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电路设计资料 今日: 0|主题: 14852|排名: 17 

High.speed.Circuit.Board.Signal.Integrity attachment  ...2 preben 2008-4-22 142948 wjh123 2011-9-28 10:09
Basic Principles of Signal Integrity attachment ding0218 2009-4-3 91685 wjh123 2011-9-28 10:05
Signal Integrity Considerations for High Speed Digital Hardware Design attachment  ...234 ggyy1216 2007-10-16 304116 wjh123 2011-9-28 09:36
高频pcb设计规范,心得。 attachment  ...23 dhwdm22 2007-11-3 294484 wjh123 2011-9-28 09:01
针对 Spartan-3E FT256 BGA 封装的四层和六层 attachment myshuixiang 2008-3-27 31234 henry_g 2011-9-27 22:28
英文原版课件of数字集成电路--电路、系统与设计 attachment  ...23456..10 xiaomizhou 2008-4-8 959327 hellowlyb 2011-9-27 21:07
[资料] cadence初级教程——AllegroBook1 attachment  ...2 xiangyangzhaoyi 2011-9-18 112826 xiangyangzhaoyi 2011-9-27 21:05
[资料] 模拟CMOS集成电路设计 Razavi 习题 attachment jchdl_ic 2010-4-3 71434 ebook128 2011-9-27 15:53
温升计算与模拟的英文资料 attachment keledongdong 2008-7-27 41846 chaikey000 2011-9-27 13:40
模拟电路pdf attachment  ...2 junlianz 2009-3-21 154804 likenature 2011-9-26 21:40
hspice简明手册 attachment xihuwang 2009-7-19 13843 zheng2009 2011-9-26 16:05
[资料] 700V高压ESD设计 attachment  ...2 fkdyz 2010-7-17 135515 mystrip 2011-9-25 22:16
[资料] 家庭电子小制作.[方大千,方亚敏编著][新时代出版社][2004][271页] attachment  ...234 yanglingling406 2010-7-17 374581 qazzaq123456 2011-9-25 22:07
华为编程开发规范与案例 attachment cyzarm 2006-12-12 51952 挂在天边的鱼 2011-9-25 20:57
半导体器件基础 kiwi_zhang 2009-2-21 43092 落寞的烟卷 2011-9-25 19:34
[资料] 电子电路经典实例,超级经典 attachment  ...23 hss5492786 2010-7-28 283699 nan65219025 2011-9-25 13:22
[资料] 微弱信号的课件 attachment yisuoyuanyu 2011-1-7 11545 nan65219025 2011-9-23 21:45
[资料] 经典模拟电路设计资料 attachment mypcbok01 2010-12-22 83708 nan65219025 2011-9-23 21:44
new multi-finger SCR-based structure for efficient on-chip ESD protection attachment haicoal 2008-10-31 42707 mystrip 2011-9-23 10:21
Communication Networks: Fundamentals Concepts and Key Architectures  ...2 ding0218 2008-7-20 102386 rb03508 2011-9-22 21:48
[原创] 求助40nm的问题,OPA以及bias中电流镜的输入管用length=0.2的可以不? christiria 2011-9-22 11865 christiria 2011-9-22 14:13
常用CMOS模拟开关功能和原理 attachment  ...2 yulijunyu 2006-8-12 133610 liwid 2011-9-22 14:09
Communication Systems attachment h85079505 2009-3-13 71854 rb03508 2011-9-22 05:54
Communication Systems Engineering, Second Edition ding0218 2008-7-20 81755 rb03508 2011-9-22 05:51
[原创] 2-D硅器件模拟软件Spisces attachment luhaifeng006 2009-12-19 31695 albert_eetop 2011-9-21 17:18
传输线资料 attachment marss37 2009-11-17 51387 wjh123 2011-9-21 15:36
数字技术教程 attachment  ...2 zyz_npu 2006-11-22 183122 cmk85 2011-9-20 22:52
UNIX-LINUX Shell Commands attachment  ...2 woyaosheji 2007-4-29 142754 twfly 2011-9-20 22:36
[CRC2008] digital design and fabrication attachment  ...23 jrzhang 2008-9-30 284004 larryfarn 2011-9-20 22:32
怎样阅读IC的datasheet attachment netwp 2006-10-31 42069 liuqingfeng2011 2011-9-20 21:00
[资料] MOS运算放大器原理设计应用 attachment yangxc 2011-5-26 91993 hahaT_MAC 2011-9-20 20:26
[资料] keil调试方面的资料 attachment qgl220 2010-11-6 31175 machiavelli 2011-9-20 17:54
[资料] PCB高级设计系列讲座 attachment  ...2 wujianwei3980 2009-12-20 162778 yanhui_man 2011-9-20 17:22
[原创] Digital Signal Processing Using Matlab ding0218 2010-4-21 71756 youngwager 2011-9-20 16:37
模拟电路的科学与艺术-The Art and Science of Analog Circuit Design attachment  ...23 meixin2009 2009-8-24 244734 德律风根 2011-9-20 12:37
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