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cppsim是MIT牛人perrot弄的一个用于系统建模的图形化套件,可以对dsm fraction-N频率综合器进行建模,环路仿真和各模块噪声贡献的计算,该套件包含以下几个模块
1) Sue2: a free, open source, schematic capture program that is easy to use and has a similar look and feel as Cadence Composer,
2) CppSimView: a free waveform viewer that allows easy plotting of signals produced by CppSim,
3) CppSim classes: free, open source, C++ classes to allow easy implementation of common system blocks such as filters, noise generators, and PLL/DLL blocks that leverage the techniques described in “Fast and Accurate Behavioral Simulation of Fractional-N Synthesizers and other PLL/DLL Circuits”, M.H. Perrott, DAC, 2002.
4) CppSim net2code function: free (but not open source) executable routine that plays a central role of CppSim as it produces C++ simulation code from a netlist and module descriptions,
5) Hspice Toolbox for Matlab: a free, open source set of Matlab routines to allow straightforward access to both Hspice and CppSim simulation results within Matlab,
6) MinGW C++ compiler: a free GNU-based C++ compiler used by CppSim to automatically compile the simulation code it produces,
7) MSYS: a free set of routines that allow use of the “make” facility to compile C++ code,
8) Emacs: a free, open source, text editor that is especially convenient for writing C++ code,
9) PLL Design Assistant: a free (but not open source) design tool that allows straightforward design of phase locked loops and other closed loop systems at the transfer function level.
10) Verilator: a free, open source tool written by Wilson Snyder to translate synthesizable Verilog code into a C++ class.
11) GTKWave: a free, open source waveform viewer for viewing digital (and analog) signals
stored within LXT (and other) files.
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