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[资料] 《Linux命令、编辑器与shell编程(第2版)》 - [阅读权限 11]attachment tigerjade 2013-5-19 5286 upsingmen 2023-10-13 11:29
[资料] perl实例精解 attachment  ...234 、窝里康 2016-8-29 3310116 wudongfengfei 2023-10-11 15:36
[资料] cracked uex (ultraedit linux) 3.0 for rhel 5.0 ~ 6.1, with license and password xin_ming_wang 2012-5-8 34587 yl5495 2023-10-9 14:37
[资料] Learning Pandas attachment  ...2 nicolast86 2017-10-11 174751 joeyang 2023-10-8 09:15
[资料] 提取layout里label的坐标。 attachment  ...23456..7 abc81978 2013-9-10 6120601 joeyang 2023-10-7 18:52
[原创] Skill版本的俄罗斯方块游戏 attach_img  ...2345 xuhongwei 2014-10-4 4517176 joeyang 2023-10-7 18:49
[资料] Classic Shell Scripting attachment  ...2 techo 2019-7-23 112673 sutaotao2001 2023-10-3 04:40
[资料] skill manual集合!!!! attachment  ...23 rick_chen 2020-10-25 227315 linchun 2023-9-25 16:41
[资料] 分享cadence skill files attachment  ...23456..19 se3526 2012-10-4 18649226 linchun 2023-9-25 16:14
[求助] 求助 想写个ERC rule去check via missing 莫得感情layout 2023-6-26 4990 Koizon 2023-9-19 15:20
[原创] Perl 5教程,中文版 attachment barry1 2011-12-26 53106 aszx 2023-9-17 21:38
[原创] 3ds MAXScript 脚本语言 完全自学手册 attachment 艾艾小阳 2021-4-12 22220 aszx 2023-9-17 21:36
[原创] SKILL Lauguage User Guide skill语言使用手册部分翻译 新人帖 attachment  ...2 西瓜芽 2021-4-29 185844 aszx 2023-9-17 21:33
[资料] Perl在IC设计中的应用PDF attachment  ...23456..36 xjg@hmes 2012-8-15 35755245 JAYCHOUFX 2023-9-14 14:04
[原创] perl中文视频教程 shengyepeng10 2012-9-13 54294 lil137 2023-9-14 11:04
[资料] csh资料-linux脚本资料 attach_img zpalwaysyoung 2022-12-24 81863 lil137 2023-9-14 10:56
[资料] Python语言入门 attach_img  ...23456..8 s98006368 2020-2-3 7316564 auch0311 2023-9-14 08:57
[资料] Learning Perl, 8th ed @2021 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-18 132200 869053983 2023-9-12 09:58
[原创] TCL_TK大全 attachment  ...2 azhe5587 2012-3-31 185517 loongsky 2023-9-12 06:02
[资料] UNIX Shells by Example attachment ID2007 2012-11-24 73315 hendrix.zhai 2023-9-11 23:32
[求助] 如何设置Layout和Schematic打开的窗口大小 attach_img WangTT。 2023-8-31 31056 光非 2023-9-1 10:08
[原创] IC设计python attachment  ...23456..7 鸿奕 2022-7-27 667588 可乐儿l 2023-8-25 15:02
[资料] Linux 101 Hacks 与 Sed and Awk 101 Hacks attachment  ...2 ID2007 2012-11-24 157247 amazingh 2023-8-24 12:47
[资料] UNIX.shell范例精解(第4版)_code attachment  ...23 bobo1982 2012-8-8 227128 amazingh 2023-8-24 12:43
[资料] perl python debug and snippet attachment lancerone 2022-6-29 11512 LuckyCoCo 2023-8-23 10:49
[原创] 分享一个这几天写的copy任意下层的label到当前层的skill script attachment 着着着火了 2023-3-17 21692 着着着火了 2023-8-22 14:00
[资料] python学习资料 attachment Gavin-35 2023-8-6 2933 daxiang2008x 2023-8-17 20:07
[资料] 一个超有用的Linux命令表 attachment  ...23456..7 jiayong1913 2013-12-7 6215333 koujian 2023-8-16 17:24
[资料] perl学习扎记 attachment  ...23 hlr1993 2017-2-26 277553 stefenxp 2023-8-16 09:21
[资料] vim 101 hack 中文版 attachment  ...2 movit 2021-3-30 194498 honyccoo 2023-8-11 15:01
[求助] 关于去线头的脚本的求助 wangxu19950704 2023-8-1 4867 wangxu19950704 2023-8-10 21:20
[资料] perl语音资料 attachment mrhe1982 2023-8-10 1729 zzxxddasic 2023-8-10 10:47
[求助] 求助pcell skill语法表达 attach_img  ...2 lq8585 2018-6-29 136151 comet719 2023-8-9 11:40
[求助] 脚本怎么描述?用什么语言写比较合适? tanchunaming12 2023-8-5 1711 hzyf 2023-8-5 16:28
[求助] 两条相交的path线,框选他们相交的区域就能获取这两条线的bBox? 墨染-001 2023-8-2 0730 墨染-001 2023-8-2 09:48
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