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电子工程术语与定义列表 attachment zqs0394 2009-4-8 61628 lcl6000 2009-5-7 12:08
english song8 attachment funny2055 2009-3-27 64831 tks15 2009-5-6 18:43
经典再现-新概念资料完美精华版 attachment 小哥1900 2009-4-13 52078 tks15 2009-5-6 15:49
自动化专业英语4 attachment xiaomage2007 2007-12-31 52118 tks15 2009-5-6 15:29
Enjoy Writing Your Science Thesis Or Dissertation!.pdf sort 2009-4-28 21734 小哥1900 2009-5-6 14:31
hot spot region 是什么区呢? melectronic 2008-7-31 42880 tks15 2009-5-6 13:34
对英语写作发愁的兄弟有福了。。 attachment  ...234 study007 2008-10-3 367090 lishyg 2009-5-6 06:49
王强英语 attachment sndong 2009-4-28 41855 tks15 2009-5-6 03:43
给大家推荐的英语网站  ...23 FrankSweet 2008-7-5 244279 tks15 2009-5-6 03:35
The ACS Style Guide Effective Communication of Scientific Information attachment sort 2009-4-28 12330 tks15 2009-5-6 03:26
Writing a Scientific Paper_ I. Titles and AbstractsThrower_Peter_A attachment sort 2009-4-28 11656 tks15 2009-5-6 03:25
Focusing on your Central Message attachment sort 2009-4-28 11727 tks15 2009-5-6 03:15
TipsForWritingPapers. attachment sort 2009-4-28 31654 tks15 2009-5-6 03:13
一个很好的听力学习网站  ...2 mimeng 2009-4-2 144435 tks15 2009-5-5 19:47
slice怎么翻译 hrbww 2009-4-30 42405 tks15 2009-5-5 19:36
动感英语笔记---free attachment  ...2 lcxxcl 2009-3-19 102756 tks15 2009-5-5 19:22
Fourteen Steps to Writing an Effective Discussion Section attachment sort 2009-4-28 52253 一朵小花 2009-5-5 19:15
Eight Steps to Developing an Effective Outline attachment sort 2009-4-28 51970 tks15 2009-5-5 19:12
请哪位大侠发点有关toeic的资料万分感谢 ns2wei 2009-5-2 41677 to6qiang1 2009-5-5 17:43
求科技英语词典 zeng07 2009-4-22 12217 ZW04043007 2009-4-24 11:32
一直不知道profile翻译成什么好  ...2 tommy999 2009-4-16 1110578 zcrack 2009-4-23 21:34
嵌入式系统词汇表 attachment hftree 2009-4-21 12298 fingjjjjjj 2009-4-21 14:05
decrum什么意思? ssxjy 2009-4-20 01829 ssxjy 2009-4-20 16:01
简明英汉电子术语词典 attachment zqs0394 2009-4-8 53643 iso9007 2009-4-16 00:24
American Idioms3 attachment funny2055 2009-3-27 31727 cartman 2009-4-15 23:25
铸造英语 attachment xfzcgzs 2009-4-12 11658 meeda 2009-4-14 09:26
农业绿色科技 attachment zhanyh 2009-4-13 01613 zhanyh 2009-4-13 00:20
英语谚语之一 lantian5435 2009-4-11 12190 hongzhipeng 2009-4-11 15:59
escape sequence如何翻译? cannyhor 2009-4-8 22075 henryli 2009-4-11 11:59
人生真谛英语演讲--Wear Sunscreen attachment  ...2 forlvoe 2008-9-3 154684 essmp 2009-4-6 19:45
野性的呼唤牛津英汉对照读物.chm attachment zhongguodachuan 2009-2-8 72324 essmp 2009-4-6 19:38
英语中的陷阱 attachment weizai 2009-2-25 11782 essmp 2009-4-6 19:27
Essential American Idioms Dictionary 101-150 attachment funny2055 2009-3-22 12018 essmp 2009-4-6 18:11
LSAC的官方模拟试题.pdf attachment  ...2 zjnixuan 2008-7-18 172959 wxwhh 2009-4-4 09:41
请教这句怎么样译? szliuguyin 2009-4-1 12611 qrst238 2009-4-3 11:31
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