..50 liang0240 2008-10-25 49840755 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 15:28
MSP430控制直流电机应用 attachment  ...23 microcontrol 2007-5-17 286142 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 15:24
[资料] 家用电器的电磁兼容 attachment qinnj 2014-10-22 71883 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 15:16
基于HT47系列RISC单片机的智能化仪表设计 attachment henry1981525 2006-7-22 42622 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 15:03
[资料] IAR FOR MSP430 FULL 工具 attachment  ...234 hyy204 2012-3-27 307443 smrecnik 2016-7-24 14:57
家庭电子小制作(PDF) attachment  ...2 mzl517568528 2009-7-17 185539 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 13:08
I2C总线应用系统设计 attachment  ...2345 wapoca 2009-6-2 477543 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 12:47
[讨论] 现在还有哪些领域用到8051 glife 2014-11-22 21872 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 12:47
USB总线的综合开发实例 attachment  ...23456 codesos 2007-10-27 589288 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 12:43
硬件工程师的最基本知识 attachment  ...23 fishkking 2008-11-13 244580 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 11:52
单片机的硬件结构 attachment  ...2 ouken 2007-4-3 113324 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 11:51
想订制IC设计方面期刊,学长们给点建议吧!!! lao5hua 2007-5-5 52850 fwutsairlin 2016-7-24 08:43
恒温烙铁1 attachment  ...23 mmj 2007-1-1 255114 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 18:39
一个机房监控的单片机源码 attachment  ...2 Joehill.Net 2008-8-2 113824 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 18:35
[资料] 常配套单片机的DC-DC、LDO IC选型 jimmyliu188 2015-7-31 52323 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 18:29
单片机解密芯片设计PCB抄板元器件参数测试 attachment skt527 2006-11-21 72838 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 18:21
湿度计开发/湿度计湿度算法/怎样计算环境的舒服程度 attachment  ...2 colderain 2006-7-2 134376 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 18:17
ATmega16上的移植源码 attachment singlechip 2009-2-6 92322 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 18:12
自制基于89C51单片机试验板 attachment  ...2345 jidong03 2007-1-30 468620 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 18:11
AVR上的汇编圈圈操作系统 attachment dengyijun103 2009-6-5 93211 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 18:10
RAM中文指令 attachment  ...2 henry1981525 2006-7-22 133682 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 18:01
lpc2114应用 attachment  ...2 matt100 2008-4-7 124159 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 17:57
新颖的书:Programming the PIC Microcontroller with MBasic attachment  ...2 lxandlj 2008-3-1 193598 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 17:55
仓库温湿度的监测系统 attachment  ...2 qinweixsd 2008-10-5 113261 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 17:44
c51单片机课件 attachment  ...2 comsx2 2007-8-24 143569 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 17:35
Proteus 与单片机实时动态仿真教程 attachment  ...23 iammichael 2008-6-8 275742 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 15:45
Proteus的入门教程 attachment  ...23 decker 2006-11-24 225166 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 15:44
MCS-51单片机实用子程序库 attachment  ...23 weishaoshao 2007-5-4 225980 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 15:11
[资料] hi-tech dspicc manual attachment  ...2 szaival 2010-11-29 124138 fwutsairlin 2016-7-23 15:10
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