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DSP资料区 今日: 3 |主题: 4689|排名: 43 

版主: cjsb37, thyears
[原创] ADSP TS20XS系列DSP原理与应用设计 attachment  ...234 A1985 2010-5-22 398057 szdgsz 2018-2-27 09:46
[原创] AP2001 inverter attachment orinzhu 2007-3-2 23017 sunil4u 2018-2-3 19:29
[原创] [下载]The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing 4 attachment kongleelk 2007-6-2 52396 opqfeixue 2018-1-30 13:03
[原创] DSP BF561 资料,从事DSP BF561必看 attachment flykeep 2010-6-20 32151 mazalet 2018-1-22 20:19
[原创] Distant Speech Recognition attachment li.hacker000 2010-10-5 92940 caltech_usa 2018-1-18 20:02
[原创] DSP设计:是选serial EEPROM还是Flash memory? haichao 2006-4-25 617258 tingtingma0109 2017-12-22 10:02
[原创] DSP经典书籍之《TMS320LF240x DSP C语言开发应用 》(PDF版)绝对经典!!! attachment  ...23456..41 hushubing 2008-11-3 40249782 hunteree 2017-12-20 20:16
[原创] Debussy-54v9-NT.exe 全部( 9) attachment  ...23456..15 icstroller 2009-3-16 14920589 planet1997 2017-12-13 09:20
[原创] ADSP21060的特性及应用 attachment jlfeieee 2011-4-26 41793 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 15:31
[资料] 基于blackfin531的嵌入式系统介绍 attachment dl_flyer 2010-4-23 21867 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 14:55
[原创] Blackfin处理器硬件设计注意事项 attachment zjllh 2010-1-7 31674 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 14:51
[原创] tigersharc内核加载原理 attachment ecnuapple 2010-1-5 22032 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 14:49
[原创] dsp视频教程 attachment  ...2 tuohang 2009-9-19 144050 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 14:34
[原创] ADI的ADSP技术资料 attachment  ...234 tencys 2009-9-5 366450 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 14:32
[原创] ADI Blackfin Lockbox Example attachment skyplayer 2009-3-16 11575 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 14:22
[原创] Visual DSP++学习帮手 attachment  ...234 yokei 2009-3-12 354689 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 14:21
ADSP-BF561中文手册 attachment  ...2 haiwuxin 2008-11-27 105964 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 14:15
[原创] ADSP-TS201 TigerSHARC Processor Programming Reference,ts201_pgr.rar attachment  ...2 wukui1512 2008-12-5 129909 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 14:14
[原创] ADI DSP 的jtag下载线电路图 attachment  ...2 nethunter 2008-10-6 146120 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 14:11
[原创] ADSP 21XX系列 原理 attachment hsy669 2008-8-28 13108 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 14:09
[原创] ADSP 21XX系列应用手册 attachment hsy669 2008-8-27 72379 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 14:07
[原创] ADI SHARC_DSP(西安电字科技大学讲义,全书word格式) attachment  ...2345 liuersa 2008-4-27 418605 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 13:49
用ADi 的blackfin 533 和561进行视频处理的关键模块参考代码 attachment  ...2 xameur 2008-4-21 133912 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 13:44
[原创] 基于DSP的最小图像采集处理系统设计 attachment  ...2 a82487608 2007-12-14 124058 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 11:04
[原创] 哪位有ADSP MP3定点? 附相关包 attachment chinomango 2007-11-26 32088 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 11:03
[原创] blackfin audio captuer attachment 浩瀚海洋 2007-11-24 21605 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 11:02
[原创] blackfin 开发电路参考图 attachment  ...2 浩瀚海洋 2007-11-24 154683 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 11:01
[原创] ZSP400 DSP的资料 attachment zy9914202 2007-11-2 97742 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 11:00
[原创] 西安电子科技大学 SHARC系列 的资料 attachment  ...2 xiayewei123 2007-10-24 113492 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 10:58
[原创] Blackfin在线培训课程(PDF) attachment  ...2 jhx0302 2007-9-25 104007 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 10:56
[原创] ADI blackfin DSP培训资料(独家推出,绝对超值) attachment  ...23456..14 doctorsuo 2007-7-11 13024180 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 10:51
[原创] DSPs硬件开发 attachment  ...2 xiaoqian0501 2007-6-27 143948 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 10:51
[原创] SHARC_DSP attachment playbaywo 2007-5-22 86201 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 10:47
[原创] ADI DSP Design Book attachment  ...2345 ypshen 2007-1-20 427258 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 10:35
[原创] Blankfin中文资料!不错,可以看看! attachment  ...2 月光如水 2006-11-20 114494 bjsuperpower 2017-12-12 10:25
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