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[资料] 数字滤波和电子相关 attachment luzhongfang 2010-1-19 01719 luzhongfang 2010-1-19 09:58
[解决] 电路中怎么添加零级点补偿 luzhongfang 2010-1-19 04397 luzhongfang 2010-1-19 09:32
mx27原理图 attachment marshorizon 2009-1-11 11475 study0 2010-1-19 08:58
求:无线通信FPGA设计这本书  ...2 u-know? 2008-12-1 152914 yousee 2010-1-18 23:13
[原创] 各位谁有樊昌信的清晰的教材? zhangjiaxun 2010-1-14 21700 yousee 2010-1-18 22:58
[资料] 从WCDMA到LTE的渐进演进 attachment fengyun01 2010-1-1 52414 yangysh 2010-1-18 22:15
[求助] 求4G新书《Radio Technologies and Concepts for IMT-Advanced》 beyondman 2010-1-8 33224 spwedasd 2010-1-18 15:11
[原创] 第六届WiCOM2010征文通知(Ei&ISTP Indexed) golegoo 2010-1-11 13039 akunak 2010-1-18 14:52
[资料] 推荐《中通快讯》 qww01 2010-1-18 12958 down_load 2010-1-18 12:02
Practical Radio Resource Management in Wireless Systems attachment zweishi 2009-1-17 21597 huatiantian 2010-1-18 11:25
重发(通信指挥学院)通信原理教案(李有根) attachment  ...2 xuexixht 2007-8-11 154021 bwclzm 2010-1-18 10:10
通信原理和电路 attachment  ...23 无相无住 2009-4-26 232783 bwclzm 2010-1-18 10:06
请问如何从基带传输的编码数据中提取时钟 bikongguyun 2004-3-8 12776 hanyang 2010-1-16 19:18
[资料] 推荐《中通快讯》 qww01 2009-12-14 11706 yyp520297 2010-1-15 14:38
[转贴] 推荐一下EETOP的兄弟网站CNTTR的最新一期中通快讯,汇集业内最新最热话题 attach_img lovever 2009-12-21 13158 yyp520297 2010-1-15 14:33
3G经典书籍 Introduction to 3G Mobile Communications 2ed attachment mydmdm 2009-3-11 83405 tele 2010-1-15 09:48
IEEE 2009 iterative receiver paper attachment huyugorgon 2009-1-17 61938 zhuzhu2008zhu 2010-1-13 20:40
Andreas Goldsmith经典书籍《Wireless Communication》(斯坦福大学教材) attachment putaolaozu 2009-1-15 82467 ricjin 2010-1-13 18:25
《Simulation and Software Radio for Mobile Communications》的源码 attachment  ...23456..8 hrbjty 2006-12-29 7010259 zhuzhu2008zhu 2010-1-13 10:53
[原创] Ei检索的中文“IEEE互联网技术与应用国际会议”iTAP2010 wicom 2010-1-13 01164 wicom 2010-1-13 09:30
[原创] 第六届WiCOM2010征文通知(Ei&ISTP Indexed) wicom 2010-1-13 02328 wicom 2010-1-13 09:29
谁推荐一下 光电半导体材料 方面的参考书 fengtuntun 2009-10-15 32071 bostonpizza 2010-1-13 09:02
ADVANCED OFDM SYSTEMS FOR TERRESTRIAL MULTIMEDIA LINKS attachment  ...23 mobilewang 2007-1-26 203643 chyfung 2010-1-13 03:00
OFDM transmission over gaussian channel attachment ggyy1216 2008-4-18 31444 chyfung 2010-1-13 02:59
Theory.and.Applications.of.OFDM.and.CDMA.Wideband.Wireless.Communications3 attachment  ...2 zhangjiansamo 2006-11-8 123555 chyfung 2010-1-13 02:49
[原创] 第六届WiCOM2010征文通知(Ei&ISTP Indexed) wicom 2010-1-12 21366 d9578054 2010-1-13 01:18
Ultra Wideband Radio Technology.pdf attachment chenpeng3361 2007-10-28 92295 donakat3 2010-1-12 13:03
[原创] Ei检索的中文“IEEE互联网技术与应用国际会议”iTAP2010 wicom 2010-1-12 01424 wicom 2010-1-12 10:09
经典中兴网络培训教程 attachment hellowmz 2009-2-9 31699 xuri2009 2010-1-11 20:06
[原创] OFDM频率偏移估计算法 attachment 曾石头 2009-12-23 11623 家园会员 2010-1-11 17:44
[转贴] 推荐《中通快讯》 attach_img litwei100 2010-1-11 13870 djo6j86j86 2010-1-11 16:23
无线通信系统通道校准算法研究 attachment kingjhd000 2008-12-9 81767 lucatt0415 2010-1-11 15:19
[原创] Ei检索的中文“IEEE互联网技术与应用国际会议”iTAP2010 golegoo 2010-1-11 01423 golegoo 2010-1-11 09:12
通信系统仿真原理与无线应用(英文版) attachment  ...23 zyh1127 2008-12-18 223086 linkin8834 2010-1-11 02:32
[资料] 2009年4G新书《Radio Technologies and Concepts for IMT-Advanced》 attachment beyondman 2010-1-10 32924 lucatt0415 2010-1-10 20:29
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