回复 1#naonaoli
The period of time required to place a Symbol on a Lane (10 times the Unit Interval when using 8b/10b encoding and 8 times the Unit Interval when using 128b/130b encoding). 所以说G1/G2 是8xUI, G3/G4是10xUI
Unit Interval, UI Given a data stream of a repeating pattern of alternating 1 and 0 values, the Unit Interval is the value measured by averaging the time interval between voltage transitions, over a time interval long enough to make all intentional frequency modulation of the source clock negligible.
G1 跑在2.5G,所以UI=0.4ns
G2 5G 0.2ns
G3 8G 0.125ns
G4 16G 0.0625ns