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EDA资源使用讨论 今日: 37 |主题: 25044|排名: 3 

Catapult C Synthesis (2010_a_198)保证安装成功 attach_img  ...23456..8 yxxjtu 2012-9-22 7524856 txmuvf 2024-1-31 15:04
V1$ualElite attachment  ...2345 足球运动员 2012-5-2 4511946 zywtttt 2024-1-31 10:19
找Visual HDL for Verilog6.7 license wangyuhn 2007-6-6 63467 zywttt 2024-1-31 09:01
Mentor Visual Elite attachment ostora2 2012-7-22 95897 tracy6969 2024-1-31 08:58
vcs2017.12 attachment  ...23456..8 hbhdzyj 2019-10-23 7625290 cmmjava 2024-1-30 15:41
[求助】已解决 bluestatic123 2024-1-27 3956 young9999 2024-1-30 14:14
cal 2022 cpu调用问题 attach_img cxy03791695766 2024-1-30 0680 cxy03791695766 2024-1-30 10:19
RealVNC 7 Linux attachment  ...2 JoshuaWind 2023-12-8 142209 laonan007 2024-1-30 08:56
[Windows]Cadence Allegro and OrCAD v22.10.000 - [阅读权限 50]attach_img  ...23456..19 TerraWilly 2022-10-15 184810 aoltw 2024-1-29 17:32
S-C-L-2022-12 attach_img  ...23 cloudy1230 2022-12-9 235556 j_smt 2024-1-29 17:31
请问如何制作VENDOR_STRING随feature变化的lic? cqmyg5 2024-1-27 3879 a520520 2024-1-29 17:19
QEMU安装Solaris 8 SPARRC版本系统 attachment  ...2 唐源 2022-8-22 144199 tracy6969 2024-1-29 14:51
IC617.721hotfix安装完成及两个警告的处理 attach_img  ...23 hongmy 2018-8-25 2016367 uptorich 2024-1-29 11:13
[Windows]PCB footprint Expert Enterprise 23.13 attachment  ...23 TerraWilly 2023-11-4 202778 puke7381 2024-1-29 09:52
CoWare+Processor+Designer+v2010.1+Win32 attachment  ...23456..9 shang91 2012-5-17 8921080 cmmjava 2024-1-29 02:00
run Calibre PERC 問題 wiwi111 2018-8-31 64260 tracy6969 2024-1-28 23:40
求助,我想知道Sentaurus中单粒子效应中这个方向是什么意思 attach_img 65666350 2019-2-24 31960 tracy6969 2024-1-28 23:39
版图drc出现这个错是啥原因欸 wyjly 2024-1-27 3716 tracy6969 2024-1-28 23:37
求CoWare LISATek安装后的文件解密德密钥  ...2 jiancongwoo 2007-10-18 167945 tracy6969 2024-1-28 23:35
Coware Processor Designer V2010.1.0 (win) license till 2016 - [阅读权限 2]attach_img  ...2 milosky 2014-9-14 11262 tracy6969 2024-1-28 23:34
Coware Processor Designer V2010.1.0 (win) 100% working crack attachment  ...23456..7 ald_syn_cad 2012-6-10 6322584 tracy6969 2024-1-28 23:33
the designers guide to spice and spectre非扫描版本 attachment  ...234 qq459860160 2018-5-13 3914077 零点61吧 2024-1-28 18:17
win10x64下安装Identify无法启动 cxq1846 2024-1-28 0538 cxq1846 2024-1-28 14:00
R3D 跑不了,帮忙看看 attach_img mixsignal 2024-1-25 3917 mixsignal 2024-1-28 13:51
有没有ansoftlinks 能与cadence16.5连接的 attach_img  ...23456..10 tianjie 2013-1-25 9224261 wqhsky 2024-1-28 13:44
悬赏 keysight vsa 89600 2020 patch - [悬赏 1000 信元资产] bob-yang 2021-2-20 42455 yuhuaz 2024-1-27 19:35
培训课的电路图 attach_img tumudashu 2024-1-27 1923 pretty_hh 2024-1-27 11:38
Verdi 2019,2018 字体设置无效  ...2 lover2012 2020-12-19 137630 fullxin 2024-1-27 11:20
工艺库 tumudashu 2024-1-20 2999 tumudashu 2024-1-27 11:01
寻t$22 ull 工艺资源 - [阅读权限 255] ether_king 2024-1-27 3801 Beninggg 2024-1-27 08:50
vcs training tutorial  ...2 wkk666 2018-2-6 123401 Ryggeor 2024-1-27 05:28
模拟射频芯片电路交流 attachment  ...2 zhangsh2014 2023-8-30 132000 zhangsh2014 2024-1-26 22:21
求一个ADS 2009版本后使用的PDK tsmc的工艺库 新人帖 rhy4588 2024-1-26 0621 rhy4588 2024-1-26 20:08
Systems Design and the 8051 attachment  ...2 johnhsu 2012-8-16 143909 tracy6969 2024-1-26 17:41
modelsim altera 6.6d 破解 attachment  ...2 oomusou 2013-3-6 133612 xqj8595 2024-1-26 16:10
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