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Methods and Techniques of Radar Recognition ding0218 2008-8-26 43101 magmag 2017-2-2 09:52
[资料] ELINT:The Interception and Analysis of Radar Signals共享 attachment  ...23 laglbg 2011-7-4 215369 magmag 2017-2-2 09:47
Radar Signal Processing attachment fullspectrum 2009-1-23 31784 magmag 2017-2-2 08:06
[转贴] systemview4.5破解版 maozaixiong 2015-2-10 13251 maxchung 2017-2-1 14:56
Fundamentals of Wireless Communication attachment  ...23456..26 shawn_yangjx 2006-8-8 25944141 z9886607 2017-2-1 00:44
[资料] RS code and Turbo code attachment  ...2 vikingg 2015-9-21 132597 auspiciouschen 2017-1-31 15:28
[资料] 数字通信第二版(Bernard sklar)课后习题答案英文版 attachment 魂断IC 2011-12-10 43785 wyfchinaitlab 2017-1-29 00:04
经典书籍 剑桥大学大学出版社: 无线通信基础, 巨好!!! attachment  ...23456..20 sobon 2008-2-14 19532981 z9886607 2017-1-26 21:37
CRC新书Contemporary Coding Techniques and Applications for Mobile Communications attachment  ...23456..8 jacobshen 2009-6-23 7814041 jw216 2017-1-26 19:20
[资料] Turbo Coding Turbo Equalization and Space time Coding attachment vikingg 2015-9-21 91851 jw216 2017-1-26 19:13
Turbo Encoder/decoder demo attachment  ...234 zhangkoko2 2009-6-29 357931 jw216 2017-1-26 14:45
[原创] Turbo Coding, Turbo Equalisation And Space-time Coding (2nd Edition) attach_img  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-1-23 224778 jw216 2017-1-26 14:28
一种改进的LMS 算法及其在自适应消噪中的应用 attachment ld801121 2009-5-25 92973 kiteinsky 2017-1-25 16:46
[资料] An Introduction to LTE: LTE, LTE-Advanced, SAE and 4G Mobile Communications - [阅读权限 10]attachment  ...23 iswear 2012-10-10 29365 stefaniell 2017-1-25 06:54
[求助] 脽有這一本ebook? ycyang0508 2017-1-24 11546 auspiciouschen 2017-1-24 20:45
电子书:Digital Video Broadcasting--Technology, Standards & Regulations attachment  ...2 mitdd1 2008-12-11 194281 lixqing 2017-1-24 08:25
CDMA2000系统中Turbo码的FPGA实现 attachment daisy1314 2009-4-28 67918 xphoenix 2017-1-23 01:53
[资料] MIMO-OFDM with MATLAB attachment vikingg 2014-5-16 82236 huatiantian 2017-1-22 22:04
[资料] Dynamic Routing Protocols Overview attachment cwy691024 2016-4-15 31416 xphoenix 2017-1-21 00:19
介绍RS码的资料 attachment  ...2 cosmic.sqli 2009-8-17 103072 kykztao 2017-1-20 16:30
Wireless coherent OFDM modem simulation.pdf attachment  ...2 bjgzslw 2008-9-5 103299 jrhaulu 2017-1-20 14:17
Adaptive Techniques for Multiuser OFDM attachment  ...2 tilun 2008-9-11 183883 mir107 2017-1-19 14:50
Design and performance of a 4G downlink using adaptive OFDM attachment  ...2 scutdengsq 2009-11-8 153370 mir107 2017-1-19 14:35
adaptive OFDM system design for cognitive radio attachment champoint 2009-5-19 72234 mir107 2017-1-19 14:33
[资料] 信道建模 attachment dereklee0302 2010-11-14 92062 mir107 2017-1-19 11:55
adaptive OFDM attachment ggyy1216 2008-4-18 91710 mir107 2017-1-19 11:54
OFDM_MATLAB_Simulink_Code attachment  ...2345 saileryt 2007-1-12 417675 mir107 2017-1-19 11:53
[资料] 硕士论文:卷积码编码器及Viterbi译码器的设计 attachment  ...234 dongjing011 2010-3-4 307137 mir107 2017-1-19 11:52
[资料] OFDM系统中的预失真技术 attachment  ...23 fengyun01 2010-9-4 234629 mir107 2017-1-19 11:51
BPSK调制方式+AWGN/RAYLAIGH+CHANNEL attachment  ...23 kdb08 2009-7-10 224906 mir107 2017-1-19 11:24
Wireless Channel Model attachment aeou 2008-10-29 62650 mir107 2017-1-19 10:30
《Adaptive and Iterative signal processing in communications》 attachment  ...23456 toshine 2008-11-25 529635 auspiciouschen 2017-1-18 14:46
The Communications Handbook, 2nd Edition attachment  ...23 koala5520 2009-6-24 245190 auspiciouschen 2017-1-18 14:37
Fourier Transforms in Radar and Signal Processing.pdf attachment  ...2 xie.qiang 2009-7-3 132853 auspiciouschen 2017-1-18 11:41
[资料] Cisco Coherent Transmission Detection (40G, 100G and beyond)  ...2 free2bird 2011-5-17 183668 chdxidian 2017-1-17 13:16
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