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DTV数字电视专业术语 attachment ylx1982504 2008-1-31 31954 hnulht789 2012-7-2 17:35
IPTV 标准文档 attachment  ...23 fenxiang 2009-8-5 208504 hnulht789 2012-7-2 12:26
] tv专业书籍 attachment  ...2 water634 2007-12-4 184150 hnulht789 2012-7-2 12:23
HDTV入门 attachment  ...23 zkr4 2006-11-1 206066 hnulht789 2012-7-2 12:22
PWM原理简介 attachment  ...2345 ccx23 2009-4-22 498595 kaifu 2012-7-2 10:08
130 万像素CMOS 数码相机的设计 attachment  ...2 apex_ch 2008-10-20 143222 cc1405 2012-6-28 21:03
悬赏 [求助] 求 SMPTE RP 165-1994 Error Detection - [悬赏 20 信元资产] 645609938JOLLY 2010-4-14 32498 Lecky 2012-6-27 08:57
视频输出电路全解析,欢迎提意见 attachment  ...2345 heshunlg 2008-7-5 4810507 adan001 2012-6-26 12:44
DVB-T the COFDM-based system for terrestrial television attachment  ...2 sd073 2009-10-9 143193 scochen 2012-6-26 00:27
[原创] 求助:音视频解析 hy777 2012-6-20 01420 hy777 2012-6-20 16:11
[原创] 求VIDEO 解码中文 hy777 2012-6-20 01820 hy777 2012-6-20 15:53
Wiley 2008新书——Next Generation IPTV Services and Technologies attachment  ...23456 lotusky 2008-2-14 569016 yqjykn 2012-6-15 13:33
[资料] MPEG音视频同步 attachment  ...2 alisha 2011-10-12 103082 isir99 2012-6-14 12:22
PNG Specification and Source Code attachment gjesse 2008-2-29 72077 kuailekm 2012-6-12 10:29
de VC1标准 attachment navi11 2008-4-23 53616 james_zhangwk 2012-6-10 16:54
Television and Video Technology attachment  ...23456..7 cauc_cuc 2008-1-19 639726 14425324 2012-6-8 01:31
SDRAM的原理和时序 attachment  ...2 yinzhiyong624 2008-10-9 163170 haoyachuan 2012-6-3 13:38
[讨论] RGB和YCbCr的识别问题 asyou 2012-5-31 02047 asyou 2012-5-31 17:40
dvb 第三版  ...2 mengxipeng111 2009-6-8 102653 star_ic 2012-5-30 10:22
求助:DVB-T接收端的实现方案 (资料) Heat1094 2006-12-18 82808 wangwei7572 2012-5-29 16:15
数字电视地面广播系统DVB-T之数字接收前端电路设计 attachment  ...234 cavendishhg 2007-11-8 357757 wangwei7572 2012-5-29 11:39
条件接收系统和DVB解码器其他应用的 Common Interface规范(93页,中文) attachment  ...2345 ianoic 2008-1-1 448247 bandit 2012-5-24 20:49
Teletext Tutorial attachment ccx23 2009-4-18 72238 yqjykn 2012-5-23 16:03
[原创] 最新VP8编码,比H264压缩更大,发个资料大家学习学习 xlun1015 2012-5-22 01981 xlun1015 2012-5-22 16:05
tuner控制芯片 attachment  ...23 seeding 2007-3-21 215824 xlun1015 2012-5-22 14:45
HDMI_Spec_1 4 attachment  ...23 daniellu321 2009-8-20 285536 just_kevin 2012-5-22 10:00
[求助] 谁有hd-sdi的splitter方案或者相关芯片。 happy_rain 2011-6-3 12551 morita1918 2012-5-21 19:04
VC-1 over MPEG-2 TS / RTP attachment litoral 2009-6-14 33075 zylin614 2012-5-21 15:37
谁有中星微301P芯片外特性详细资料 gxh 2005-8-13 63823 buildgates 2012-5-20 22:34
i2c入门  ...2 lutu1025 2006-10-18 113975 微尘770021 2012-5-17 16:24
anyone to share Cosmosscope 2007 and lic for linux?  ...2 zibra 2008-7-27 164321 chenhong-pc 2012-5-10 17:00
运用递归算法实现共用的MDCT和IMDCT结构.pdf attachment sh365 2008-11-5 82715 daojianxiaohyf 2012-5-7 21:00
[资料] VC-1 Compressed Video Bitstream Format and Decoding Process attachment joywst 2011-5-19 42683 lucutz 2012-5-6 13:34
一种IMDCT与逆量化快速算法.pdf attachment sh365 2008-11-5 92573 daojianxiaohyf 2012-5-5 10:55
[原创] 做过机顶盒的联系一下,看看能否合作个项目 laolv 2012-5-4 01593 laolv 2012-5-4 16:40
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