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电路设计资料 今日: 1 |主题: 14790|排名: 17 

Signal Integrity for PCB Designers attachment  ...234 ding0218 2009-3-13 309966 opqfeixue122 2020-9-21 15:50
高速PCB设计经典—High-Speed Digital System Design, Stephen H.Hall等 attachment  ...23456..7 eagle_tek 2008-12-17 6113639 opqfeixue122 2020-9-21 15:44
[资料] [電子書]Altera_Guidelines for Designing High-Speed FPGA PCBs attachment q63010 2015-4-12 61849 opqfeixue122 2020-9-21 15:42
[资料] Practical issues in high speed PCB design attachment  ...2 drjiachen 2011-5-21 143398 opqfeixue122 2020-9-21 15:39
[讨论] 共源共栅运算放大器的分析 attachment johnboy 2011-11-15 72948 AlexKe 2020-9-19 10:00
微波技术与微波电路 attachment pan419456371 2008-11-1 52388 aisuxian1314 2020-9-18 23:24
最经典的电磁学基础书 attachment  ...23456..7 cache 2009-1-7 6914798 dannymu 2020-9-18 15:55
[资料] 【电子书】VIVADO从此开始 attachment zgaytc 2020-9-3 41097 zgaytc 2020-9-18 14:13
史上最精典的高速数字设计书籍 attachment  ...2 wuhongtian 2009-4-21 103782 nikeman 2020-9-18 11:14
High Speed Interconnect Design ( from Tektronix ) attachment Frankie666 2009-4-30 92704 dannymu 2020-9-17 16:50
[资料] Handbook of Visual Display Technology attachment  ...2 johnhsu 2013-7-30 173471 AlexKe 2020-9-17 14:44
2008年新书:digital design and Fabrication_2nd attachment  ...23 nanong 2008-6-2 265489 zte123456 2020-9-16 17:13
[原创] 8b/10b编码器的的verilog程序与测试程序 attachment  ...234 caoyongminhe 2013-11-11 3511725 smzh0531 2020-9-16 13:19
[pdf]小尺寸半导体器件的蒙特卡罗模拟 attachment  ...23 leiyuming 2009-11-26 228808 江上飘来 2020-9-16 11:04
[资料] [Introduction to Microfabrication] attachment  ...23 winglou 2013-3-21 248412 AlexKe 2020-9-15 21:51
基于Verilog-A行为描述模型的VCO设计 attachment  ...23 chaowei 2008-7-21 235391 williamy 2020-9-15 11:10
[资料] Hyperlynx DDR2 LineSim attachment  ...23 crazyboy20 2010-11-23 276289 yihongq 2020-9-13 08:27
[资料] hyperlynx官方培训slides,只有mentor VIP 客户才有,《hyperlynx_SI_slides_8.0upd1》 - [阅读权限 10]attach_img agree  ...23456..14 neunzhu 2011-8-30 1311315 yihongq 2020-9-13 08:25
signal and system attachment maxswell 2009-9-30 72693 yeziqishuang 2020-9-12 15:09
[原创] 环路补偿问题分析 attachment candy闫 2020-7-9 51552 xuxms 2020-9-12 14:40
cadence手册 attachment  ...2 nuoxibeihang 2009-9-2 153194 cheneyww 2020-9-11 16:50
HFSS边界条件和激励设置 attachment jiaping_xu 2007-1-3 83355 dannymu 2020-9-11 15:51
[资料] 晶体管原理 陈星弼_唐茂成 attachment  ...23 禅师1988 2010-9-30 295475 wjx197733 2020-9-10 10:42
[资料] Operational Amplifiers - Theory and Design, 2ed, 2011 attachment  ...23 zsh2626 2014-12-14 204187 dannymu 2020-9-8 20:53
[资料] 通信系统建模与仿真实例分析_邵玉斌 attachment  ...2 莫莘辛宇 2020-4-2 112990 dannymu 2020-9-8 20:50
[资料] 数字与模拟通信系统 attachment  ...23 denkyvip 2012-10-12 234815 dannymu 2020-9-8 20:43
北大微电子与电路基础 attachment  ...2 qqxing79 2009-2-6 153862 踩不死的小强 2020-9-8 18:03
Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk attachment rfjungle 2007-12-31 92406 yahuamvp 2020-9-7 14:42
Introduction to RFCMOS Integrated Circuits (P.Andreani) attachment pon1213a 2008-8-8 62081 newrfdesign 2020-9-7 13:40
[资料] 图解实用电子技术丛书 电子元器件应用技术:基于OP放大器与晶体管的放大电路设计 attachment  ...23456 djgirl 2012-4-11 5010365 AlexKe 2020-9-5 14:15
[资料] 测量电子电路设计(模拟篇+滤波器篇) attachment agree  ...234 GSHLIONO1 2012-3-24 358731 AlexKe 2020-9-5 14:09
[资料] 国内经典的射频电路和系统的书籍,做电路的不可不读 attachment  ...2 dudiaoke 2012-9-14 194254 dannymu 2020-9-5 00:44
【全美经典】传感器原理及工程应用.pdf (6.85MB)  ...2345 nuaays 2008-12-18 417600 dannymu 2020-9-4 18:13
sze solutions manual for semiconductor devices physics and technology 2ed attachment djo6j86j86 2009-9-26 85802 zheng2009 2020-9-4 17:46
[资料] INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING AND FILTER DESIGN yuqiumax 2010-5-21 84335 dannymu 2020-9-4 15:04
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